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  • The Ordinance Of Holy Communion

    Contributed by Ed Warfield on Mar 1, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    Communion is more than a religious tradition. It is a gateway into the presence of God. It holds the promise of cleansing, healing, intimacy and fellowship.

    The Ordinance of Holy Communion Intro.: Why do we celebrate communion? Is it just to remember the Lord? Does this ancient tradition have any real significance in today’s church? First shadow of communion: Gen. 14:18, And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and more

  • Children Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Mar 12, 2010

    The life of Abraham shows that justification is by faith, not by works.

    [To receive free sermons by email weekly, please contact] FOOLISH GALATIANS Have you ever done something really foolish? “You foolish Galatians!” The Galatians weren’t stupid. But they were acting foolishly. He calls them “foolish” twice (vv. 1, more

  • Five Smooth Stones (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on May 27, 2012

    Focus on giants, you stumble Focus on God, and your giants tumble

    1 Samuel 17:40-Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near to the Philistine. Gaints that we face inside of more

  • Why Works Won't Work Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 24, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Paul stresses the foolishness of trying to get into heaven by our own efforts

    WHY WORKS WON”T WORK Romans 4:1-15 Old story of frog that jumped in a bucket of milk. Instead of just giving up the frog began to swim and swim and swim. The frog swam so much that the milk turned to butter and the frog hopped out of the bucket. Great story about working so had that you more

  • God Turns Bad Things Into Good

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Mar 11, 2018

    A study in the book of Exodus 6: 1 – 30

    Exodus 6: 1 – 30 God turns bad things into good 6 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh. For with a strong hand he will let them go, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land.” 2 And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the LORD. 3 I more

  • Why Works Won't Work(2013) Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Nov 7, 2013

    A deeper look at the issue of Justification by Faith: Theological explanation in chapter 3:21-31. Chapter 4 Paul gives us a practical example out of the OT: Abraham and David

    Old story of frog that jumped in a bucket of milk. Instead of just giving up the frog began to swim and swim and swim. The frog swam so much that the milk turned to butter and the frog hopped out of the bucket. Great story about working so had that you eventually get to where you want to go. more

  • The Fantastic Blessings Of Faith In God Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Oct 23, 2020

    The fantastic blessings of faith in God: 1. Faith gives us the goodness of God (vs. 1-16). 2. Faith gives us amazing answers to our prayers (vs. 16-22). 3. Faith gives us a home in Heaven (vs. 17, 23-25).

    The Fantastic Blessings of Faith in God The Book of Romans Romans 4:1-25; Hebrews 11:1 (Initial reading: Romans 4:1-8) Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - May 1, 2016 (Revised October 23, 2020) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Romans 4. In the last chapter, God's Word more

  • Being Content As A Status Quo Christian Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Aug 5, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    This message, though, not part of the mini-series on marriage builds from a principle revealed in that series - "We do not know what God is going to do". Hence, we need to look at where we are as an opportunity, not a stepping stone

    Being Content as a Status Quo Christian 1 Corinthians 7:17-24 1 Corinthians 7:16-24 (NIV) 1Co 16 How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? 17 Nevertheless, each one should retain the place in life that the Lord more

  • Romans Chapter 1(A) What Is This Call Of God? Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Mar 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What is the call of God and who are the called?

    Dakota Community Church January 18, 2009 pm Romans – Chapter 1(a) Read Romans 1 Romans 1:1, 5-7 1Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God—…5Through him and for his name’s sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the more

  • Nailing Down The Christian Life Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Nov 14, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Paul calls us to allow Christ to nail down the lose parts of our life so we can be more effective for Jesus

    Nailing Down the Christian Life Colossians 3:5-11 April 29, 2007 Morning Service This message was adapted from materials in SpringLife disrtibuted by Wesleyan Church World Headquarters Introduction Soon after Augustine’s conversion, he was walking down the street in Milan, Italy. There he more

  • Baptism 2015

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 26, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Baptism. Why do we observe the sacrament of believer baptism instead of infant baptism? Why do we celebrate the dedication of a child to God instead of baptizing them right then and there? We will attempt to answer these questions in this sermon.

    (Illustration ...) Aman lived in a country where a person’s religion was stamped on their birth certificate. His said muslim. He grew up in a muslim household. He was taken each week to the mosque. He read the koran. He kept all of the religious observances that he knew of. more

  • How Is Your Living Witness? Series

    Contributed by Leslie Tarlton on Nov 19, 2014

    How your witness, good or bad, affects the community around you.

    The Letter to the Romans Chapter 2:17-29 “How is Your Living Witness?” November 15, 2009 PRAY INTRODUCTION Play video Romans 2:17-29 Behold, thou art called a Jew, and test in the law, and make your boast in God, And know [his] will, and approve the things that are more more

  • The Passion Of David

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Jun 30, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    David was passionate for God's glory, familiar with God's faithfulness, dependant upon God's enabling, and sought to proclaim the Name of God.

    Read 1 Sam 17:26-29 The army of Israel was at war against the Philistines, but they were intimated by a giant Goliath, standing over 9 feet tall (17:4, 3 metres) • For 40 days this Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand (4:16), mocking not just Israel but more

  • Faith Is The Answer

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Aug 31, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Faith is the link that bonds us to Christ, and works, nor any other mindset or practice, can forge the bond that only faith can secure.

    FAITH IS THE ANSWER GALATIANS 3:6-14 INTRODUCTION Consider the question: 'What must I do to be saved?' Time has revealed various answers. Some think they do not need saving because they do not believe they are lost. They reject the idea of a God that we are responsible to. They do not believe in more

  • I Cleaned Our Windows

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Oct 17, 2011

    A sermon on Romans 2. Designed to be a brief overview of Chapter 2. (Material adapted from WIERSBE’S EXPOSITORY OUTLINES ON THE NEW TESTAMENT and Dr. Jack Cottrell's commentary on Romans)

    HoHum: A woman looked out of her window every morning and commented on the dirty laundry on her neighbor’s line. One day she noticed it was sparkling clean: “Maybe she’s using a new detergent,” she said. “No,” said her husband, “I got up early and more

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