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  • Blessed Are The Peacemakers Series

    Contributed by Samuel Stone on Oct 13, 2007

    Seventh of the Eight Milestones on the Journey of the Fruitful Followers.

    “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 So far we have been the fruit of Jesus Christ—the Peacemaker. He has brought peace between God and us, and he has taught us to live in peace with one another by loving one another. However, at this stage, we more

  • A Life Of Blessing Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Oct 15, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    When life is difficult, think about the amazing blessings that are yours because of Christ and thank Him.

    Remember: The original readers of 1 Peter were facing persecution. The Big Idea: When life is difficult, THINK about the amazing blessings that are yours because of Christ and THANK Him. 1. There is nothing more important that our RESPONSE to Jesus. “As you come to him, the living more

  • The Blessings Of Grace

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Oct 30, 2007
    based on 124 ratings

    How many times do we take God’s Grace for granted. Do we really know how amazing it is?

    The Blessings of Grace – 28th October 2007 pm The story is told of a young girl who left work early so she could have some uninterrupted study time right before a final exam in religion class. She studied all night. When she arrived at class in the morning everybody was cramming as much last more

  • "Blessed Are The Poor"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Oct 30, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    What does this mean for the Church in 21st Century America?

    “Blessed Are the Poor” Luke 6:20-31 By: Ken Sauer, Pastor, Grace UMC, Soddy Daisy, TN Right before our Gospel Lesson for this morning we are told beginning in verse 17 that, “[Jesus] went with them and stood on a level place. A large crowd of his disciples were more

  • Releasing The Blessing

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Nov 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Shows how to release the blessing in ones life.

    Releasing the Blessing Text: Ecc 11:1-6 Ecc 11:1-6 NKJV Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days. (2) Give a serving to seven, and also to eight, For you do not know what evil will be on the earth. (3) If the clouds are full of rain, They empty themselves upon the more

  • The Blessed Hope

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Feb 11, 2009
    based on 18 ratings

    No one can read the Bible and not believe in the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ

    The Lord’s return does not grip us quite like it did seventy-five years ago. There are not as many messages preached today as you used to here on the second coming of Christ. However, no one can read the Bible and not believe in the coming again of the Lord Jesus Christ. As someone has well said more

  • Freedom's Blessing Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 13, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This message encourages people to trust the Lord and be blessed rather than living under the curse of trying to keep the law.

    Freedom’s Blessing (Galatians 3:6-14) Tim Wilson, a pastor in Colorado, talks about his days at Fort Benning, attending the United States Army Airborne School. He and his buddies were sitting on hard wooden bleachers as they prepared for their first parachute jump. Soon they would soar hundreds more

  • Blessed Are The Meek

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on Blessed are the Meek (Taken from John Baker’s Book, Life’s Healing Choices on Choice #3)

    Sermon for 3/8/2009 Matthew 5:5- Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Introduction: A pet store delivery truck driver was traveling down the road. Every time he came to a stoplight, he would get out of the truck and grab a 2 X 4. Then he’d run to the back and start beating on more

  • Infinite Blessings

    Contributed by Richard Roberts on Jul 6, 2008
    based on 21 ratings

    Infinite Blessings of Christ are Riches that are Un-searchable, Love that passeth Knowledge, Peace passing Understanding, Grace that is Inexhaustible, Joy that is Unspeakable and A Promise that is Immense.

    Infinite Blessings Riches that are Un-searchable Ephesians 3:18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; Love that passeth Knowledge Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled more

  • Blessed Or Cursed?

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Jul 11, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Seek ye first.....

    MAT 6:25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet more

  • Preparing For Blessing

    Contributed by Don Baggett on Jul 27, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    God doesn’t intend for us to knock ourselves out in our little difficulties of life. He is well able to handle them for us. Elisha said, “This is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord.” It’s just a miracle! That’s the business God is in.

    Mesha, king of Moab owed Ahab 200,000 sheep. Ahab died and his son, Jehoram, took over. Mesha decided that since Ahab died, he shouldn’t have to pay. Jehoram, the new king of Israel, got Jehosophat, king of Judah, and the king of Edom together and went to make war against Moab. An urgent need more

  • Blessed Barabbas

    Contributed by Joseph Barraclough on Jul 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This is an sermon to show a sinner 1) the need of salvation, but also 2) the necessity of accepting the pardon that Jesus offers.

    Text: Matthew 27:21-23 “The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor said, Why, more

  • The Blessings Of Grace

    Contributed by David Mcallan on Aug 8, 2008

    Eph. 2 gives a historic overview of our situation before & after Christ. It deals with questions of our past position before God; how we were so seriously separated from Him & how we were recipients of His anger.

    Intro One time a pastor had a group of children up in front of the church to give them a children’s sermon. He was trying to make the point that money can’t buy everything. He was trying to drive home his point when he asked them, “What would you do if I said I would give you $1000 to quit loving more

  • That Blessed Tree

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Aug 14, 2008

    Our blessed hope, a trustworthy assurance, is that we will once again eat of the Tree of Life as we have been given access to the grace of God through the Tree of Grace; the Cross of Calvary. Amen.

    The Tree of Life, Genesis 2:9 Revelation 22:1-7 Introduction One evening a woman was driving home when she noticed a huge truck behind her that was driving uncomfortably close. She stepped on the gas to gain some distance from the truck, but when she sped up the truck did too. The faster she drove more

  • Crumbs Of Blessing

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Aug 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at what occurs when we faithfully and fervently seek Jesus with our petitions.

    Crumbs of Blessing 17-Aug-08 Bethel UMC – 9:30 AM; Brooks Chapel UMC – 11:00 AM Matthew 15.21-28 Wednesday evening, the youth group met at Bethel. Since Amber had a previous engagement, she had asked if I could do their lesson for that night. I gladly said yes, and when I showed up on the day more

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