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  • Twelve Years Of Suffering, And Twelve Years Of Life

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 2, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    A woman healed, a child raised from the dead. Application.

    TWELVE YEARS OF SUFFERING, AND TWELVE YEARS OF LIFE. Mark 5:21-43. In this particular section Mark presents us with a ‘story within a story’ – and, as you might expect with such a literary device, there are both similarities and dissimilarities. First of all, we have the not unusual picture of more

  • How Long Is Twelve Years?

    Contributed by Alvan Lewis on May 6, 2020

    An overview of how trouble often brings people to Jesus as well as how flexible Jesus was in reaching out to heal the sick.

    How Long Is Twelve Years? That depends on what has happened during those 12 years. If in 2008 you welcomed a new baby girl into your hearts and home, then those days you held her to your breast, those days you listened to her first garbled words, those days you watched her take her first more

  • Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time B--- Bleeding For 12 Years

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jun 24, 2021

    As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could...

    [Jail Ministry homily 13th Sunday B] Under Mosaic law, that woman was unclean all those years. Twelve years of medical treatments with no cure corroborates her once-significant financial status. Alcoholics Anonymous refers to, “the insanity of our disease.” i.e. an impaired ability to stop or more

  • Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year B- Reach Out And Touch Him!

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on May 25, 2024

    What does it feel like to touch Jesus’ clothes? What does it feel like to have power come out from you?

    Our Gospel today is about two people who came to Jesus for help with a medical problem. “My left arm hurt me,” said a senior citizen, “and so did my right foot, my neck and my back. Then I went to the doctor and he tapped my knee with a little hammer.” “So how are you now?” asked a friend. “Now more

  • Goal For 2004: To Be About My Father's Business

    Contributed by Don Schultz on Dec 26, 2003
    based on 108 ratings

    The twelve year old Jesus gives us a New Year’s resolution to strive for in 2004

    Luke 2:41-52 NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION: TO BE ABOUT MY FATHER’S BUSINESS We have come to that time in the year again when people are talking about New Year’s Resolutions. Have you made any yet, for the year ahead? Where did that tradition come from anyway, making New Year’s Resolutions? It more

  • #15~ Twelve~ Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jan 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    TWELVE is one of the four perfect numbers, TWELVE is the number that denotes GOVERNMENTAL PERFECTION. "TWELVE" is found 211 times in our KJ Bible.

    #15~ TWELVE~ BIBLE NUMBER MEANINGS 1-28-12 If you'll remember last week I pointed out that TWELVE was one of the four perfect numbers, TWELVE is the number that denotes GOVERNMENTAL PERFECTION. "TWELVE" is found 211 times in our KJ Bible. Jesus said to more

  • A Contrast In Twelves Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Aug 25, 2014

    God has an agenda for believers to grow in their trust of him.

    A Contrast in Twelves (Mark 5: 21-43) 1. There are quite a few number jokes out there. • What did the zero say to the 8? Nice belt! • Why is the number six so scared? Because seven eight nine! • What has 6 wheels and flies? A garbage truck. • 6 out of 5 people have more

  • Jairus’ Daughter Raised And A Woman With A Hemorrhage Healed Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 8, 2017

    You can see here the contrast of light and darkness. The little girl is twelve years old and the light is passing out of her life. The woman has suffered from an issue of blood for twelve years, but now she is passing from darkness into light.

    -AD 28- East Shore of Galilee Lesson: Jairus’ Daughter Raised and a Woman with a Hemorrhage Healed Matthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43, Luke 8:40-56 Matthew- 18 While he spake these things unto them, behold, there came a certain ruler, and worshipped him, saying, My daughter is even now dead: but more

  • Healing Touch Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jun 23, 2013

    For twelve years she had not known the touch of another person until one day she touched Jesus and everything changed.

    Last week we discovered a man with such faith that it caused Jesus to turn his head to the crowd and proclaim “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel.” If you remember this man was a Roman officer who understood the levels of authority. Just as Caesar had given more

  • The Dangerous Touch

    Contributed by Fred Mueller on Jun 7, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon explores the experience of the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and her dangerous, desperate, daring approach to Jesus for healing.

    Hillsborough Reformed Church at Millstone Pentecost III June 5, 2005 Matthew 9:9-13,18-26 ¡§The Dangerous Touch¡¨ Have you ever yearned for something, wanting it so much that you were willing to go beyond law and decency for it? For most of us, something we wanted that bad would have to be more

  • The Twelve Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 11, 2014

    Jesus calls the twelve disciples.

    Mar 3:13-19 And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him. 14 And he appointed twelve (whom he also named apostles) so that they might be with him and he might send them out to preach 15 and have authority to cast out demons. 16 He appointed the more

  • Twelve Ordinary Men

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jan 6, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    No one would have labeled this group "Most Likely To Succeed" in their High School Year Book. It is likely that even some of the disciples would not have chosen each other to be members of the group. We would not have selected any of them to lead ministries here in our Church.

    TITLE: TWELVE ORDINARY MEN SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 6:12-16 (There is no claim as to originality as many sources were drawn from for the development of this message. I have adapted to my style and transitions in support of the theses statement of this message) This morning we begin our walk through more

  • The Twelve Spies Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 4, 2022

    The Twelve Spies were a group of Israelite chieftains, one from each of the Twelve Tribes, who were dispatched by Moses to scout out the Land of Canaan for 40 days as a future home for the Israelite people, when the Israelites were in the wilderness.

    The Twelve Spies The Grapes of Canaan Although the spies brought back a cluster of grapes so large that it took two men to carry it (Numbers 13:23), only two of the twelve brought back a good report of the land. The Twelve Spies, as recorded in the Book of Numbers, were a group of Israelite more

  • The Mission Of The Twelve Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 12, 2014

    The twelve are commissioned and their mission is revealed.

    • Next Week, we will recognize those who have volunteered for this next year's service for the Lord in the Church. • I am asking all of you to bring a covered dish and dessert for the noon meal, and let's make it a great day. • A great day, of course, includes coconut cream more

  • The Twelve Apostles

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 8, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    The analysis of Jesus choosing the twelve apostles as set forth in Luke 6:12-16 will show us that Jesus uses ordinary people to accomplish his purposes.

    Scripture Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. He was about thirty years of age when he began his public ministry (Luke 3:23) in 28 AD. His ministry of seeking and saving the lost was primarily a ministry of teaching and healing. As Jesus carried out his itinerant ministry in Israel his more

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