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  • True Commitment

    Contributed by Michael Miles, Sr. on Nov 29, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    True commitment involves having an authentic relationship with the Lord through daily living and prayer.

    True Commitment John 13:36-38 Peter was always at the forefront of the life of Jesus. He is often the most preached about maybe because of his failings. He’s easy for us to relate to. Peter is the one who said – Thou art the Christ. The literal interpretation is – You are the Messiah, the Son of more

  • True Treasure

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 9, 2016

    If we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness – if we seek first to be in his kingdom, and if we seek first to live for his kingdom and as citizens of his kingdom, well, the rest works out.

    Matthew 6:19-34 True Treasure 6/27/10e D. Marion Clark Introduction Earlier today we presented Phil and Lisa Ryken with an original painting by artist Makoto Fujimura. On that painting the artist wrote in gold lettering the very passage we are considering tonight, up to verse part of verse 26, more

  • The True Vine Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jul 17, 2003
    based on 291 ratings

    This is the final part of a series I did on the 7 "I Am" statements of Jesus in John.

    June 29, 2003 John 15:1-8 “The True Vine” Intro I’m going to ask the ushers today to pass around some clusters of grapes. Would you be very careful to grip the clusters of grapes only by the branch, rather than by the individual grapes, and then simply pick off one grape for yourself and pass more

  • Still True

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 1, 2007

    Much has changed in 2,000 years, but the most important things are still true.

    Still True Acts 16:16-32 Sermon by Rick Crandall McClendon Baptist Church - July 25, 2007 *Mary and I had a good time visiting her family last week in West Virginia, and while we were there, we made a visit to her daddy’s grave. The cemetery moves up a beautiful, steep hill behind a little more

  • The True Anointing

    Contributed by John Oscar on Feb 26, 2017

    A sermon which teaches how the anointing is closely partnered with calling and impartation.

    The True Anointing CCCAG February 26th, 2017 Scripture: Lev 8:10-13 There is a story from about 70 years ago about a new vacuum salesman down in Tennessee. One week he was out in the rural areas selling Kirby’s and was really excited about what he thought his machine could do. His first visit more

  • It's Not True

    Contributed by Spencer Miller on Dec 28, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    You can't control what people do to you or what they say about you...but God can.

    6 In it was written, “It is reported among the nations, and Geshem also says it, that you and the Jews intend to rebel; that is why you are building the wall. And according to these reports you wish to become their king. 7 And you have also set up prophets to proclaim concerning you in Jerusalem, more

  • True Worship Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 3, 2018

    Message 7 from John covering the powerful lessons on worship taught to the woman at the well.

    Chico Alliance Church “True Worship” Introduction For several weeks now we have joined the disciples in a most intriguing journey journaled by the Apostle John. In this account of their travels, John first introduced all of the themes he would illustrate from his journeys with Jesus. John revealed more

  • True Friendship

    Contributed by Rev Mutinda Musyimi on Jun 2, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A true friend is Caring. And true friend never gives up on a friend

    Introduction The Bible is full of examples of friendships! Some were good, others not good! Here are some good ones! Abraham & God ( 2 Chron 20:7 ; Isa 41:8 ; James 2:23 ) Ruth and Naomi Ruth 1:16-17 - "But Ruth replied, 'Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, more

  • True Love Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 12, 2021

    1) The Foretelling of Heavenly Love (1 Peter 1:10-11a), 2) The Founding of Heavenly Love (1 Peter 1:11b-12a) 3) The Forthtelling of Heavenly Love (1 Peter 12b), and 4) The Fathoming of Heavenly Love (1 Peter 12c).

    1 Peter 1:10-12 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, 11 inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories.12 It more

  • True Worship

    Contributed by Rick George on Apr 19, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We discover true worship by looking at the song of the saints in Revelation 15.

    What is true worship? This question has been at the heart of some of the most horrific battles and fights among Christians throughout the centuries. In contemporary times there has been a label placed on this ongoing debate about the nature of true worship… the worship wars. And the term “wars” more

  • True Love

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Feb 19, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Topical Sermon originally given for Valentine’s Day

    I begin this morning with a true story about true love. He first saw her in Sunday school when he was six and she was just five. Many years later he would recall: "She had golden curls and beautiful blue eyes. I thought she was the most beautiful and the sweetest person on earth." They graduated more

  • The True Vine Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Our lives are beyond our control. Without help, we usually will fail to do the right thing.

    4 October 2005 The True Vine John 15:1-15:8 Introduction – Have you known the agony of not doing the right thing? Have you ever thought, “I ought to do this or that” only to forget all about it? Have you ever promised yourself that you’ll never say something or do something only to blurt it more

  • True Wisdom

    Contributed by Terry Denis on Apr 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Many people misconstrue knowledge from wisdom because these are closely related. Simply defined, knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information while wisdom is the correct application of knowledge to achieve a desired result

    Introduction. Many people misconstrue knowledge from wisdom because these are closely related. Simply defined, knowledge is the accumulation of facts and information while wisdom is the correct application of knowledge to achieve a desired result. However, a desired result can be either good or more

  • True Repentance Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Mar 15, 2022

    “Come, let us return to the Lord.” (Hosea 6:1) Jesus went to the house of many tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees saw this and asked why Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners. In that context Jesus Quotes Hosea 6:6 (found in Matthew 9:13).

    The story of the prodigal son gives us a great picture of repentance. The prodigal has messed up big time and ended up in a terrible situation, eating pig slop just to survive. That situation made him turn back to his father. But you don’t have to wind up on skid row to need repentance. A Christian more

  • True Colours

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Nov 26, 2014

    Examining the bright distinction between Holy God and fallen mankind.

    “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you more

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