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  • The True Vine PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To explore the profound truths in John 15:1-8, emphasizing our need to remain connected to God, our source of life, in order to bear fruit that glorifies Him.

    Good morning to you, brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we're going to dig deep into a powerful passage from the Gospel of John, chapter 15, verses 1-8. Now, these verses are like a three-course meal, serving us The Source of Life, The Necessity of Abiding, and The Promise of Fruitfulness. Or, more

  • True Change

    Contributed by Bob Ashcraft on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 104 ratings

    What is the secret to change? The only true change I know of is that which the Holy Spirit imparts and we must work in cooperation with Him.

    True Change  God never changes but I believe he is continually calling for change in our own lives  He is constantly molding us into the image of Christ  I have been asked many times, “What is the secret to change?”  The only true change I know of is that which the more

  • The True Vine Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Apr 8, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus gives the last of the "I AM" statements in John and explains the relationship of the True Vine and true believers. He explains the principle of abiding in Christ in order to produce God-glorifying fruit.

    The True Vine John 15:1-11 Jesus often used every day examples in His teachings and today we study the last of the “I AM” sayings of Jesus in John’s gospel, using the imagery of a vine. We read John 15:1-17 (NKJV): "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 more

  • True Beauty Series

    Contributed by Robert Fox on Feb 12, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    What is true beauty? Who has it? How do you get it? Everyone was designed by God to be extraordinarily beautiful. Student ministry powerpoint format.

    This material was originally presented to a high school audience in PowerPoint format. If you have questions or would like a copy of the original PowerPoint files, drop me an email at [Relationships – Beauty] Slide Graphic – drawing of beautiful woman – Leonardo Da more

  • True Integrity

    Contributed by Lance Ladd on Aug 14, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    viewing the integrity of Jesus

    True Integrity Matthew 22:15 IHCC 8/5/01 Cleveland Stroud had coached the Blue Collar Bulldogs for 18 years before his basketball team made it to the state championship. Stroud recalls that "it was the perfect night" when they won. "A night you dream of." He was carried around the gym on more

  • True Friendships Series

    Contributed by Peter Steinbach on Jan 24, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    In our culture we call most people we have frequent contact with "Friends." In this message of Love we'll learn what "True Friendship" is according to biblical standards.

    For those of you who weren’t here with us last week, we finished off the book of Daniel. • It was a wonderful book to teach, and I hope that all of us had our faith strengthened as a result of this book. (Elaborate) • Now this morning we’re going to start the book of Thessalonians. • And more

  • Staying True

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jul 8, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Communion meditation for May 7, 2006

    One of things that I thought about doing in my 20’s was running a marathon race. There was something appealing and challenging about running 26 plus miles. (It’s not appealing now but I did think about it.) I remember that as I ran during my college days, my endurance got better as I ran more and more

  • True Discipleship

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Sep 29, 2002
    based on 87 ratings

    True discipleship requires us to: 1. Be intentional. 2. Be Passionate. 3. Desire to be used by God.

    James Armour, my friend from England who preached here several months ago recently wrote me about a problem. One of his closest friends in the church was also the one who handled the church’s money. He was a trusted friend. They had vacationed together as families. But he embezzled the more

  • True Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Feb 14, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    True wisdom involves understanding your position before God and turning to him in repentance, asking him to restore you.

    Sermon by Camille Lang Are you wise? Who do you consider wise? What is wisdom? Here are some random wise sayings I found on the internet The older I grow the more I distrust the familiar doctrine that age brings wisdom - H.L. Mencken Men and nations behave wisely once they have more

  • True Freedom

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Mar 21, 2015

    A sermon on the importance of truth, faith, and virtue for personal and national freedom.

    The Fourth Sunday in Lent March 15, 2015 St. Andrew’s Church The Rev. M. Anthony Seel, Jr. 2 Chronicles 36:14-23 “True Freedom” As I began to think about today’s sermon, I was a bit perplexed. Some weeks, I get a clear sense of direction and I pray that God will guide my more

  • True Freedom Series

    Contributed by Matthew Stoll on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We are called to live in freedom, freedom not to live for ourselves, but freedom to follow Christ.

    What comes to your mind when I say the word "freedom?" Freedom from slavery, freedom from hunger, freedom from poverty, or freedom from tyranny? Many of us would say freedom from sin. The Bible is clear when we trust in Jesus, and believe he took our sins upon himself on the cross and died so more

  • The True Freedom

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jul 15, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    An Independence Day message.

    THE TRUE FREEDOM John 8:31-32 INTRO: Dr. Carl McIntire, noted scholar, and leader of a reformation for freedom and return to Christian principles had a saying on his radio Program, "the 20th century reformation hour". That saying was: "Freedom is everybody’s more

  • Staying True

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 16 ratings

    A look at Jude’s call to the church to remain true to what we believe.

    *Jude’s teaching here deals with scoffers and fleshly individuals at work in the last days who basically do their own thing without any regard for the things of God. *He also teaches how the believer is supposed to deal with people by being merciful, reaching out to them and helping them to more

  • All To The Glory Of God Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Aug 2, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon we examine what it means to worship God with all of our lives, or, to state it slightly differently, to show what it means to do all to the glory of God.

    Scripture For the next three Sundays, I plan to preach on the subject of worship. My purpose in delivering these messages is to help us understand what worship is and also to give a Biblical rationale for our Order of Worship. Today, however, I simply want to lay a foundation for this series on more

  • Freedom's Gospel Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 22, 2016

    If you want to be free from your sin, don't believe in a different, distorted or damned gospel. Believe in the divine Gospel that Jesus sets the believer free!

    Several years ago (December 2008), I had the opportunity to go to Belarus to teach church multiplication to young Belarussians getting ready to plant churches in various parts of the country. I had about a hundred pages of notes for the students, so I looked into translating them into Russian. more

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