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  • Paul, The Complementarian Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Feb 9, 2015

    Although detestable to many people and completely counter-cultural, God’s Word teaches that gender roles are not identical.

    Paul, the Complementarian (I Timothy 2:8-15) 1. A pastor said: “You need to join the Army of the Lord!” My friend replied, “I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Pastor.” Pastor questioned, “How come I don't see you except at Christmas and Easter?” He whispered more

  • Don't Hold Back

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Feb 14, 2015

    Prayer, fasting and tithing are little gifts we give so that God's power can fill up our weakness.

    First Sunday in Lent 2015 “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel.” These words of Jesus, recorded by St. Mark for the Church at Rome, conclude the shortest of the accounts of Christ’s forty day retreat in the wilderness near more

  • Change Series

    Contributed by Ken Sowers on Mar 24, 2014

    Levi the tax collector becomes Matthew the disciple

    Change? How? LK 5:27 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me," Jesus said to him, 28 and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Last week Shelley talked about Jesus’ authority to lead - “Peter, leave the nets more

  • Divine Alignment !!!

    Contributed by Leslie Choudhury on Jan 9, 2018

    Likewise for us when we are aligned to God's Word and Will for our lives we are in convergence. (If lines, roads, or paths converge, they move towards the same point : when we head in the same direction with God!)

    Ephesians 4:11-12King James Version (KJV) 11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: There are 2 key words in these verses (1) more

  • Why Should I Do It?

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jul 19, 2018

    Why should we humble ourselves to do menial and low level jobs for others? Because Jesus humbled himself to wash the disciles feet.

    Why Should I Do It? 7/15/2018 John 13:12-17 Acts 1:1-11 Have you ever been in a situation in which somebody asked you to do something that you really didn’t want to do it, and you even thought it was unfair for them to ask you to do it. You may have said verbally or inside your head, more

  • Stones In Heaps Of Rubbish

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on May 18, 2018

    Preparation for church revival

    STONES IN HEAPS OF RUBBISH Theme Scriptures: Nehemiah 4:1- 2 1 But it came to pass, that when Sanballat heard that we builded the wall, he was wroth, and took great indignation, and mocked the Jews. 2 And he spake before his brethren and the army of Samaria, and said, What do these feeble Jews? more

  • There Is A Power Shortage

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Feb 26, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    "the woman ought to have power on her head"

    A POWER SHORTAGE Scripture: 1 Cor. 11:1-16 Key Verse "the woman ought to have power on her head" I. THE POWER (authority) OF MEN OVER WOMEN A. "The head of the woman is man" v. 3 1. Men ought to love their wives. 2. Men ought to lead their wives. I Timothy 2:12 more

  • Baby Jesus In Jerusalem

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 14, 2019

    The Savior’s entire life built up toward His crucifixion and resurrection. He had to be the sinless Lamb of God and endorsed by the Spirit so He could redeem us because He loves us!

    Baby Jesus in Jerusalem (Luke 2:21-38) 1. Things don’t always work the way we think they should. 2. There was a man in the Persian empire that looked just like the king. When the real king was quietly assassinated, he pretended to be him and ruled for a time (Smerdis/Pseudo Smerdis). 3. Likewise, more

  • Lay It On The Basket, Throw It On The Hand Of God

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on May 30, 2012
    based on 84 ratings

    Pressured by the possibility of losing a dear child! Threat for their lives! Injustice and discrimination! Grinding poverty and hard labor! They found the answer through the basket. The basket carried by God’s hand

    LAY IT ON THE BASKET, THROW IT ON THE HAND OF GOD (Exodus 2:1-10) Pressured by the possibility of losing a dear child! Threat for their lives! Injustice and discrimination! Grinding poverty and hard labor! Those were among the great challenges that Moses’ family are facing. They found the answer more

  • David And Goliath

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Mar 12, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Any time we are facing a problem bigger than us, we are “facing our Giants.”

    DAVID AND GOLIATH 1 Samuel 17:1:54 I. DAVID’S GOLIATH VS. OUR GOLIATH a. We frequently use this story metaphorically. Any time we are facing a problem bigger than us, we are “facing our Giants.” b. David’s Goliath was tangible – a 9’9” tall man with more

  • Expending Patience Wisely

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Apr 4, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Patience is difficult for us all, but if we develop certain good habits, it makes a big difference. Often times patience simply means delaying anger or refusing to rush to a conclusion or action.

    Expending Patience Wisely 1. Someone has contrasted the good and bad of patience, “Patience: The quality you admire in the driver behind you but can’t stand in the driver who’s in front of you.” 2. Someone else illustrated patience this way: “When you're being yelled more

  • Following Jesus In Mission Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 13, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Following Jesus in Mission

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Following Jesus in Mission Luke 19:1-10 April 11, 2010 I have found that same principle in my own life. One of the biblical priorities as a pastor is making disciples - winning people and training them and then sending them out to do the same. Yet with more

  • Walking With The Greatest Part 4 Series

    Contributed by Brent Bailey on Dec 4, 2014

    We are getting into the definition of what Love is.

    REVIEW LOVE IS THE GREATEST OF ALL Because God is Love 1. the selfless promotion of others is applying GOD DIRECTLY TO THE PERSON. i. It is the one sure fire way to make sure your faith doesn’t work i. Faith doesn’t work without the selfless promotion of others…it is dependent on more

  • The Wind

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Sep 18, 2011

    Like the wind, God can be heard but not seen. He is constantly speaking, both to the Creation which He made by His Word and to people.

    The Wind JOHN 3:8 “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” The word spirit in both Hebrew and Greek means “breath” or “wind.” Both a breath of more

  • The Blessings And Benefits Of Problems (Part 6) Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Apr 18, 2013

    Let’s look at three simple, yet incredible truths that have the power to radically change our relationships in a positive way.

    The Blessings and Benefits of Problems (Part 6) Introduction: 1. We have learned that problems are a part of life. Because of the curse of sin on this earth, problems are woven into the fabric of everyday life. 2. There are many internal benefits and blessings of problems. more

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