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  • Transformation In Christ Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Sep 21, 2012

    What does it mean to be transformed by Christ?

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: September 21, 2012 Date Preached: September 23, 2012 Church: Oak Park BC (AM) FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Series: A Series In Romans Title: A Guide For Living Godly Life Text: Romans 12:1-2 ETS: Paul understood what it took to live a godly more

  • Transforming With Christ

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 24, 2016

    This sermon was preached on transfiguration Sunday and it tells us how Jesus can transform our lives if we seek and follow Him

    Transforming with Christ Luke 9:28-36 We read in the text today about Jesus and three of His closest friends, Peter, James and John having a prayer meeting on the mountaintop. Jesus took these three up the mountain with him and as he prayed a change came over him his facial expression changed and more

  • Transformed In Christ Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Sep 11, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The letter to Titus, although written to the young pastor, has much to say to the church and individual believers. Following our transformation in Christ, we have an obligation to live in a way that pleases Him and reveals His grace before others.

    Transformed in Christ Titus 3: 1-7 Although Paul’s letter to Titus was brief in comparison to some of the other letters he had written, the Apostle shared much with the young pastor. He had provided sound wisdom in regard to settling the church on a firm foundation, implementing a plan that would more

  • Transformed By Christ

    Contributed by Mark Lindsey on Aug 15, 2022

    Many people who do not know the way to salvation are kept from hearing the gospel because of the prejudice of certain believers. As God's people, we need to be renewed by Christ so we can love people as God loves people.

    “TRANSFORMED BY CHRIST” ACTS 10:24-48 This Summer, we have watched the early church grow from its birth on the Day of Pentecost when 3,000 people were saved. In Acts 4, 5,000 more people come to faith in Christ as Savior as the church enjoys its fellowship together. But, then come trouble. One more

  • Transformed By Christ Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 18, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    How should the death & resurrection of Jesus change us? The purpose of the death of Christ is to empower us live a life for Him

    2 CORINTHIANS 5:14-15 TRANSFORMED BY CHRIST [Romans 14:7-9] When Jesus was crucified on the Cross and raised again on the third day, He won the victory over sin and death. That victory has a life changing purpose for those who have truly placed their faith in Christ. How should the death more

  • The Transformation Of Christ PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 10, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the Transfiguration in Mark 9:2-9, encouraging believers to seek wisdom and guidance from God's Word and live lives that glorify Him.

    Welcome, dear family of faith. We gather together today, not as strangers, but as brothers and sisters in Christ, united by His love and grace. We come together to celebrate the Word, to find comfort in its wisdom, to seek answers within its pages, and to draw strength from its promises. We are more

  • The True Transformer--Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Aug 11, 2021

    This sermon deals with God’s desire to transform us from what we are to what God is calling us to be. God would rather transform us than sentence us to judgment.

    The True Transformer 2 Chronicles 33:1-11 August 1, 2021 2Chronicles 33:1-11 Luke 22:31-33 Mark 14:66-72 One of my favorite super heroes was Optimus Prime in the Transformer series. The transformers were these giant robots who could transform themselves to having the shape of truck, more

  • Transformation PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 10, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages transformation into Christ-likeness, pleasing God through inner change, cultivating spiritual fruits, and resisting worldly conformity.

    Welcome, dear friends! I am so glad you are here with us today. You are not here by accident. God has a purpose for you being here. He has a message He wants to whisper into your heart. We are gathered here today, not as strangers, but as a family, bound by the love of Christ. We are here to seek more

  • The Transfiguration Of Christ

    Contributed by Roger Hartline on Aug 5, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    The Transformation of Christ is not HIS changing, but his changing of us by Grace

    Trinity 8 Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Christ, 2001 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! I am going to tell you all something truly shocking this morning. We celebrate today the Solemnity of the Transfiguration of Christ, but I tell you, this is more

  • Our Spiritual Transformation

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on May 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Through Jesus Christ, we have gone from being spiritual nobodies to precious and Holy in His sight, and given the challenge to tell others of our transformation in Christ.

    OUR SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION I PET. 2:1-10 Dorn Ridge and York Manor March 27, 2011 Sent this sermon in sample sermons for tryout cd at Burtt’s Corner 2012 I. WE WERE – NOBODIES: REJECTED. 1.) Before coming to Christ we were rejected from fellowship with God because of more

  • Transformation Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Mar 26, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    When Christ saves us, He transforms even the very details of our lives.

    1. The first transformation is from lying lips to a truthful tongue. 2. The second transformation is from wrath to righteous anger. 3. The third transformation is from stealing to sharing. 4. The fourth transformation is from destructive to constructive words. 5. The fifth transformation is from more

  • Jesus Christ Is About Transformation Series

    Contributed by Clark Frailey on Apr 15, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    A sermon series on the Gospel of John.

    Jesus Christ is about Transformation Scripture: John 2:1-11 Introduction: Today as we move on in John we will learn about the first miracle of Christ. In light of healing the blind, raising the dead, and other spectacular miracles you may be asking: Pastor, why was the first miracle more

  • Transformed Into The Image Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 27, 2009
    based on 56 ratings

    This sermon looks at three catalysts that God uses to transform us. I. God Uses PEOPLE To Transform Us. II. God Uses CIRCUMSTANCES To Transform Us. III. God Uses SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES To Transform Us. (Sermon 2 in this series)

    Transformed Into The Image Of Christ Let me tell you right up front - the title of this sermon may be misleading to many of you. When I use the word “Transformed” – many of you think that being tranformed into the image of Christ is something that happens to you without any effort or input on more

  • The Transforming Power Of Christ

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Sep 4, 2013

    Teaches how Christ wants to transform us through discipleship today

    “The Transforming Power of Christ” September 8, 2012 2 Corinthians 3:17-18: “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate[a] the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with more

  • The Transformed Life In Christ

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 8, 2022

    Jesus answered the two toughest questions on identity. He asked Peter "who do people say I am?" and "who do you say I am?" The answer he gave came from a transformed life.

    The Transformed life in Christ Romans 12:1-2 Intro- Good morning to our online people, we are glad that you have joined us. I was on vacation last week and watched people at the airport while I raced around, I am convinced that many struggle with their identity. Who they are inside and out and more

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