The Transformed Life In Christ
Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 8, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus answered the two toughest questions on identity. He asked Peter "who do people say I am?" and "who do you say I am?" The answer he gave came from a transformed life.
The Transformed life in Christ
Romans 12:1-2
Intro- Good morning to our online people, we are glad that you have joined us.
I was on vacation last week and watched people at the airport while I raced around, I am convinced that many struggle with their identity. Who they are inside and out and who they want to be inside and out. It is amazing that people come in a lot of different packages.
Do you believe society spends a lot of time trying to find themselves?
Awhile ago, Madonna that well known theologian was on TV telling the world why Alex Rodriguez (A-rod) to sports fans, one of the richest man in baseball is doing a cleansing in the religion of Kabbalah to find his identity and self worth.
Kabbalah is a religion that believes that you cannot know God. You can only know what God doesn’t do. It is a negative theology of God.
A Rod is not the only one- in a day and age of everything fast, microwave, you can have anything you want, everything right now, you deserve it, you deserve a break today, have it your own way, just do it, people are searching to find themselves..
In Matthew 16:13-17
Jesus is walking with his disciples and he asks them a question.
“Who do people say that I am”? They say that you are John the Baptist, Elijah, some say Jeremiah. then Jesus said direct to Peter..” Who do you say that I am”- Peter stands up and says that “You are the Christ, the son of the living God”
That was profound! That wasn’t revealed by man, but God himself showed him that revelation
Apostle Paul acts chapter 9- The Damascus road experience
After persecuting the church,
After destroying anyone who belonged to “the way”.
Paul has a personal encounter with God! He met Jesus Christ.
I was asked while I was away in a group that was believers and non-believers if I had a chance to have lunch with three people who would they be? Jesus was at the top of the list but they wanted 3 human people-
I choose after much thought Apostle Paul and Peter and a baseball player. Apostle Paul because Jesus used him mightily to spend the gospel and put into place the things that Jesus showed him. The word of God says that Jesus showed him the mystery things that most did not understand.
The second person was Peter- Peter is more like me than I want to admit to most people- Jesus tells him that he will betray Him three times. Peter swears that he won’t and is upset that Jesus would even think that he would do such a thing. Peter fails and Jesus uses him mightily for the kingdom- I got questions at lunch Peter!
How did you pick yourself up after letting Jesus down so badly?
How did you allow the Lord to redeem you and give you a new identity because the old one stumbled so much.
Maybe you’re here this morning asking the same questions.
Wanting to get more answers.
How can I have a life changing encounter with God?
How can I change my life for the good?
Why does it seem to come easy for some, but not me?
Romans 12:1-2 read our text this morning
Paul urges us (begs us) in view of what God has done for us, the mercy that he has shown us, we are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices.
Have you wished that a certain part of your life you could change?
Is there an area of your life you aren’t satisfied with and you know that God is not pleased or satisfied with it either?
That you could be transformed…Changed by the power of God!
Transformed into a strong person when you were afraid.
Transformed into a patient person when your around a person who really irritates you.
Transformed so you can say no to a temptation when it comes up.
Jesus talks about a transformation.
He talks about how we can get from where we are in life to where God desires us to be.
He promises to help us get there.
“I beg you to give your bodies to God”
“Don’t copy the behavior of the world, but let God transform you in to a new person by Changing the way that you think.”
Paul is talking about a real transformation. Real changes to your life.
Permanent life altering change
Not like the transformer robots, they quickly change from one thing to another, and back again. two shapes, two lives.
God talks about a permanent transformation and you will be brand new.
The word transform here is the same word that we get the word metamorphosis from. Caterpillar goes into a cocoon, and come out a butterfly. It will never be a cocoon again.