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  • Arrest Series

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Mar 17, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a Maundy Thursday Sermon, part of a series calls Words of Lent and deals with the arrest!

    When we think of a big arrest today, what do we think of?... “Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do when they come for you?” (Theme from “Cops”) We think of S.W.A.T. Teams and people fleeing the scene in high speed chases. We think of cops breaking in doors and storm troopers rappelling in through more

  • Our Charge

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Apr 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    on Maundy Thursday, Jesus gave us the ultimate commandment: love one another

    John 13:1-17, 31-35 Today is Maundy Thursday, the least understood, probably least attended, and surely the most intimate of the Christian holy days. It was the time of Passover, when all Jews commemorated their escape from the Angel of Death while captives in Egypt. As we partake in our Agape more

  • His Real Presence

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Apr 10, 2020

    On Holy Thursday Jesus institutes his sacred meal and commands us to love one another

    April 9, 2020 – Maundy Thursday Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35 His Real Presence Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Tonight is Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. Normally, we more

  • The Transforming Power Of Communion: Maundy Thursday Remembering Christ's Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Maundy Thursday Communion Service - remember and reflect on the profound significance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. A time to pause and contemplate the transformative power of communion, where we partake of the bread and the cup, symbols of Christ's body and blood, given for us.

    The Transforming Power of Communion: Maundy Thursday Remembering Christ's Sacrifice Introduction: As we gather tonight for our Maundy Thursday Communion Service, we come to remember and reflect on the profound significance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It's a time to pause and more

  • Worship A Time Of Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Rickey Broach on Nov 24, 2002
    based on 47 ratings


    WORSHIP A TIME OF THANKSGIVING PSALMS 116:12 – 19 12 What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me? 13 I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD. 14 I will pay my vows unto the LORD now in the presence of all his people. 15 Precious in the sight of the more

  • "Father Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Do”

    Contributed by Timothy Proctor Sr. D. Min on Nov 24, 2002
    based on 497 ratings

    While on the cross, Jesus made seven utterances or statements. My task and purpose today is to preach on the fires of just one of those statements. " Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. Some insert are credited to A. W. Pink’s.

    Luke 23:34 “FATHER FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO” Some insert are credited to A. W. Pink’s Intro: The crucifixion procession arrived at Calvary a little before nine o’clock on Friday morning. The two thieves were fastened to their crosses and raised into place. Next the Roman more

  • The Great Example Pt. 1

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Aug 20, 2012

    Christ was always thinking of the benefit of others. When we posse the mind of Christ we will put others ahead of ourselves.I want you to serve the Kingdom by serving your kinsmen.

    The Great Example Philippians 2.6-8 Pt. 1 Maundy Service 2012 Introduction: A On the southern border of the kingdom of Cyrus, there was a chieftain named CAGULAR. 1 Anytime an attachment of Cyrus’ army came to subdue Cagular, he would quickly defeat that attachment. a After many more

  • The Battle In Gethsemane

    Contributed by Jackie Barker on Apr 3, 2013

    The true battle was fought not on Golgotha or in the tomb but in the garden....

    Jesus has had a rough week. On Sunday He rode into the city, among a people who while singing praises with their lips, had their hearts far from him. He sees Jerusalem and sobs – knowing not only their betrayal of him, but also of their ultimate destruction and devastation in years to more

  • An Innocent Man Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Apr 22, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Sermon #10 in John series dealing with Jesus’ trial before Annas (mentioned only in John)

    John’s Gospel #14 An Innocent Man CHCC: April 6, 2008 John 18:13-24 INTRODUCTION: Have you ever been accused of something when you were completely innocent? The time that stands out in my mind was a traffic ticket. Now don’t get me wrong … I’ve had plenty of traffic tickets when I was more

  • The Foolishness Of The Cross - Holy Tuesday

    Contributed by Ian Bullock on Mar 29, 2021

    A look at 1 Corinthians 1.18-31 from the lectionary for Holy Tuesday worship, and the challenge of being a 'fool' for Christ

    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen, In the letters that Paul wrote to the Church in Corinth, he always found a way to challenge them, to make them think about their faith and how they walked the path being set out before them. Through the scripture that we have just listened to more

  • In Remembrance (April 17, 2014)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 3, 2021

    All of us realize that we are not perfect and that there is humanly no way possible for us to live as if we are. But, it is perfection that we are striving for as we strive to live out all that Jesus taught us about being His disciples.

    IN REMEMBRANCE (A Maundy Thursday sermon) Text: I Corinthians 11:23-26 1 Corinthians 11:23-26  For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread:  (24)  And when he had given thanks, he more

  • As Often As You Eat This Series

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Apr 19, 2019

    Holy Communion is Jesus' meal of divine love

    March 27, 2019 - Maundy Thursday Service Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17, 31b-35 As Often as You Eat This Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Traditions. Traditions have a comfort all more

  • Where Are The Nine? Thanksgiving Sermon

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 17, 2022

    This Thursday we will be celebrating THANKSGIVING. I am glad we have a day set aside for Thanksgiving.

    DO YOU KNOW HOW THANKSGIVING DAY CAME INTO EXISTENCE? Illus: The crew of the Mayflower had set their sites to land in northern Virginia, however, things did not work out that way. The Mayflower landed at Plymouth Rock, off Cape Cod, in November 1620. Once they landed, half the ship's crew and more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by Roberta Karchner on Apr 4, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    We cannot Gather around Tables, We cannot wash feet, We cannot Touch. Maundy Thursday Service in the time of Coronavirus

    Maundy Thursday Lord, today as we gather apart, we pray for those who gather around tables at home. As we enjoy a meal, we know that in houses across the nation, families gather. Help us to feel your presence this evening, remembering the last meal you shared with your disciples. As we hear more

  • The Third Cup: [by His Grace] Our Cup Of Redemption

    Contributed by Timothy Glaze on Apr 2, 2015

    Part of a message delivered during Thursday Holy Week Service in the Bass Memorial Chapel on the campus of William Carey University.

    The Third Cup: [By His Grace] OUR CUP OF REDEMPTION Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Matthew 26:27-28 During a customary Passover more

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