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  • Sermon On The Art Of Narration

    Contributed by William Meakin on Apr 29, 2024

    Storytelling is defined as the activity of writing, telling, or reading stories.

    Edward Miller, an American-born author and illustrator of children’s books once remarked: “Stories are our primary tools of learning and teaching, the repositories of our lore and legends. They bring order into our confusing world. Think about how many times a day you use stories to pass along more

  • A Lesson In Planting Series

    Contributed by Kevin Cummins on Jun 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon looks at lessons in planting. No matter how you live your life you are sowing seeds. Your harvest is determined by what you sow.

    An old farmer was driving home from his annual trip to the city when he saw a couple of blonde tree farmers planting their crop by hand. As he had some extra time on his hands he stopped to watch, but couldn’t believe his eyes as they dug holes and filled them back in without dropping any more

  • A Holey Lifestyle Series

    Contributed by Chris Mccarthy on Jan 4, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This series is a study of the seven deadly sins contrasted with solutions found in the Beatitudes from Matthew 5. This first sermon uses the Parable of the Sower to introduce the series.

    A Holey Lifestyle Seven Sins and Solutions Preached by Chris McCarthy at Northampton Church of Christ ( on 1.2.11 *** Note to Sermon Centrists: I drew a lot of content for this sermon series from “Seven” by Jeff Cook. Read it for good measure. Isaiah 6:1 In the year that more

  • Are You Listening #6 Series

    Contributed by David Swanger on Jan 9, 2024

    Like a parent who has an important message, does our Father ever wonder if we are listening?

    Great Lessons from the Life of Christ #6 ARE YOU LISTENING (Mark 4:1-20) How many parents have taken their child’s face in their hands and asked “Are you listening to me? Do you hear what I am saying?” And how many children have completely closed out what their parents were saying, but for safety more

  • Sowing The Seed

    Contributed by Keith Butler on Aug 1, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    A look at the parable of Jesus about the word of God compared to a farmer planting seeds.

    SOWING THE SEED Matthew 13:1-10 Key Verse and Theme: “Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” (Matthew 13:8) 1. Jesus taught the people by telling them parables. Matthew 13:3 A. “Jesus taught profound theology, yet he did more

  • Fruitful Lives

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on May 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We must see ourselves as branches connected to Jesus rather than Jesus being connected to us.

    John 15: 1 – 8 Fruitful Lives Intro: When we lived in Nederland, Texas, we had some shrubs in our front flower beds that seemed to grow 6 inches overnight. I cut and cut those shrubs. The more I cut; the more they grew. Finally, I cut them to within 6 inches of the ground hoping they would more

  • To Whom It May Concern.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 24, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    Hearing the Word of God.

    TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Luke 8:1-15. When we first come to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, confessing and turning away from our sins, and worshipping God only through Him, we become members of a new family. It was so for the twelve Apostles, and for the women who provided for Jesus out of more

  • Plutonium At Iconium

    Contributed by Kent Simmons on May 22, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    The gospel message like the potential of Plutonium represents enormous power for those who will receive it.

    Sermon Notes “Plutonium at Iconium” Acts 14:1-7 Kent Simmons Scripture Passage: AC 14:1 At Iconium Paul and Barnabas went as usual into the Jewish synagogue. There they spoke so effectively that a great number of Jews and Gentiles believed. [2] But the Jews who refused to believe stirred up the more

  • Plant In Faith, Harvest In Joy

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jul 11, 2005
    based on 36 ratings

    God will bring about incredible yields when we sow our lives in faith, trust, and hope. Putting all our trust in God promises blessings beyond imagination.

    Plant in Faith, Harvest in Joy Matthew 13:1-9 July 10, 2005 I want to tell you a story about Bill and Helen, two people now well into their eighties, who have a faith that is rock solid and which serves as an example for any who come to know them. About twenty years ago, Helen was scheduled for more

  • "Falling In Love Is The Easy Part"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 10, 2008
    based on 20 ratings

    A sermon on staying in love with God.

    Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 “Falling in Love is the Easy Part” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor of Grace United Methodist Church, Soddy Daisy, TN Being a Christian is ‘messy business.’ Being a Christian may mean eating with our enemy. It may mean we have to hang out with everyone who more

  • Effective Evangelism

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Jul 3, 2012

    Certain principles has to be followed to be effective in evangelism. All that the soul winner needs is to be consistent in preaching while trusting the Lord to touch the heart of the hearers.

    EFFECTIVE EVANGELISM STUDY TEXT: Luke 8: 4-15 And a great crowd coming together, and those in each city coming to Him, He spoke by a parable: Luk 8:5 A sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, the one fell by the roadside and was trampled; and the birds of the air devoured it. more

  • "The Parables About Seeds” The Seed Is The Word Of God… We Just Sow

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 12, 2024

    The message is about our walk, our responsibility as followers of Jesus to tell His story. Jesus said the seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11). It’s the only thing that has the power to change the human heart. quotes from "Who Broke My Church" Hunter

    In Jesus Holy Name June 16, 2024 Text: Mark 4:26,30 Pentecost IV - Redeemer “The Parables About Seeds” The Seed is the Word of God… We Just Sow The message today is not about how to have peace with God not how to obtain heaven. It is more

  • The Watchful Church-Part 2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 14, 2003
    based on 23 ratings

    Part 2 of a 3-part sermon. Jesus rebuked the church in Sardis for maintaining a mere semblance of life in Christ. The church of God must exhibit a vitality inherent to life in Christ. What does a watchful church exhibit? The Watchful church exhibits...

    THE WATCHFUL CHURCH-II—Revelation 3:1-6 Jesus rebuked the church in Sardis for maintaining a mere semblance of life in Christ. The church of God must exhibit the vitality inherent to life in Christ. The church of God must exhibit more than a semblance of life in Christ. How does a church exhibit more

  • Your View Of God

    Contributed by Thomas Showalter on Jul 7, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    Do you have a proper view of God?

    Your View of God 4-30-00 A.W. Tozer in his book The Knowledge of the Holy states: “What comes to mind when we think of God is the most important thing about us.” “Left to ourselves we tend immediately to reduce God to manageable terms. We want to get Him where we can use Him, or at least know more

  • The Heresy Of Seed Faith Giving

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Apr 11, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    It is time for the Saints of God to be WARNED about heresy in the pulpit!

    2 Peter 2:1, but there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. What do you think it means to deny the Lord? Many more

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