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Sermons on the slavery of black people:

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  • Ham, Noah's Son Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 23, 2022

    The Curse of Ham is described in the Book of Genesis as imposed by the patriarch Noah upon Ham's son Canaan. It occurs in the context of Noah's drunkenness and is provoked by a shameful act committed by Noah's son Ham, who "saw the nakedness of his father."

    Ham, Noah's Son Scholars believe Ham is the youngest of Noah's three sons. Ham asks his brothers to help cover Noah when drunk and naked. According to the Table of Nations in the Book of Genesis, Ham was the second son of Noah and the father of Cush, Mizoram, Phut, and Canaan. Flavius more

  • Peter Claver--Open To Black Suffering Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Like Peter Claver, we can be means of helping others to escape the slavery of sin.

    September 5, 2011 Testimony of the Saints Labor Day I sometimes ask my students what occupation God would put on his tax return, if He had to file one. That usually brings puzzled looks until I say 45-2093, farming. God’s original occupation on earth is planting a garden. In it he put a more

  • Slavery Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Oct 3, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Christians are obligated by God's character to free those enmeshed in slavery. Among the enslaved in North America are those participating in the scourge of pornography and prostitution, which Christians must avoid and resist.

    “During those many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help. Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the more

  • Slavery

    Contributed by Michael Russell on Jan 12, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A description and defense of the Old Testament’s laws on slavery; Jesus as the one who saves us from slavery to sin

    Slavery Last week, we looked at the letter to Philemon, a letter about a slave. So this week, I thought we’d look in more depth at slavery. See, you’ll often hear this attack on the bible: the bible’s for slavery, and it’s wrong on that. So why listen to anything the bible says? If it gets more

  • The Chains Of Slavery Of Addiction Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jun 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Addiction is a destructive force that enslaves millions of people worldwide.

    Addiction is a destructive force that enslaves millions of people worldwide. While addiction is often viewed as a personal struggle, the Bible reveals a deeper spiritual dimension. Demonic influences can drive men to addiction, perpetuating a cycle of bondage and destruction. The Biblical more

  • "Slavery Anyone?"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Feb 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    What does the Bible say about "slavery?" Can one man own another man? Statement: God does not own all of you until he owns your heart! Does he?

    Title: "Slavery, Anyone?" Introduction: Does the Bible have anything to say about slavery? The other evening, my wife and I went to see the excellent film, "The Great Debaters." It is an based on a true story of a black college in Texas in 1935 that went up for the National Champions of the more

  • Voluntary Slavery Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 2, 2021

    Paul was happy to be a slave to his Master, the Lord Jesus Christ. The first thing he says in this letter to identify himself is that he is a servant of Jesus Christ. The word for servant is doulos, which is the word for slaves all through the New Testament.

    In the early days of Israel if a man got into debt and could not repay he was not sent to prison, but was allowed to become the slave of his creditor. But it was not to be a permanent situation. When the 7th year came he would be liberated and be free to be his own master again, and begin to more

  • Selling Yourself Into Slavery

    Contributed by Robert Tallent on Sep 24, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    the Gibeonanites were quick to give themselves to the Hebrews as slaves. Most people do the same thing regarding sin

    Selling Yourself into Slavery? Joshua 9:1-8 To make yourself a slave, you must give into 1. Dread & Despair vs 3 women making themselves a slave to a man that uses them men making more

  • Focus On The Black ?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 18, 2002
    based on 119 ratings

    It is much easier to criticize than to encourage. Be an encourager!

    FOCUS ON THE SPOT? Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I ponder this day, a very sad pondering: Gal. 5:7 YE DID RUN WELL; WHO DID HINDER YOU THAT YE SHOULD NOT OBEY THE TRUTH? Wish I had the answers! ? ! ? Maybe losing the focus and seeing the all the bad, negative, fault more

  • Black Roses Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jun 2, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 5 verses 1 through 30

    Isaiah 5: 1 – 30 Black Roses 1 Now let me sing to my Well-beloved. A song of my Beloved regarding His vineyard: My Well-beloved has a vineyard on a very fruitful hill. 2 He dug it up and cleared out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine. He built a tower in its midst, and also more

  • The Black Regiment Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Sep 19, 2011
    based on 125 ratings

    When America won its freedom it did so - in part - because it had a secret weapon that even the King of England feared.

    OPEN: 1776. That was the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. But did signing that declaration actually make America a free and independent nation? No. There was still a long, and costly conflict that needed to fought with THE superpower of the day. • America only had rag tag more

  • Black Sheep

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 15, 2024

    There are many out there, when they go through persecutions and problems, blame God and others and sulk, instead of searching themselves for any hidden sins, disobedience or anything else displeasing God.

    Black sheep Joshua 7:12'. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction." Friend, now listen to me, there are many out there, when they go through persecutions and problems, blame God and others and sulk, instead of searching themselves more

  • The Black Sheep

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Oct 7, 2021

    Jezebel was the stimulus that moved King Ahab to violate the Torah and turning to evil and idolatry. Something similar was happening in Thyatria. Don't let it happen in your church.

    “The Black Sheep” Rev. 2:18-29 Michael H. Koplitz This letter to the church at Thyatira is the longest of the seven letters. It’s symbolism focuses on a woman named Jezebel. I am sure that you all have heard that name before. We tend to use it today in a similar way that was used in the letter to more

  • Black Friday PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 21, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explores Jesus' sacrifice, the despair before His resurrection, and the transformative hope His resurrection offers to believers.

    Good morning, blessed family of God. What a privilege it is to gather together, to be in the house of the Lord, to share in the fellowship of believers, and to immerse ourselves in the life-giving Word of God. We find ourselves on the precipice of a profound and transformative message today, a more

  • A Slavery That Enslaves And A Slavery That Sets Free

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 1, 2003
    based on 165 ratings

    The Apostle Paul makes it clear that all men are slaves, spiritually, either of sin to abject bondage or of righteousness to untold blessing.

    A SLAVERY THAT ENSLAVES AND A SLAVERY THAT SETS FREE “Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? But thanks be to God that though you more