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  • When God’s Fire Falls

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Aug 15, 2022

    Several months back I taught about our need for revival, “Revival Required.” This Sunday, I’d like to expand on that message, as we look at biblical history and how God would deliver his people by sending “holy fire,” to revive and deliver them.

    When God’s Fire Falls Watch: John Whitehead, president, and founder of the Rutherford Institute said, “If there isn’t a revival in this country of some sort … we’re moving toward a state that would be very much like pagan Rome.” There’s a more

  • Not Our Way, But God’s Way

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Aug 22, 2022
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    Though the Lord had led them out of perilous situations, and taken care of all their needs, the Israelites were still hesitant to trust in the Lord wholeheartedly. While Moses kept the promise of God at the forefront the people kept themselves ahead of everything else.

    For today’s meditation we will read Deuteronomy 1:21, “See, the LORD your God has set the land before you. Go up, take possession, as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has told you. Do not fear or be dismayed.'” (ESV) These were the words of Moses to the people of Israel. When the Lord more

  • God’s Method For Church Growth

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Aug 30, 2022

    In this sermon I want to show you GOD’S METHOD FOR CHURCH GROWTH.

    Please notice, I said God’s Method For Church Growth. Before we get into God’s Method of Church growth let me talk to you about two MAN MADE METHODS FOR CHURCH GROWTH that is being used by liberal churches all over this nation. There are many ideas today about church growth, but some of these more

  • Ministering And Operating In God’s Overflow

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on May 12, 2021
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    When we operate from God’s overflow, there is no limit to what God can do in us and through us as we allow His Spirit to work in us. We can do ministry from God's Overflow!

    Subject: Ministering and Operating in God’s Overflow Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 Introduction: In this portion of Scripture, the apostle Paul prays for his friends. His primary prayer and concern were for their spiritual blessings, which are the best blessings. Really, every time we pray, we should more

  • Finding God’s Will For Our Life

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Finding God’s will for our life is the most important thing we can do in this life.

    WHY IS IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING THAT WE CAN DO IN THIS LIFE? Two reasons, we need to know and do God’s will… (1) For God’s sake. That is God created each and everyone of us for a purpose. And when we stand before Him on the judgment day we will give account of our lives if we did or did not more

  • God’s Preferences For Our Lives

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 28, 2022

    There are many things that distinguish us from each other.

    • Our education • Our political persuasion • Our gifts • Our race • Our opportunities and etc. However, another thing that distinguishes us from each other are our LIKES AND DISLIKES. Such as: (1) OUR TASTE FOR FOOD Illus: Because of the differences we have, when we go into an ice cream parlor more

  • No Enchantment Against God’s People

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 17, 2021

    People all over the world are afraid of evil powers and try to placate them. Balaam tells us 3 reasons Christians are invincible to the dark powers: God's predestination of blessing on us, our sins are removed, and God's presence is with us.

    NO ENCHANTMENT AGAINST GOD’S PEOPLE Numb. 23:19-23 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: OLD SCHOOL MATH TEACHER ARRESTED 1. A school teacher was arrested at JFK Intl’ Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, an ancient wooden device called a more

  • The Continual Pursuit Of God’s Love

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Oct 31, 2021
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    How many times have we heard someone say, before giving their life to Jesus? I just felt like something was missing in my life, something of a spiritual nature.

    The Continual Pursuit Of God’s Love Psalms 139:13-18 NIV This is David’s realization of God’s amazing love and attentiveness to every humans soul and existence! 13. For you created my inmost being;     you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14. I praise you because I am more

  • Are You One Of God’s Dependents?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 23, 2022

    Every year folks make preparations to fill out their tax returns. It is something that we are forced to do, even though many times we disagree with how our tax money is being spent.

    Illus: I heard about a letter that was sent to a taxpayer from the IRS: "I'm afraid we can't allow you to deduct last year's tax as a bad investment." Illus: Much has been said about paying taxes: • April is always a difficult month for Americans. Even if your ship comes more

  • God’s Purpose For Our Life

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 25, 2022
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    Introduction: Most of us have attended a high school or college graduation at some time in our life.

    The students who are graduating are told by the commencement speaker that they are preparing to enter the adult world, and that each and every one of them have talents and skills they can contribute to making this a better world in which to live. This is true, but if the commencement speaker was more

  • Children Of The Might God Or Of The Mighty God

    Contributed by Scott Sutton on Jul 7, 2022
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    A Mighty God

    Children of the ‘Might’ god are those in search of an insatiable desire to fulfill something that they believe is missing, and that will bring satisfaction in their life. For some it’s wealth and materialism, for others it may be the next fix or drink, and for still others, it could be power or more

  • God’s Purposes For His People Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jul 12, 2022

    God will accomplish His plan for His people. After correcting them In Zechariah 7, God affirms His undying love and paints a picture of the future He has in mind for them. Zechariah 8:1-8 is a beautiful lesson on GRACE.

    At the beginning of Zechariah 7 a delegation of Jews from Bethel asked whether they should continue the fasts that they had been observing in memory of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple almost 70 years ago. Since the 70-year captivity was ending and the temple was being rebuilt, perhaps more

  • Isaiah: Impressed With God’s Holiness Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 25, 2022

    If we are to serve God well, and for the long term, we need a sense of His holiness.

    Isaiah: Impressed with God’s Holiness (Isaiah 6:1-10) 1. Man, John Andrews, in waiting room, wife delivering baby. Four other men. 2. Nurse comes out. Congrats Mr. Smith. You have twins. 3. Remarkable-- I work for the Minnesota Twins baseball team. 4. Mr. Jones-- triplets; I work for 3 M. 5. more

  • The Revelation And The Revealing Of God’s Church

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 10, 2022

    Paul told these Ephesians what the church was.

    He told the Ephesian church they were as: • A NATION • A FAMILY • A BUILDING • AN ORGANISM • A CHURCH But as we move to chapter 3, he shows us the Lord’s church as a “Mystery”. WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT? When Paul is speaking of a “mystery”, he is speaking of something that had not been revealed more

  • After God’s Own Heart

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Jan 21, 2022
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    David was a man after God’s own heart, because of his integrity. Through an overview of David's life, we explore what it is to have the heart of God, by contrasting “Saul’s heart of defiance” with “David’s heart of obedience.”

    Baptist Men’s Day, on the Southern Baptist Convention calendar, is observed on January 24, 2021 (which, of course, we are a week late). I have written this morning’s sermon to recognize the men of our congregation, and we’re going to be looking at living a life of integrity before God. Our more

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