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  • Real Worship

    Contributed by H.b. Charles Jr. on Jan 30, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    "Real Worship" is an exposition of John 4:21-24 that makes two main points: (1) Real worship is not about us (4:21-22). And (2) real worship is about God (4:23-24)

    REAL WORSHIP John 4:19-24 Spiritual necessity compelled Jesus to travel to Galilee through Samaria. Weary from the journey, Jesus rested at Jacob’s Well in Sychar as his disciples went for food. As he sat there, a woman of Samaria came to draw water. And a life-changing conversation more

  • The Real Outcasts Series

    Contributed by Marlou Javier on Oct 5, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

     The tax collectors and prostitutes were not welcome by religious people. They were the lowest of the low.  According to the religious leaders tax collectors and prostitutes would have no part in the kingdom of God.  But in God’s eyes, who are the real outcasts?

    Intro to main points: The first son was rebellious but repented. The second son talked a good game but disobeyed his father. The command of the father was to work in the vineyard, therefore this parable is not only about salvation but also of Christian service. IN THIS PARABLE, JESUS TEACHES more

  • Real Change Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    If we were doomed to live the same life over and over again for eternity, would we choose the life we are living now? If not, then how can we make real change? We do it when we submit to God’s discipline. Then with Christ’s help, admit and quit our sin.

    William Alexander, in his book The $64 Tomato, asks the question, “If you were doomed to live the same life over and over again for eternity, would you choose the life you are living now?” It’s a thought-provoking question, but not so much as the implied follow-up question: “If the answer is no, more

  • The Real Thing Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Feb 25, 2002
    based on 125 ratings

    Is your salvation the genuine article

    THE REAL THING EPHESIANS 2:8-9 I might ask this morning the question, ‘What does your life put on display?’ ‘As people watch your life unfold moment by moment, problem by problem, circumstance by circumstance, what do they gain a deeper understanding of?’ EPH 2:7 So that in the ages to come He more

  • "Real Relationship” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus doesn’t invite us to practice a religion, but to participate in a relationship.

    In this series, we want unbelievers to understand that Christianity is not a religion. The way of religion is about impersonal rules, while the way of Christ is about a personal relationship with God. But we also want believers to understand that Christianity is not designed to be lived as a more

  • Real Christianity

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 27, 2016

    With everything going on and this world trying to identify itself with people and causes, what does the Bible say a real Christian looks like?

    Real Christianity Matthew 25:31-46 Introduction- This morning, I want you to think about 0ur country, the United States of America. It is anything but united. I want you to think about politics for a moment. I know religion and politics don’t mix well, so I will be careful about the more

  • The Real Deal Series

    Contributed by Scott Jewell on Oct 19, 2016

    People are tired of finding phony. How can we make sure they find the Real Deal?

    We have been looking at the beginnings of the church. You may recall that in Acts 1 Jesus declared they would be His witnesses, “first in Jerusalem and Judea, then in Samaria and the ends of the world.” However, up until today’s passage, the church has remained in Jerusalem. It more

  • Angels Are Real

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Dec 8, 2001
    based on 66 ratings

    The Bible is so full of references to angels, we must know for sure that angels exist. But angels are not our guide, nor our god. Let us live holy lives, even holier than angels, that our Father in heaven will be pleased with us. Let us live such that Jes

    "Angels Are Real" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: Hebrews 13:1-6 Purpose: The Bible is so full of references to angels, we must know for sure that angels exist. But angels are not our guide, nor our god. Let us live holy lives, even holier than angels, that our Father in heaven will be pleased with more

  • Real Thanksgiving

    Contributed by Ricky Maye on Dec 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A New look into what thanksgiving means.

    This season of thanksgiving is often overshadowed by a violent history, or the biggest shopping day of the year, or an overcooked turkey. I want to take this time not to ask you what your thankful for but what tangible and intangible product are you giving to someone else. How are you being used as more

  • Real Influence Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jan 14, 2014

    If we want to live lives of real influence, then we must fear God, not people.

    One day, a bus driver was driving along his usual route. He didn't encounter any problems for the first few stops; a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well. At one stop, however, a big hulk of a man got on. He was 6' 8" tall, built like a wrestler, and his arms hung down more

  • "Real Power"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jun 2, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    A sermon for Pentecost

    Acts 2:1-21 “Real Power” By: Rev. Kenneth Sauer, Pastor of Parkview United Methodist Church, Newport News, VA Acts chapter 1 describes several appearances of the risen Christ that occurred between the first Easter and the Day of Pentecost—or the birthday of the more

  • Real Love

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Feb 18, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    Everyone admits that love is wonderful and necessary, yet no one agrees on just what it is. If our songs, movies and poems (as interesting and entertaining to listen to, watch, and read as they are), are any indication, most of us don’t really know what l

    INTRODUCTION Sermonic Theme Notation: Today we will be taking a break from our Parables of Jesus series to celebrate love and marriage. I cannot miss this opportunity to address one of the most critical subjects of all…loving someone. Opening Statement: Perhaps, our musicians who seem to be more

  • Real Love Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Aug 14, 2006
    based on 35 ratings

    5th in the series "Love Notes: A Letter from John." What genuine love looks like.

    A girl gave a photo to a boy she was dating with this inscription on the back. “Dear Johnny, the last two weeks have been the best of my whole life. I will love you as long as the stars shine and until the oceans run dry. Love Susan. p.s. If we break up I want this picture back.” We know more

  • Is Satan Real?

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Jul 6, 2014

    A sermon to warn of the most dangerous spiritual being on earth.

    "Is Satan Real?" Isaiah 14:12-15 Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will more

  • The Real Virus

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Sep 2, 2021

    This is a message about what I call, 'The Real Virus,' referring to sin.

    One of the most widely-used words perhaps since Jan 2020 would be the word, 'Virus,' (in various languages of course). We’ve had to contend with this virus since then, and we still continue to do so. It’s also one of the main causes for fear, anxiety, grief, loss and so much more. It seems more

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