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  • Who Shall Dwell On Your Holy Hill?

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Nov 24, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Everything you need to know if you want to get to heaven.

    Dakota Community Church November 24, 2013 Who Shall Dwell on Your Holy Hill? Psalm 15 O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? 2 He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart; 3 who does not slander with his tongue and does no more

  • Not Judge Judy! Judge Jehovah

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on May 15, 2011

    Conveying a message of hope that if we're saved in Christ, then there is no fear of one day having to face Judge Jehovah.

    INTRO <TAKE GAVEL -- SWING AROUND IN YOUR HAND> <BANG IT A FEW TIMES> That can really wake someone up. Question -- does that sound intimidate you? It does me. It’s a sound I almost heard a number of years ago. Allow me to explain. Shortly after we returned to Minnesota from navy life, more

  • The Evidence Is Right, But The Story Is Wrong Series

    Contributed by Bright Adeyeye on Oct 11, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    What do you do when facing false accusations? What do you do when accusers have "fact" to destroy you. Joseph taught us how to handle false accusation.

    THE EVIDENCE IS RIGHT, BUT THE STORY IS WRONG "And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her. And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and there was none of the men of more

  • Crime Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jul 26, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    As we consider politics according to the Bible, in this lesson we examine what the Bible says about crime.

    Scripture Each week Kevin Tunell was required to mail a dollar to a family he’d rather forget. They sued him for $1.5 million but settled for just $936, to be paid at the rate of $1 per week. The family expected the payment each Friday so Tunell would not forget what happened on the first more

  • Monday – “jesus Clears The Temple” Series

    Contributed by Eric Lenhart on Aug 13, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    The righteous anger of Christ.

    Monday – “Jesus Clears the Temple” (Matthew 21:12-17) 2nd in a Series on “Passion Week” Introduction: I grew up around golf. When I was 13-years-old my uncle gave me my first summer job working for him on a golf course he was building. Every summer after that for more

  • Though Hand Join In Hand

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Jan 3, 2012
    based on 60 ratings

    Though hand join in hand means no matter how tight the cooperation may be, no matter how smart they are, no matter how cleverly they are concealed, no matter the walls they have built, no matter their technique of hiding, no matter the kind of meeting the

    The title of our message this week is, “Though hand join in hand.” I would like you to read it very carefully because it addresses the root of man’s problem and the reason why many people are going through one ordeal or another. Proverbs 11:21 says, “Though hand join in more

  • The Seven Bowls Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Dec 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    The description of the seven bowl judgments from John's perspective.

    I the apostle John after witnessing the conquerors in heaven singing the song of Moses and the Lamb, looked, and the sanctuary of the tent of witness in heaven was opened. Out of this the Lord’s tabernacle, came the seven angels with the seven plagues. These angels were clothed in pure, more

  • A Biblical Answer To The Pandemic Of Racism - Our New Identity In Christ

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Apr 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We need a biblical vaccine! Somehow in the body of Christ, there seems to be little difference between our attitude towards race as those who do not yet know the Lord. Have ever took a close look at how race relations were dealt with in the Scriptures?

    Ga 2:11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. 12 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. 13 And the other more

  • The Legacy Of Unrepentance-4

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Oct 11, 2011

    4 of 4. Cain’s legacy was a spiritually derelict/deficient progeny. Personal unrepentance leaves a legacy of spiritually dereliction/deficiency. What does such a legacy provide? Spiritually deficient populations seek...

    The LEGACY Of UNREPENTANCE-IV— Genesis 4:16-24 Likewise we will leave a legacy to our families. But what of any value will they receive? Background: We have examined Cain’s willful disdain of God’s direction for his life, & discovered the ‘Tragedy of more

  • Letters To The Seven Churches - No.4 Thyatira Series

    Contributed by Alan Hamilton-Messer on Jun 22, 2014

    Unlike the three cities we have already looked at Thyatira was a pretty nondescript sort of place.

    Letter to the Church in Thyatira Reading Rev 1:9-11 & 2:18-29 Unlike the three cities we have already looked at Thyatira was a pretty nondescript sort of place. It was a lot smaller and a lot more insignificant than the others. All it really had in it's favour was that it prospered as a trading more

  • Rev. #70~20:1-4 Resurrected Saints Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Sep 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Last time we talked about the fact of a 1000 year Messianic Kingdom right here on earth, we read many O.T. scripture pointing this out, and of coarse the Lord Jesus Christ will be the reigning King, His saints will have the wonderful privilege of reigning

    Rev. #70~20:1-4 RESURRECTED SAINTS 9-11-10 Today Lord willing we’ll try and talk about some of the great truths we find here in these verses. Last time we talked about the fact of a 1000 year Messianic Kingdom right here on earth, we more

  • Here Comes The Judge

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Feb 19, 2014

    How does a text written 3400 years ago apply to us today?

    Here Comes the Judge Deuteronomy 19:15-21 Introduction “It isn't fair!” How many times have we heard that, and not just from children? This world is full of lawsuits. Everyone is suing everyone else over all sorts of matters, some of which are quite trivial. Several years ago, a woman more

  • "It's Not My Problem"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Aug 12, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    Have you ever felt as if no one cared about you? Have you ever experienced that deep dark chasm of utter alone-ness? We are, indeed, our brother and sister’s keeper! And Jesus makes this fact very clear in our Gospel Lesson this morning.

    Luke 16:19-31 “It is Not My Problem” By: Rev. Ken Sauer, Pastor Of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN As a child, Alice Gahana survived two concentration camps during the Holocaust… …an amazing feat, indeed! Asked what she remembered most, she replied, more

  • Acting Justly, Loving Mercy, Walking Humbly

    Contributed by Gerald Manning on Aug 20, 2021

    Micah's fabulous trio

    SERMON: JUSTICE, MERCY, WALKING HUMBLY Scripture: Luke 10:25-37 and Micah 6:8 (from THE MESSAGE) "... a religion scholar stood up with a question to test Jesus. “Teacher, what do I need to do to get eternal life?” Jesus answered, “What’s written in God’s Law? How do you interpret more

  • Amos - 5 Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Aug 4, 2010

    Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.

    Dakota Community Church May 9, 2010 Amos 5 I want to move forward in our study of the book of Amos by looking at a couple of the themes given as reason for the coming judgment upon the people of God. Let’s begin with a quick review of the heart of God concerning the poor: Amos 2:6-7 They sell more

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