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  • Unexpected Joy

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Feb 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We sing and quote that "The joy of the LORD is your strength," but learning to live it in challenging service to our King is a daily "workout" for our faith (that brings "unexpected joy").

    How many of us have ever said, “As soon as I get this accomplished, I’ll focus on helping out at the church?” How many of us have ever said, “As soon as I have my degree in hand, I’ll start seriously serving the Lord” or “As soon as our church finds a building (or a pastor), I’ll really get more

  • The Blessed Hope Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Nov 29, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Blessed Hope though: 1) Personal Confirmation (Luke 1:39–40), 2) Physical Confirmation (Luke 1:41a, 44), and 3) Prophetic Confirmation (Luke 1:41b–43, 45).

    So far in 2015, 14,472 Albertans have lost their jobs in group layoffs. Everybody expects more layoffs to come. Earlier this month, the Calgary Herald asked people to share their stories about being laid off. Some wrote of worsening financial hardships. Others wrote of desperately trying to sell more

  • I Am The Good Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Dec 4, 2016

    The Good Shepherd enables His sheep to have peace with God because He: 1) Dies for them (John 10:11–13), 2) Loves them (John 10:14–15), and 3) Unites them (John 10:16–21).

    President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday he has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis, to be secretary of defense. He has said that responding to “political Islam” is the major security issue facing the United States. Like Trump, Mattis favors a tougher stance against U.S. more

  • Empty Pursuits Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 20, 2016

    Don't pursue the things of this world and lose your fellowship with God, your following, your fortune, and your family.

    Some time ago, in the Reader’s Digest¸ Bob Newhart talked about his days as an accountant in downtown Chicago, when he went by his given name, “George.” He was a basic 9-to-5 bookkeeper, whose duties included managing the petty cash. Salesmen would come in from the road and turn more

  • Seven Things God Hates

    Contributed by Mario Bruni D. D.. on Mar 31, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Let us consider some Bible passages where the word “hate” is used in connection with God. But before we do that it would be beneficial for us to understand the Biblical meaning of the word hate and how God truly feels concerning this word “hate.”

    SEVEN THINGS GOD HATES April 2016 Let us consider some Bible passages where the word “hate” is used in connection with God. But before we do that it would be beneficial for us to understand the Biblical meaning of the word hate and how God truly feels concerning this word more

  • The Attitude Of A Servant Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Apr 30, 2022

    1) A Thankful Spirit (Romans 1:8), 2) A Concerned Spirit (Romans 1:9–10a), and finally 3) A Willing and Submissive Spirit (Romans 1:10b).

    Romans 1:8–10. 8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you 10 always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God’s will more

  • Simple Faith

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on May 15, 2021

    If you have ever reached a low point in your life where it seems like everything was coming against you, then you know about simple faith. It's the faith that remains when everything else has been stripped from you which enables you to take another step in God's promises.

    Simple Faith Scripture: Hebrews 11:1, 6; Romans 5:1-2 The title of my message this morning is “Simple Faith.” As some of you are aware, I retired last Monday after thirty-two years in the pharmaceutical industry. This was preceded by eight years in the U. S. Air Force and five years working as more

  • The Greatest Joy Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 15, 2021

    Jesus was the happiest man in history, and the happiest being in all the universe, because he had the very joy of God.

    My wife and I sometimes debate as to which of us loves the other the most, and we each make the claim that “I love you more.” The other responds, “No, I love you more.” It is one of those debates that can never have a winner because there is no love measuring device by which we can measure our more

  • The Unexpected Child Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 17, 2021

    Christmas season is filled with surprises and the unexpected twists and turns that come with this holiday season. The original Christmas season was also filled with surprises from Heaven and the unexpected twists and turns from God.

    Series: Unexpected Christmas Thesis of Series: Christmas season is filled with surprises and the unexpected twists and turns that come with this holiday season. The original Christmas season was also filled with surprises from Heaven and the unexpected twists and turns from God. God loves doing more

  • What Will Be Your Legacy?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 11, 2022

    In this text we see something that often occurs in churches. A man is sleeping in church.

    But it is more than just a man sleeping in this passage of scripture. This man named Eutychus was sitting on a window sill while Paul preached a very lengthy sermon, and he fell out the window and died. • We ministers are indeed thankful for this passage of scripture, because when we see men and more

  • Find Joy In The Journey Through The Promises Of God - Sermon 13 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 8, 2019

    God has given us promises in the Bible, there are between 5,467-8,810 depending on scholars, which when embraced and put into action help us to participate in the divine nature of God.

    Movie illustration: The Greatest Promise: John 3:16 Series: Find Joy in the Journey in 2019 Thesis of series: Joy needs to be experienced in the journey of life! But Joy, like any other attitude, can come and go. It is not guaranteed simply because we are born again believers. We must put more

  • God’s Omnipresence Or Everywhere Presence Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The Omnipresence of God means that there is no place in creation where God does not exist. It will take a while to wrap our mind around that thought.

    Our Awesome God Series: GOD’S OMNIPRESENCE OR EVERYWHERE PRESENCE PSALM 139: 7-12 God is unlike anything we know or experience. God is infinite. God is not subject to space and time. This is the second of God’s “omni” attributes we want to study. The word omnipresent is easy to understand. more

  • Walk In A Manner Worthy Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on May 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In order to “Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord”, we must live a life that is 1) Prayerful (Colossians 1:9), 2) Pleasing (Colossians 1:10) 3) Purposeful (Colossians 1:11)

    If you are planning on doing any trips this summer, you most likely know the importance of paying attention. When hiking, it's important to stay on the trail to avoid getting lost. While visiting Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado, a 19-year-old hiker from Quebec was rescued after being more

  • Beatitudes Of Psalm 84

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Jun 12, 2023

    This exposition of Psalm 84 examines the psalmist's passion for the presence of God, the strength that God supplies to those who rely on him, and the abundant provision for those who serve him with consecration and sincerity.

    Intro This message will illustrate the harmony of Jesus’s Beatitudes with other beatitudes in Scripture. While expounding Psalm 84, we will identify consistencies in the beatitudes declared by the psalmist with some of the beatitudes pronounced by Jesus in Matthew 5. Three beatitudes are announced more

  • (Section 2) The Lord Is My Shepherd Series

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Mar 11, 2019

    Discusses the nature of sheep and how the shepherds care for them.

    III. THE LORD IS A. What does the word “is” imply? (Elmer Towns 1. Some only testify to past experiences with God. “The Lord was my Shepherd.” 2. Some only plan to get close to the Lord-Shepherd in the future. “The Lord will be my Shepherd.” B. What two things more

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