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  • Our Testimony About Christ

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jan 16, 2014

    “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” John 1:29.

    Theme: Our testimony about Christ Text: Is. 49:1-7; 1 Cor. 1:1-9; Jn. 1:29-42 The Scriptures begin with the well known verse “In the beginning God”. Everything begins with God and the Word of God is a revelation about God and His love for His creation. God’s revelation comes in more

  • Believing The Testimony About Christ Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jun 28, 2012

    We are going to talk a little bit about the testimony of God and the testimony of John as we take another test that proves that we really believe in God.

    Do you really believe in God? If you do then you are saying that you believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son. We have been talking about believing the testimony about Christ and that testimony is that He is the Son of God. There are too many people in this world who do not believe this more

  • John's Testimony Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 8, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    What does true greatness look like? We see it pictured in John the Baptist as he answers those who asked him who he was. His exhaltation of Christ is exemplary for us all.

    John’s Testimony Fortifying the Foundations #3 John 1:19-34 3-16-03 Intro: This morning I want to share with you the third message in a series from the Gospel of John. As God has opened this book to us I have become more and more convinced of the importance of foundational doctrine in our more

  • Incarnation Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Jun 28, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    what does the incarnation mean

    INCARNATION There have been some one hit wonders in the pop world. One was Joan Osborne’s song What if God was one of us? Some of the lyrics go as follows: If God had a name, what would it be? And would you call it to his face, If you were faced with him in all his glory? What would you ask if more

  • Christ Is Lord

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on May 10, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    Jesus is Lord of all. His starus was clearly evidenced in His exaltation in which the Father bestowed on Him the name this is above all names.

    Christ The Lord Text: Philippians 2:5-11 Opening: If you lived on one particular part of the Florida coast during the last twenty-five or so years, you might well have witnessed this scene. The sun is setting like a gigantic orange ball. It’s a cool evening on a vacant, isolated stretch of more

  • Believe In Jesus Christ Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jan 15, 2007

    We know we are Christians because we believe in Jesus Christ

    1 John 2:18-27 November 5, 2006 Believe in Jesus Christ If you’ve been part of this series, you know that John is writing to a church that has had it’s share of troubles. There was a group that was in the church that started to believe and teach against the Christian understanding of Jesus more

  • Testimonies About Jesus.

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 23, 2010

    Testimonies about Jesus. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: John chapter 5 verses 31-47. Ill: Things people actually said in court, word for word: (1). • Question: “What is your date of birth? “ • Answer: “July fifteenth”. • Question: “What year?” • Answer: “Every more

  • Three Witnesses To The Reality Of Christ

    Contributed by Wayne Burnett on Mar 3, 2001
    based on 111 ratings

    There are three that bear witness to the reality of Christ - the blood, the water and the Spirit

    THREE WITNESSES TO THE REALITY OF CHRIST 1 JOHN 5:6-10 I. THE REALITY OF CHRIST QUESTIONED A. One of the greatest challenges the church has today is proving the reality of Christ to an unbelieving world B. The Word of God declares Christ to be the eternal Son of God, by whom all men’s sins are more

  • The Lazarus Testimony

    Contributed by Vonnie Elisha James on Apr 18, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    A sermon to encourage Christians to live a life align to Christ.

    The Purpose of the Gospel of John is to prove conclusively that Jesus is the Son of God and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life. The author: John the apostle,son of Zebedee,brother of James,called a "son of thunder". Deep Thought:Have you pledge allegiance to the "Lamb" more

  • Importance Our Testimony Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Feb 17, 2013

    Message about the important of our testimony. Also how the Lord can use it to bring others to Christ.

    Title: Our Testimony Theme: Showing the importance of our testimony. Text: Acts 16:35-40 Acts 16:35-40 And when it was day, the magistrates sent the officers, saying, "Let those men go." (36) So the keeper of the prison reported these words to Paul, saying, "The magistrates have sent to let you more

  • The First Testimony

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jan 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    As those who have encountered Christ and been transformed we, like John the Baptist and Andrew, should point to Christ and invite others into his presence.

    What do people seek when they follow Jesus? Why do you follow Jesus? Such questions matter for us. If we can’t answer these questions for ourselves, then it seems as if our faith is empty. But our answer to such questions matters for other people too. According to John’s gospel, and the more

  • How Have You Responded To The Claims Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Todd Pearson on Nov 14, 2000
    based on 31 ratings

    Have you accepted the Jesus of the Bible?

    How Have You Responded To The Claims Of Jesus? John 10:1-28 To fully understand who Jesus was and why He came we have to go back to the very beginning. In Genesis Chapter 3 the human race is plunged into depravity because of Adam’s sin. Romans 5:18 says, “ through one man's offense more

  • Jesus Christ The Only Mediator Between God And Man Series

    Contributed by W. Bryan Wheeler on Dec 17, 2001
    based on 60 ratings

    There is nothing so satisfying, so comforting, so animating to the soul than a Spirit-wrought display of the truth about Jesus Christ.

    “JESUS CHRIST OUR ONLY MEDIATOR” - #2 Preached on October 28th 2001 - AM Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-6 Intro: If someone were to ask you to summarize the Bible in five words or less, - How would you answer them? - You might say that the Bible is about … God’s glory and man’s salvation—and that would be more

  • Introducing Christ Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Jun 7, 2009

    (PowerPoint slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing The function of every Christian, like John the Baptist, is to make Christ manifest where they are. Find the four keys to manifesting Christ to your world.

    Journeying with John, It’s a Trip (JWJ-08) Introducing Jesus John 1:24-34 This morning I want to start by asking you a fascinating question- and that is this: How would you introduce Jesus? Let’s say, for instance, that you were at work and Jesus walked in, and your friends asked you, “Hey, who is more

  • Islam/Christ: Understanding Our Faith During Conflict With Iraq

    Contributed by Robert Parker on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 144 ratings

    In these turbulant times with IRAQ and other nations, it is important for Christians to understand ISLAM, its history and the Muslim faith. This sermon addresses the differences between Islam’s Muhammad and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Minister the

    I would like for you to follow me into the Book of Luke Chapter 9 verses 18 - 23. "Jesus said that if any Man will come after me, let him deny himself. And take up the cross daily" So here we are with Jesus teaching for the disciples of his day and the disciples of this day. And Jesus is more

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