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  • Trinity In The Scriptures Series

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Jun 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Scriptural support for the Trinity. The contribution of Tertullian.

    Augustine said, ‘if you deny the Trinity you lose your soul, if you try to explain it you lose your mind’. The hope today is to avoid both of these pitfalls. But in order to do this, you will need to put your thinking caps on. And you’ll need to think because we are moving around the Bible and more

  • Trinity Sunday

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Jun 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Today we discuss the Trinity: What the doctrine means Where the doctrine comes from Why the doctrine matters

    “Trinity Sunday” Topical 05/22/2008 By Dcn. Chris Nerreau TITLE: Three in One, One in Three SERMON TYPE: Topical DATE: 06-17-2008 INTRODUCTION • Have you ever noticed how pragmatic society is today? o We say we only believe in those things that we can touch, feel, see or understand. o But more

  • The Trinity

    Contributed by Philip Gill on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Artists can reinvigorate our understanding of the trinity using the examples of Rublev’s icon and David Hetland’s stained glass.

    A Sermon for Trinity Sunday 2007 One of the things I was most looking forward to in moving to Surrey Hills was that coming to a Church named Holy Trinity. Trinity Sunday would then be our patronal festival. This means we always celebrate our patronal festival on a Sunday and don’t have to more

  • Trinity And Controversy Series

    Contributed by Mark Armstrong on Aug 10, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A sample of trinitarian controversy in church history and its application to Jehovah’s Witnesses and the book "The Shack".

    I remember a less than flattering incident when I was young. My sister and I wanted to watch different programs on TV. I think she wanted to watch ‘The Patty Duke Show’ and I wanted to watch ‘Lost in Space’. This was before the days of remote controls. So we sat in front of the TV for a whole hour more

  • Wardrobe Witness

    Contributed by Nathan Robertson, Jr. on Dec 14, 2000
    based on 21 ratings

    This is a paper on the role of clothes in the Christian witness from two of the early church fathers.

    WARDROBE WITNESS One topic being raised in almost every area of society is what constitutes proper attire. There is an apparent relevance of attire in schools, workplaces, nightclubs, private beaches, and even churches. Some people have suggested that if students dressed in uniforms there would more

  • Believing Is Seeing Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Mar 12, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Our faith in Jesus Christ progressively heals us of our spiritual blindness.

    (Note: This sermon was introduced with scene # 32 from "Traveling Light") I’ve always had a secret fear about going blind. Out of all my senses, sight would be the most difficult for me to live without. Maybe it’s because I love to read so much. I always hated those assignments in high school that more

  • Accept No Substitutes Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 13, 2004
    based on 89 ratings

    Why would the Israelites accept stale stagnant water rather than the living water God offered them? Did they just wake up one morning and say "I don’t want to follow God"? Consider these intriguing thoughts.

    OPEN: How many of you have ever bought “generic” products? Many of us do. We’ll go to the pharmacy and we’ll ask for the “generic” version of the medicine the Doctor has prescribed. Or, we’ll go the grocery store and purchase the store version of whatever product Kellogg’s or Seyfert’s or Land ‘o more

  • On This Rock

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Aug 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Matthew 16:13-20 What does this passage actually say and not say to us?

    Prelude, Purpose, Plan Protestants, Orthodox and Catholics largely agree on perhaps 95% of the most important teachings of Christianity. Why do we drift from the message that Jesus taught into partisanship and graceless rivalry? For instance, how do we deal with the claim by Rome of exclusive more

  • Trinity Series

    Contributed by Pastor Glen Key on Mar 2, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The word Trinity doesn’t appear as a theological term till near the end of the second century. “It was first used as ‘Trias’ by Theophilus, the Bishop of Antioch in AD. 180 and later by Tertullian asTrinitas to signify that God exists in three persons.”

    ARTICLE 2. In one God eternally existing in three persons; namely, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Crucial, to the biblical doctrine of God is his Trinitarian nature. Trinity is a term that is not found in the Bible but a word used to describe what is apparent about God in the more

  • Wardrobe Witness

    Contributed by Nathan Robertson, Jr. on Dec 14, 2000
    based on 71 ratings

    This is paper concerning the role the Christian Wardrobe plays in our Witness

    WARDROBE WITNESS One topic being raised in almost every area of society is what constitutes proper attire. There is an apparent relevance of attire in schools, workplaces, nightclubs, private beaches, and even churches. Some people have suggested that if students dressed in uniforms there would more

  • The Christian God Is A Bit Unusual, Isn't He? Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Oct 22, 2024
    based on 5 ratings

    Crossing yourself may seem a bit weird to Christians who don't do it- a strange ancient (perhaps slightly superstitious) ritual. But at the heart of it are two great biblical truths - perhaps the two greatest truthes of all.

    [This sermon was preached at St Barnabas Northolt Sunday 20th October 2024 - Trinity 21 Year B (Proper 24)] ………………………………………………........................................................................................................................ [Making the sign of the Cross] We meet in the name more

  • #my Black Christian History: Roots Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Amiri Hooker on Feb 3, 2024

    “My Black Christian History: Before the Chains,” let us remember that the Black church’s history didn’t begin during the civil rights movement. Black history’s roots are a rich tapestry woven with threads of faith, resilience, and the pursuit of God.

    Sermon Series Title: " My Black Christian History: Before the Chains" “My Black Christian History: Roots of Faith.” ”After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield; Your reward [for obedience] shall be very great.” more

  • Christianity Solidified By Apologetics In The Early Days Of The Church

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Feb 18, 2017

    Christianity Solidified By Apologetics In The Early Days Of The Church

    In the Church today, a debate rages over the relationship of philosophy and theology to one another. Some scholarly believers as epitomized by Norman Geisler argue that, since this world is God's world, both can be used to understand Creation if each of these disciplines are approached from a more

  • Excerpts From The Past

    Contributed by James Groce on Jul 10, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    The following compiled excerpts are to remind us that truth has always had its battles.

    EXCERPTS FROM THE PAST The following compiled excerpts are to remind us that truth has always had its battles. WORLDLY ENTERTAINMENT ROMAN R-RATED ENTERTAINMENT 260-330 AD Lactantius "I am inclined to think that the corrupting influence of the stage is even worse [than that of the arena]. The more

  • Stnding Up For Those Who Are Persecuted

    Contributed by John Crowe on Oct 29, 2015

    A short outline by Randel Everett, founder and President of the Wilberforce Alliance

    Why should churches in the West defend fellow Christians who are being persecuted? 1. We are commanded to do so (Hebrews 13:3). 2. We are following in the ministry example of Jesus (Luke 4:18). 3. Because the proclamation of the good news of Jesus is hindered in closed societies (Romans more

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