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  • The Example Of The Good Samaritan

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 20, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Example of the Good Samaritan

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Example of the Good Samaritan Luke 10: 25-37 Today we see a lawyer, who s essentially an OT scholar, ask Jesus the question ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ This was not an honest question as he was trying to see how Jesus measured up more

  • The Example Of The Good Samaritan

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 27, 2014

    The Example of the Good Samaritan

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Example of the Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 Today we see a lawyer, who s essentially an OT scholar, ask Jesus the question ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ This was not an honest question as he was trying to see how Jesus measured up more

  • What's Under Our Steeple?

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Jun 23, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    A sermon about the role and function of the church.

    WHAT’S UNDER OUR STEEPLE? Mark 11:15-18 INTRO: My seminary Pastoral Ministries professor, C. W. Brister, in one of his books, tells about a pastor who received a distressed young woman into his study one day. She told the pastor how a few minutes earlier, she had almost more

  • This Is Our Father's House

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    This Is Our Father’s House 1) Drive out all distractions 2) Stop going through the motions 3) Give ear to Jesus’ promises

    What do you see when you turn into the church driveway? Do you see the big white cross that stands guard outside the church? Do you notice the slate tiles that cover the roof of this place? What about the small cross on the very top of the church ever take a close look at that? What do you see when more

  • Do You Know Your Neighbor?

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jan 23, 2015

    In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus tells about the inter-action of six characters to a wounded man. This sermon briefly analyzes each character.

    Let’s begin today with a fun little quiz. I am going to name some neighbors from TV shows and you try to identify which show it was from. Some of these shows are really old so, unless you are my age, you may not know them. But all these shows are being shown in reruns. So let’s get more

  • God's Voice

    Contributed by Greg Yort on Apr 23, 2018

    I often wonder how many times I’ve been distracted by the cares of this life and miss God’s voice? Do you hear His voice? Do you feel his presence? Are you on Mount Carmel or on Mount Horeb?

    Introduction I’m from Shawnee, a fairly small town in Oklahoma. Your pastor’s wife, Angela is from there too. We graduated the same year from Shawnee High and were all members of Oak Park Church of God. She could probably tell you all sorts of funny stories about the place. One of Misty’s police more

  • Love Takes A Detour - Sermon I Series

    Contributed by James Webster on Feb 25, 2014

    This Series was preached from the Series, Don't Just Go To Church Be the Church a 4-week sermon series encouraging the church to be the hands and feet of Christ

    CATLETTSBURG SOUTHSIDE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2014 LOVE TAKES A DETOUR LUKE 10:25-37 OPENING COMMENTS • We just finished a series in January of “Making Friends for Jesus” • Hopefully we came away from that series with 2 goals in mind. o Turn in a more

  • Thank God I'm Not Like.....

    Contributed by Philip Gunther on Sep 6, 2001
    based on 374 ratings

    A lesson about the spirit with which we approach God.

    The Parable Of The Pharisee And The Tax Collector Rev. Philip A. Gunther “In the eyes of Christ a person confessing sin is nearer to true goodness than a person boasting of his goodness.” (F.F. Bruce, Theologian) Pray And Do Not Give Up The setting is as follows: Jesus had just finished more

  • His Conquest In The Garden Series

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Apr 3, 2017

    5th part of a series entitled The Echoes of Easter.

    The Echoes of Easter Pt 5 "His Conquest in the Garden" Luke 24:1-12 Luke 24:1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the more

  • What’s Day Is It?

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Dec 4, 2019

    A study in the book of Hosea 6: 1 – 11

    Hosea 6: 1 – 11 What’s day is it? 1 Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.2 After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight. 3 Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge more

  • The Veil Was Torn Series

    Contributed by Delray Lentz on Dec 17, 2024

    Today we are in part 2 of 3-part series titled: “Were you there”?

    Quick recap of last weeks message: Began on Friday, with Martha serving Jesus and disciples supper, and Mary anointing Jesus’ feet in Bethany. Jesus foretold His death. As Jesus and the disciples approach Jerusalem, He sends a couple disciples to get a donkey, and a couple disciples to secure a more

  • Compelling Compassion

    Contributed by Doug Vance on Sep 11, 2006
    based on 75 ratings

    It’s easy to ignore the needs of others and excuse ourselves. This sermon challenges us to stop and make time for the people God puts in our lives

    Compelling Compassion Text: Luke 10:25-37 Theme: God’s compassion compels him to act on our behalf Doctrine: Attributes of God: Compassion Need: God gives us compassion to meet the crisis Image: Forrest Gump on the first day of school Mission: Have compassion for those who are in more

  • Who Do You Say That I Am?

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Aug 25, 2015

    This message (not a complete manuscript) wrestles with the question that Jesus asked His disciples but also places it in the context of where it was asked?

    In the Movie Talladega Nights there is a supper scene, I have “edited” this a little bit. (Characters: Ricky, Carly, Cal, Walker, Texas Ranger, Chip the father-in-law) Show the video if you are brave, but maybe edit it. “Carly: Supper’s ready! C’mon ya’ll. more

  • Ashes Of The Red Heifer

    Contributed by Steven Cook on Nov 23, 2000
    based on 144 ratings

    This message teaches of the typology of Christ as seen in the O.T. ashes of the red heifer, as well as end time prophecies.

    “The Ashes of the Red Heifer” Numbers 19:1-10 By Dr. Steven G. Cook I. Introduction A. Please be patient during the first part of this message - Today I want to speak to you about 4 Things - 1.) The Red Heifer its- self 2.) The Offering of the Red Heifer 3.) The Ashes of the Red Heifer more

  • Shouting Children

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Apr 22, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    True worship is coming to Jesus like a child!

    SHOUTING CHILDREN MATTHEW 21: 12-17 MARCH 11, 2001 INTRODUCTION: [Orientation to school, work, or family?] A small boy is sent to bed by his father. Five minutes later... “Da-ad...” “What?” “I’m thirsty. Can you bring me a glass of water?” “No. You had your chance. Lights out!” Five more

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