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Sermons on Tehillim 139:2:

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  • One In A Million! "Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!" Series

    Contributed by Kyle Sullivan on Jun 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon Series I preach when our Church went through Rick Warren's C.L.A.S.S. Christian Life And Service Seminars Thanks to Rick Warren for the Foundation of this Sermon Series

    Question: Do you think you are unique or special? "In our Search for Significance, many of us continue to seek our security and purpose from worldly sources: personal success, status, beauty, wealth, and even approval from others." Robert McGee Question: Do you believe you are 1 in a million? more

  • Being Known

    Contributed by Clair Sauer on Jul 13, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    God created us, and through his mercy and forgiveness, God will continually re-create us, always forming us more and more into his image. No matter how bad we mess up, there is nothing we can do that will remove us completely from the cover of God's grace

    Bob Hope was one of the great comedians of the last century. As he was getting along in years, he once commented that he’d been reading and was astonished to discover that: “Today my heart beat over 103,000 times, my blood traveled 168 million miles, I breathed 23,400 times, I inhaled more

  • Grow Spiritually In 2010

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jul 21, 2010

    Keys to growing Spiritually in 2010. Key factors that will make you a better Christian in 2010

    Introduction • We discussed last week that this is the year of God’s completeness of order. Today we need to make the 1st steps to ensure we meet our God Goals we set last week. Our goals can be met when we grow spiritually. • Salvation is just the beginning of a relationship more

  • Grow Spiritually In 2010

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jul 31, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    • We discussed last week that this is the year of God’s completeness of order. Today we need to make the 1st steps to ensure we meet our God Goals we set last week. Our goals can be met when we grow spiritually. • Salvation is just the beginning of a r

    Introduction • We discussed last week that this is the year of God’s completeness of order. Today we need to make the 1st steps to ensure we meet our God Goals we set last week. Our goals can be met when we grow spiritually. • Salvation is just the beginning of a relationship more

  • Don’t Lose Sense Of His Presence

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 10, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    God is present in our lives but we do not always sense His presence, because life’s distractions and calamities often drown out His voice. We need to remember Him (think of His presence), recognize Him (trust His presence) and realize His presence (tune

    God did not designed life to be lived alone. When God put man in the Garden of Eden, He was there. Gen 3:8 says He walks in the Garden. Man sins and hides from Him. • Genesis described man’s life as a WALK with God – the Bible says Enoch walked with God, Noah walked with God, and Abraham walked more

  • Diving Deeper Into Life Series

    Contributed by Samuel Wilder on Oct 18, 2011

    We need to start living life as the precious gift from God it truly is. Deeper living from a deeper understanding!

    This past Wednesday, Scott Evans Dekraai, got out of his car in Seal Beach (CA) shot a man who was sitting in his SUV talking on his cell phone then entered a beauty salon where his ex-wife worked and opened fire, shooting at point blank his ex-wife and eight other people. Six died immediately, two more

  • How Big Is Your God?

    Contributed by Greg Carr on Mar 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever tried to figure out how big God is? This sermon answers that question.

    Pray Father, Open my eyes so I can see Your truth. Open my ears so I can hear Your voice. Open my mind so I can understand Your Word. And open my heart so I may receive all that You want me to receive. AMEN Have you ever tried to figure out how big God is? Country singer Ray Price wrote a song more

  • All Saints' Memorial Service

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Nov 7, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A short talk given at an all-Saints' Memorial Day service, giving thanks to God for loved ones who have died. In short, God knows us, God stays close to us, and God made us.

    In 2008 I spent seven months in bed suffering from severe debilitating pain in my neck. My neck muscles were twisting my head in 3 directions. My right ear was almost resting on my shoulder. In many ways it was a horrible time. It tested my faith. The result was a deeper trust in the God who knows more

  • Intimacy With God In Psalm 139

    Contributed by Rod Galindo on May 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    In Psalm 139 we learn that we feel uncomfortable knowing that God knows us completely, even our dirty laundry, and we tend to want to hide from God, but through Christ we are righteous and we can rest in being in an intimate relationship with God.

    I became a thief at the age of 5. I went into a grocery store and my mother was busy making sure that the tomatoes were just right. When she wasn’t looking I saw the bright shiny little box. At the time the words on this shiny box said lemonheads, and at the time it seemed like the best words more

  • The Value Of Life

    Contributed by Jon Sullivan on Mar 18, 2010

    What does the bible say about the value of human life even before birth,

    THE VALUE OF LIFE INTRODUCTION: Since the legalization of abortion, approximately 30 million Americans have not been given the chance to live. Despite the devaluing of human life by many, God, in His word makes it clear that I have value not from the point of delivery, not from the point that more

  • Omniscience Of God #1 Series

    Contributed by John Wright on Mar 22, 2010

    Psalm 139:1-6 teaches man about the omniscience of God as God searches us,as God knows our sitting down and rising up, as God understands our thoughts,as God comprehends our paths and our lying down and all our ways, as God know our words and what they me

    INTRODUCTION 1. Open your bibles please to Psalm 139:1&ff. 2. For two sermons, from Psalm 139:7-10, we discussed the omnipresence of God. “Omni” means all. “Presence” means that God is close by. Both words mean that God is always close by. (1) Verses 7-10 teach that no more

  • Do We Really Get It?

    Contributed by Timothy Enns on Aug 27, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God knows us, loves us and cares for us before time began, what is our response?

    When the 1960s ended, and San Francisco became very expensive to live, many of the hippies moved down the coast to Santa Cruz. They had children and got married, but in no particular sequence. They didn’t name their children Melissa or Brett. People in the mountains around Santa Cruz grew more

  • Wise Words To Pray

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Mar 29, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    1. You comprehend me (vs. 1-6). 2. You guide & guard me (vs. 7-12). 3. You formed & fashioned me (vs. 13-16). 4. I treasure your thinking of me (vs. 17-18). 5. Your enemies are my enemies (vs. 19-22). 6. Lord, keep searching & steering me (vs. 23-24)

    Wise Words to Pray Psalm 139:1-24 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 5, 2012 *Do you want a better prayer life? -- I’m sure all of us would say, “Yes!” *Well this Psalm can help us, because it was written by a man after God’s own heart. David had a wonderful prayer life, and he more

  • The Real You Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 22, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Today we’re going to consider the nature of the real you, beneath the surface.

    The Real You Series: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Brad Bailey – January 22, 2012 Intro Who are you? I realize that is a question that defies any simple answer… but it does raise the challenge of what might be involved in responding. Today we’re going to consider the nature more

  • 12 Secrets To Living An Abundant Life: 1 Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Dec 8, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    I was working for an auto dealership as a master technician and making a lot more money than pasturing this church. But I was not more happy. God’s Word show us ho to truly live the abundant life.

    I read about Pastor Dan Cale who said he tried to play a computer game his daughter got for Christmas called Roller Coaster Tycoon. In it you build a roller coaster park and try to make a profit. He said “as usual I started playing it without reading the directions (typical guy right). After a more

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