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  • Hope For All Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Nov 9, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    As Jesus called His closest followers, He offers hope to all who would look to Him.

    Hope for All John 1:34-51 What do you want said at your funeral. One person said they would like to hear, “Look, he’s moving.” Usually this passage is taught about those who bring others to Christ. Jesus offers hope to..... I. Those who cannot find more

  • The Raising Of The Widow Of Nain's Son

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jun 4, 2016

    The raising of the Widow of Nain's son shows us the compassion of Jesus

    The Raising of the Widow of Nain’s Son Introduction Today’s Gospel reading isn’t a very easy passage to speak on. I think the key to understanding why Luke included this story in his Gospel can be found in the final passage of Lk 7 - Luke 7:18-35 John the Baptist has held in more

  • Judging

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Aug 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The people of the world are often quick to paraphrase a portion of the Word of God regarding judging one another. However, are they correct? Should we judge them and each other? Well ... it all depends on what you mean by the word ...

    The people of the world have some favorite Bible verses, or at least portions of Bible verses … One is that Jesus said to the woman caught in adultery, “Neither do I condemn you.” What Jesus actually said was, “Neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of more

  • “how Are We To Approach Someone Who Has Offended Us?" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Aug 18, 2014

    If God calls me to speak to a person who has offended me, how do I go about it?

    When we have been offended, we must forgive, which we can do without saying anything to the offender. In fact, the Bible says it is a good thing if was can forgive and then overlook an offense. “It is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.” - Proverbs 19:11 (NIV) So, as a more

  • The Work Of The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Mar 28, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The clearest revelation of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord Himself. He had already revealed who the Person of the Holy Spirit is back in John 14. Now, He reveals the WORK of the Holy Spirit.

    Tonight we will see the clearest revelation of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord Himself. He had already revealed who the Person of the Holy Spirit is back in John 14. Now, He reveals the WORK of the Holy Spirit. READ v. 7. We know that it is the Holy Spirit who comforts and helps us. Jesus more

  • Responses To The Resurrection: Confusion

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Apr 5, 2012

    Many emotions make an appearance in the Scriptures during Holy Week and only the resurrection of Christ brings their resolve.

    Responses to the Resurrection: Confusion Luke 24:1-35 It all happened so fast! The arrest, the trial, crucifixion, the strange testimonies of Jesus’ resurrection – it all came with a flurry – it was like a time warp. And then there were moments of lucidity; followed yet again by more

  • The Heavies For Successful Ministry-I

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 20, 2012

    1 of 2. Luke ensures his audience that Jesus returned to Galilee with a vigorous/robust/solid ministry. Jesus’ ministry is vigorous/robust/solid. Why is the solidity of Jesus’ ministry important?

    The HEAVIES For SUCCESSFUL MINISTRY-I—Luke 4:14-15 Attention: Our Chrysler MiniVans(we’ve had 3! & currently have 2). Comparison of vehicles for transporting our 4 kids comfortably. GMC Yukon/Very large—8 cyl—could seat 7—but the rear seat was veeeery uncomfortable....Not for long distances at more

  • Christ Shall Set You Free

    Contributed by William Baeta on Jun 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    “Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you” Luke 8:39

    Theme: Christ shall set you free Text: 1 Kings 19:1-7; Gal. 3:23-29; Lk. 8:26-39 Jesus taught with such authority that it displeased the regular teachers in the Synagogues. Whereas they quoted from well-known rabbis to support their teachings, Jesus as God had no need to do so. He spoke with more

  • “he Is Exalted Forevermore” - Part One Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Dec 31, 2012

    The Father has brought victory through the obedience of His one and only Son.

    Paul says Christ is the eternal God, who laid aside His eternal rights to fulfill His eternal purpose of seeing all creation bring glory to Him as men and women walk in intimate love relationship with their Creator. We considered how God took on flesh in the person of Christ to bring us a more

  • If I Have 600 Facebook Friends, Why Do I Still Feel Lonely?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Aug 23, 2013

    This message addresses the ironic situation we find ourselves in today: more connected than ever yet lonelier than ever. The message focuses on the idea that having 2 or 3 good friends is more important than having 600 Facebook "friends."

    [Video: see attached sheet – “The Innovation of Loneliness” – only use part of it – it’s at] FIRST THINGS FIRST: It’s a lie that you can have 600 friends. - For our purposes this morning, I want to use the terms “friends” more

  • "Getting Ready For Christmas: Jesus' Family Tree"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 28, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for the 1st Sunday in Advent.

    “Getting Ready for Christmas: Jesus’ Family Tree” Matthew 1:1-17 The last church I served had an amazing ministry aimed at helping the more than 150 children living—full-time--in nearby extended-stay hotels. We had an after-school tutoring, mentoring and feeding program—not unlike Safe more

  • There Was No Room At The Inn For The King, But There Is Room At The Cross For You

    Contributed by David Nolte on Dec 10, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    How strange that He who was rejected by those He came to save gladly accepts and welcomes those same sinners who desire to come to Him.

    There Was No Room At The Inn For The King, But There Is Room At The Cross For You!” Luke 1:1-7 / 1 John 2 1-2 David P. Nolte There are many contrasts in life: light and dark; good and bad; new and old; young and elderly; in and out. Let’s contrast these two songs: “No room in the more

  • Christology - The Study Of Christ Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 30, 2018

    This message summarizes the Study of Christ.

    Christology the study of Christ Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross, the Just for the unjust, as a substitutionary sacrifice, and all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. He more

  • Crushing Kings

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Feb 19, 2019

    In this psalm we will see three aspects of Christ

    A. Opening illustration: Spurgeon paraphrased a recent exchange between a sage, elderly pastor and minister in training. “Don’t you know, young man, that from every town and every village and every hamlet in England, wherever it may be, there is a road to London? So, from every text in Scripture more

  • Proofs Of The Resurrection Series

    Contributed by Jeff Kautz on Dec 28, 2018

    Peter's Sermon on the Resurrection

    The 1st Sermon-Proofs of the Resurrection Acts 2:25-36 Lessons From The Early Church Ill-Four hundred years before the birth of Christ, Socrates, the renowned Greek Philosopher, drank the poison hemlock and lay down to die. “Shall we live again?” his friends asked. The dying philosopher could more

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