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  • Experiencing Loss Without Becoming Lost Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Aug 3, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    Seeking the Lord’s guidance during times of loss and grief.

    YOUNG GIRL AT COVENANT HOUSE WITH PAINT CAN OF MOTHER’S ASHES Some years ago I read the story of a young girl that came what became well known as Covenant House here in L.A…. “She came to our front door Tuesday morning, dressed in dirty rags, holding a little aluminum paint can in her arms. more

  • When The Deliverer Comes Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jun 9, 2002
    based on 135 ratings

    The demon possessed man is a reminder of the dilemma that is faced by every human that has not come under the influence of the saving power of Jesus Christ.

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 22 by Dr. John R. Hamby When the Deliverer Comes! Luke 8: 26-39 The disciples had just come through a life-threatening experience on the Sea of Galilee. A terrible storm had almost more

  • Take Your Pick Of Three Preachers This Easter

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Apr 13, 2001
    based on 85 ratings

    Describes three different messages being preached at Easter time.

    April 15, 2001 Matthew 27:62-28:15 The longest sermon on record was preached by Rev. Robert Marshall, minister of the Birmingham Unitarian Church, Michigan, in 1976. He preached for 60 hours and 31 minutes. The previous record holder was Robert McKee who preached for 52 hours. He said more

  • The Price Of Truth

    Contributed by Dan Erickson on Nov 22, 2000
    based on 76 ratings

    A willingness to speak the truth, even if that truth is not popular, is a great virtue.

    One of my favorite stories is The Emperor's New Clothes. It is the tale about an Emperor who was swindled by a supposed tailor. The man claims to sew a new, special suit for the Emperor. It is special because only those who are wise will see the clothes, while those who are foolish will find them more

  • A Red Letter Day For You

    Contributed by Douglas Phillips on Aug 28, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    Special days are marked in red on many calendars. On God’s calendar it is a red letter day when a sinner accepts the Lord. It could also be a tragic day, as the Day of the Lord also refers to a time of judgment

    A RED LETTER DAY FOR YOU AMOS 5:18 - 27 Scripture Reading: Amos 5:18-27 Responsive Reading: Joshus 7:1-26 Introduction: One of the things that we all have in common are special days. People of alll ages, all cultures, and nationalities have them. Special days are as individual as those who more

  • Crooked Woman Made Straight Series

    Contributed by John Walls on Sep 16, 2001
    based on 108 ratings

    Practical applications on the Miracles in the Bible

    Introduction: Disease is a terrible thing. It will be the death of every one of us. Disease is the direct result of man’s fall in the Garden of Eden. Throughout the Bible we find disease. But one day, the King of kings will conquer disease. A careful study of the Bible will reveal three more

  • Christians: Party Animals? Part I Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Oct 10, 2001
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon is part of a series I did on Nehemiah’s one holy passion, the glory of God.

    One Holy Passion Nehemiah 8:1-8 April 29, 2001 “Christians: Party Animals?” Part 1 A funny thing happened on the way to the sermon! I had it all lined up and figured out, and then it became clear that God was asking me to change my mind and my approach to the remainder of this sermon series. more

  • Kiss The Son

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Dec 1, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    How are you responding to Christ?

    Psalm 2:1-12 Kiss the Son Woodlawn Baptist Church November 23, 2003 Introduction A few weeks ago when we studied Psalm 1, you saw from the Scriptures that when you boil all of life down, all we are left with are the decisions we make for or against the Lord Jesus Christ. The psalmist showed us more

  • How To Evangelize And Teach

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 13, 2001
    based on 39 ratings

    How To Evangelize and Teach People About Evangelism - How To Teach Christians to Bring Others to Christ! TEXT - Luke 19:1-10

    How To Evangelize and Teach People About Evangelism How To Teach Christians to Bring Others to Christ! TEXT - Luke 19:1-10 Learning Objective 1. The students will learn the principles, patterns, and methods for effective evangelism by analyzing how Jesus Christ brought Zacchaeus to more

  • Fighting Past Fear To Freedom Series

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Aug 16, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    The second in a five part series on healing: focusing on spiritual deliverance, physical healing, and relational restoration. This message specifically addresses how fear can be a road block to healing and freedom in our lives.

    (As with many of my sermons. . .a great deal of the inspiration for this message came from the writings of Max Lucado on this passage.) Introduction - This message was launched with a video from Sermon Spice which addresses fear. It is a dynamic clip that runs just a couple minutes, and more

  • Stand Your Ground

    Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    examining persecution and what we are called to do when we face it.

    Stand your Ground – Heb 10:32-39 Gladstone Baptist Church – 12/9/04 pm Read From Jesus Freak p. 167 - Tsehay Tolessa - Ethiopia circa 1980s "They forced my hands under my knees and tied them there. Then they put a stick through these ropes and hung me upside down. They filled my mouth with dirty more

  • Faith That Could Not Be Frustrated

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 9, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Caleb had a faith that could not be frustrated, due his constant focus on the power, promises and faithfulness of God, which ultimately led to his personal possession of what had been promised.

    Faith That Could Not Be Frustrated Text: Joshua 14: 14 Intro: Faith. What a wonderful, biblical, truth! It is the spiritual key that opens the storehouse of the riches of God. Faith is that which brings the promises of God into our possession, making them a personal and practical reality. I more

  • Really Believing Series

    Contributed by Rick Stacy on Jul 21, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    2nd in series on Hebrews (section 4) This message emphasizes the importance of faith in our daily walk and what really believing means to your life.

    Really Believing What you Believe… We have studied Hebrews for many weeks now. We have wandered through the foot hills of faith as we have learned about the nature and person of Jesus. We have struggled through the long and difficult climb on the rugged slopes of personal spiritual growth and we more

  • All We Need Is Love. Oh, Really?

    Contributed by Ovidiu Radulescu on Jul 29, 2008
    based on 91 ratings

    Did you ever heard or thought that doctrines are not so important? All we need is Jesus… We don’t need that extra stuff. As Christians, how many doctrines we got so far? Muslims got 5. 1.Allah Akbar – Allah is one. 2.Mohamed is his prophet

    Did you ever heard or thought that doctrines are not so important? All we need is Jesus… We don’t need that extra stuff. As Christians, how many doctrines we got so far? Muslims got 5. 1. Allah Akbar – Allah is one. 2. Mohamed is his prophet. 3. Give to the poor. 4. Fast at the end of Ramadan. more

  • Packing For A Missions Trip Across The Street - Part 2

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Nov 19, 2008
    based on 39 ratings

    what we need to know to be effective at sharing the gospel witht he people God puts in our lives

    Packing for a Missions Trip Across the Street or Around the World Part 2 Acts 17:16-34 Part 2 Know the Culture Know How to Communicate Be Respectful Be Positive Be Wise Be Loving Thank you Jeanie. This month we have been focusing on missions. When we think of missions, often more

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