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  • Sunny Side Sermon I: Always Keep On The Sunny Side Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, there is a dark troubled side yet a bright sunny side - which presents to each of us a choice: succumb to Satan's strategy of despair, or, stay on the winning side with Christ our Lord and overcome the world.

    KEEP ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE To hear Garrison Keillor of Lake Woebegone tell it, there are two sides of life – “a dark, troubled side, and a bright, sunny side”. Says he: When we do meet up with the darkness and more

  • Sunny Side Sermon Vii: Bible Personalities Who Kept On The Sunny Side Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, temptation abounds in every arena of life, as if life's a game of chance without scruples for avoiding self-destruction. Christians, therefore, need to be like Caleb whose different Spirit kept him from falling.

    BIBLE PERSONALITIES WHO KEPT ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE: CALEB If you were a bit puzzled at the assertion made in our last study about the wilderness experience of Jesus, to wit, that: Jesus needed no plan for dealing with Satan’s three attempts to get Him to more

  • Sunny Side Sermon Viii: Despite The Dark, Solomon Kept On The Sunny Side Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, Christians must do as Solomon did: Ask God for a remedy to the situation we find (or put) ourselves in. God turned a raucous sinner's formula for failure into a repentant sinner's formula for success!

    DESPITE THE DARK SIDE, SOLOMON KEPT ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE Which is it? “There’s no fool like an old fool” or “The older you get, the wiser you become”? Can you have it both ways? If we were to put it to a vote, we would probably get a split decision more

  • Revival Fires! (A Pre-Revival Message)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jan 18, 2022

    I guess you heard about the two fellows out on a hot sunny day.

    One of them complained, "I am hot, let's find a place to cool off." The other one said, "Yea, me too! Where do you want to go?" The grumbler said, "Well, the coldest place I know of is the church down the street, let's go there..." Now, that has been told as more

  • Survival Strength Series

    Contributed by Douglas Mcdaris on Mar 15, 2012

    Singing and shouting during sunny days does not reveal true faith in Christ. The true test of faith is how one survives storms.

    SURVIVAL STRENGTH Colossians 3:11 “Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.” Singing and shouting during sunny days does not reveal true faith in Christ. The true test of faith is how one more

  • Sunny Side Sermon V: Christian Battle Armor - What A Shame Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    In our fallen world, threats toward God's People are intended to silence voices of God's Truth. Though we don't like the idea of warfare, Christian disciples must be equipped with spiritual armor to fight the good fight of faith.

    CHRISTIAN BATTLE ARMOR? WHAT A SHAME! It was a crying shame that, in June of this year, a gunman opened fire on softball teams made up of congressmen in Washington! No one suspected it could happen, yet it did happen - two teams practicing to more

  • Sunny Side Sermon Vi: How We Wish It Were Not So, But It Is Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour - which means that mature disciples of Christ must of necessity have a battle plan for dealing with the threats Satan constantly hurls at us.

    HOW WE WISH IT WERE NOT SO, BUT IT IS! When tragedy strikes, whether personal as when a loved one loses his life in an accident, or national as was the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, how we wish it were not so! As more

  • Sunny Side Sermon Iii: Who You Listen To Makes A Big Difference Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, many voices vie for the attention of the masses - and pagan voices seem to be the loudest - but mature people of faith value their spiritual well-being and pay attention to Him who is the Truth and the Life.

    WHO YOU LISTEN TO MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD SPIRITUALLY Have you seen any ghosts lately? Thirty-four percent of Americans believe in ghosts, and fifty-six percent believe ghosts are spirits of the dead. Did you ever live in a more

  • Sunny Side Sermon Iv: Where You Reside Makes A Big Difference Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, Christians are "in the world" but supposed to be not of the world, yet more and more disciples seem to be "border-line" and therefore need to be reminded that living "in Christ" ought to make a real difference.

    WHERE YOU RESIDE MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD SPIRITUALLY Where do you reside . . . How many residences do you claim . . . Where do you live geographically? Where do you live psychologically? A lady asked me this week to recommend a vitamin that can work more

  • Sunny Side Sermon Ii: Why Aruge About It When The Answer Is Obvious Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 1, 2020

    In our fallen world, arguing about what's right and wrong - morally, ethically, politically, theologically, medically - dominates the news and conversations everywhere we go, but there is one issue about which arguing is moot.

    WHY ARGUE ABOUT IT WHEN THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS? In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, my wife and I discovered a place of retreat called the Peaks of Otter. Anytime we needed to “get away from it all” we headed there because it was a short distance more

  • Part Of The Family Of God

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Jul 10, 2015

    How many of you like to go out on a nice, sunny day and play with your friends? Has anyone ever said that they can't play with you because they don't like you, or because of where you live, or because of who your parents are?

    Good morning boys and girls! How many of you like to go out on a nice, sunny day and play with your friends? Has anyone ever said that they can't play with you because they don't like you, or because of where you live, or because of who your parents are? Well boys and girls, I certainly know how more

  • Empty Tomb ... Full Life!

    Contributed by Patrick Nix on Jul 9, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians often talk about how that what Satan offers is empty and vain, yet the majority of Christians live, at best, half-lives. More empty than full, more cloudy than sunny, more searching than satisfied. Why? Because we have confined the power of the

    Easter weekend, our church sent out hundreds of plastic eggs to help our neighbors consider their own existence. Inside, a simple message: “Is your life as empty as this egg? Ever feel like you’ve got a shiny coat outside – but empty and void on the inside? Come Sunday & learn why the Empty Tomb more

  • Revival Fires!

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 29, 2022

    I guess you heard about the two fellows out on a hot sunny day. One of them complained, "I am hot, let's find a place to cool off." The other one said, "Yea, me too! Where do you want to go?"

    The grumbler said, "Well, the coldest place I know of is the church down the street, let's go there..." Now, that has been told as a joke on many occasions, but all the humor is drained from it, because it is the truth in many cases. Beloved, God never meant for His church to be a more

  • "The Wind In Our Face"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Apr 21, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    Three things to do when the storms of life come.

    “The Wind in our Face” April 26, 2009 Hebrews 12:1-4, 2 Timothy 3:14 “Well, the snow is just about melted off of Black Butte. The old timers in this area keep a watch on the conditions on Black Butte to determine when they can plant or not. Last week, with the temperatures in the mid 80’s, a more

  • C.o.p.

    Contributed by Martin Ellgar on Dec 16, 2014

    A drama for children: C.O.P. (Christian On Patrol)

    C.O.P. (This children’s talk is based on Luke 13: 10-17, where Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath.) Theme: Jesus gives life. Objective: 1. To demonstrate an act of giving life. 2. To teach that Jesus gives life Key Phrase: Jesus gives life. Materials: 1. A carry bag 2. An old more

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