Douglas Mcdaris
Contributing sermons since Sep 21, 2006
Newest Sermons
Survival Strength
Contributed on Mar 15, 2012
Singing and shouting during sunny days does not reveal true faith in Christ. The true test of faith is how one survives storms.
SURVIVAL STRENGTH Colossians 3:11 “Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.” Singing and shouting during sunny days does not reveal true faith in Christ. The true test of faith is how ...read more
Shaping Storms
Contributed on Mar 15, 2012
Our text shows God using “Shaping Storms” to expose and expel idolatry from a nation. God uses “Shaping Storms to expose and expel sin from individual believers as well.
Shaping Storms Jeremiah 18:1-6 Our text shows God using “Shaping Storms” to expose and expel idolatry from a nation. God uses “Shaping Storms to expose and expel sin from individual believers as well. 1. Shaping Storms Responds To The Pressure Of The Hands Of God! A. ...read more
Sanctifying Storms
Contributed on Mar 15, 2012
We all experience scriptural sanctification and spiritual storms. Sanctification is being set apart for God's service and growing in grace.
SANCTIFYING STORMS 1 Peter 1:1-9 Our conversations show what is important to us. We all experience scriptural sanctification and spiritual storms. Sanctification is being set apart for God's service and growing in grace. What dominates our speech as we assemble for worship? Do we grumble about ...read more
The Storm Specialist
Contributed on Mar 5, 2012
Jesus called disciples to serve the sick, not to speculate about the cause of their sickness. He expected them to be submissive servants, not "Storm Specialist."
THE STORM SPECIALIST John 9:1-7 Jesus called disciples to serve the sick, not to speculate about the cause of their sickness. He expected them to be submissive servants, not "Storm Specialist." 1. JESUS USED A CORRECTIVE PROCLAMATION. A. Look At The Need For His Proclamation. ...read more
Self-Inflicted Storms
Contributed on Mar 5, 2012
David acknowledged and abhorred the causes of his storm, however, he appreciated the cure for his storm as well.
SELF-INFLICTED STORMS Psalm 51:1-19 Who suffered the most severe storm, Job or David? Job's storm destroyed family, finances, friends, and threatened his faith. However, David endured a more severe storm! Job endured a Satan-inflicted storm; David endured a "Self inflicted Storm." ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Storms Of Life
Contributed on Mar 15, 2012
The Storms Of Life
Contributed on Mar 1, 2012