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  • Jesus Walks On Water PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the power of Jesus, the faith of Peter, and the comfort of Jesus as illustrated in Matthew 14:22-33, emphasizing the importance of unwavering faith in God's righteousness.

    Good morning, Church family! Today, we are diving deep into the heart of Matthew's Gospel, chapter 14, verses 22 through 33. This passage is a beautiful illustration of the power of Jesus, the faith of Peter, and the comfort of Jesus. It's a scene that holds an ocean of wisdom about faith, doubt, more

  • Don;t Bail Just Keep Paddling

    Contributed by Ervin Kimrey on May 14, 2005
    based on 98 ratings

    This sermon incourages people to hold fast to Jesus and not give up. We must learn to overcome fear by trusting in Jesus in the mist of our storms

    Things our kids teach us 1. A king size waterbed holds enough water to fill a 2000 sq. ft. house 4inches deep. 2. If you spray hair spray on dust bunnies and run over them with roller blades, they can ignite. 3. A 3-year old’s voice is louder than 200 adults in a crowded restaurant. 4. If more

  • The Majestic Voice Of God Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The Majestic Voice of God - Psalm 29 (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). God’s Powerful Voice (vs 1-2): (2). God’s Power in Action (vs 3-9): (3). God’s Power Enthroned (vs 10-11) SERMON BODY: Ill: • An elderly gentlemen went in for his annual physical exam. • The doctor said, "You're in incredible shape. How old are more

  • Jesus Favorite Word

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on May 29, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    I want to share with us this morning what I believe to be ‘Jesus Favorite Word.’ We find this word throughout the Old as well as the New Testament. I lift up for your consideration Jesus Favorite Word was and is “COME.”

    TITLE: JESUS FAVORITE WORD SCRIPTURE: ST. MATTHEW 14:22-33 I want to share with us this morning what I believe to be ‘Jesus Favorite Word.’ We find this word throughout the Old as well as the New Testament. I lift up for your consideration Jesus Favorite Word was and is “COME.” • In ST MATTHEW more

  • Follow Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Feb 23, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    We are following the development of the faith of the disciples. Like us, sometimes they demonstrate great faith. Sometimes they fail. Always they follow Jesus. Courage calls us to follow Jesus.

    Keys of Courageous Faith: Follow Mark 10:32-52 Introduction Today we conclude our series on Keys of Courageous Faith. We are following the development of the faith of the disciples. Like us, sometimes they demonstrate great faith. Sometimes they fail. Always they follow Jesus. Courage calls us more

  • God's Designed Dilemmas

    Contributed by Steven Ferber on Jun 21, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    Just as earthly fathers sometimes allow their children to face dilemmas so they can grow and mature, Jesus allowed His disciples to face the life-and-death dilemma of a huge storm at sea, so that He could show His power and inspire them to trust Him.

    I think it’s safe to say that the drought in Minnesota is over, don’t you? The pictures and video of the flooding in Duluth are stunning. The good news is that our lakes and rivers are filling up, and most of our farmers are happy with the rain. The bad news is that Donna and I have more

  • The Sermon On The Mount (Part 22) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Feb 24, 2020

    Today we finish the series with Jesus talking about those who put his words into practice and those who don't. Those who build their house on the rock and those who build their house on the sand. He describes the outcome of each when storms come.

    THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (part 22) Matthew 7:24-29 1) The house on the rock. Matt. 7:24-25, “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against more

  • U Betta Ask Somebody

    Contributed by Johnny Jenkins on Aug 9, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    Jesus calms the winds and the waves by speaking "peace be still", leaving the shipmates in awe of His power.

    Mark 4: 35-41 OVERVIEW Book is authored by Mark, also known as John Mark. As the 2nd of the gospel, it is also the shortest and most brief; it gives just factual details of the encounters of Jesus Christ. Mark focuses more on the miracles that were performed. In the passage of scriptures we find more

  • Mission Possible

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Jun 24, 2023

    Peter could only do the impossible as long as he focused on Jesus instead of on his surroundings.

    As sometimes happens, this sermon took a turn I had not expected once I really got into it. Not a very big one, mind you, but I would up focusing on the gospel lesson instead of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. I do like, when I can, to tie the three lessons together, and these three seemed to be more

  • "take Courage. It Is I."

    Contributed by Les Buttolph on Aug 28, 2023

    When the storms of life threaten, even overwhelm us, know that Jesus is there, and can save us.

    One very cold day, a farmer sees a bird lying on the path, half dead. He picks up the bird, cradles it in his hands, and blows his warm breath on it. The bird begins to revive, but the farmer has chores to do, and doesn’t have the time to nurse the bird to recovery. But he spots a fresh cow pile, more

  • Through It All

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Mar 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Even when we follow Christ storms come into our lives..It is in the midst of the storms that the Lord comes to teach, touch, and train each of us.

    Through It All Matthew 14:22-32 * Have you ever felt like you had a word from God about the direction you should go, the ministry you should do, or an action you should take – only to be hit in the face with a struggle? * If you have, perhaps you are like me, but pondering the personal more

  • Jesus And His Tests

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Jul 25, 2015

    Our job is to involve Jesus in any problems we are facing and to count on his presence and power. Jesus is present and ready to help in any situation of need. All we have to do is come to him in faith.

    Have you ever had to prepare a meal for a large group of people with little or no advance notice? When you prepared that meal, did you ever stop to wonder how you would do it, especially if you realized that you did not have enough food and you did not have the time or money to go to the grocery more

  • Where Is Your Faith Series

    Contributed by Rick Chapman on Aug 31, 2023

    Series on ships, Part II

    WHERE IS YOUR FAITH LUKE 8:22-25 22 Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. 23 But as they sailed, he fell asleep: and there came down a storm of wind on the more

  • Lord Don't You Care?

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Jun 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Title is not original. Some thoughts from Rev. Ken Klaas, and others with quotes from Leonard Sweet "Aqua Church" on risk taking for a church to change and grow. This sermon is about who we trust in the "storms of life". Does God really care? Yes.

    In Jesus Holy Name June 24, 2018 Text: Mark 4:35-41 Pentecost V Redeemer “Lord Don’t You Care?” (read the text) Our story takes place on the Sea of Galilee. The story begins with Jesus having put in a long day of more

  • A Faith For Rocky Waters

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Aug 14, 2023

    A sermon for Lectionary 19 in the season following Pentecost, Year A

    August 13, 2023 Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church Matthew 14:22-33 A Faith for Rocky Waters Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. “Take heart, it is I.” How wonderful it must have been for the disciples to hear Jesus’ voice more

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