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  • Stop Stealing! Series

    Contributed by Keith Walker on May 19, 2004
    based on 79 ratings

    Stealing is a violation of the law, a violation of loyalty, and a violation of love.

    INTRODUCTION A Sunday School teacher was teaching her class about the difference between right and wrong. “All right children, let’s take another example,” she said. “If I were to get into a man’s pocket and take his wallet and remove all his money, what would I be?” Little Johnny’s hand went up. more

  • Do Not Steal Series

    Contributed by Peter Parry on Apr 1, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    "Stealing means more than taking; it means primarily withholding something." (Two Tablets a Day by Wm. R. VanerZee,p.97)

    DO NOT STEAL (Ex.20:1-15; Mt. 21:28-32) (“Stealing means more than taking; it means primarily withholding something” Two Tablets a Day by Wm. R. VanderZee, p.97) It’s obvious from all the security in our stores and the high rates we pay for car insurance that a more

  • Steal No More Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Jun 7, 2013

    Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. (Part One)

    Dakota Community Church Ephesians 54, Grace at Work 24 June 2, 2013 Steal No More We are given six behaviors we are to discontinue - because they destroy unity. We are given six replacement behaviors which will foster and protect unity. Instead of lying; speak truth ...having put away falsehood, more

  • "No Stealing" Series

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Nov 7, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    God calls the Christian to live in community with others by being fair, righteous and just in all of his dealings.

    November 2002 Central Christian Church St Petersburg, Fl Joe Bedy Commandment number 8 seems as direct and plain as the first 7. “You shall not steal.” Ex. 20:15 Do not take for yourself anything that belongs to somebody else. I think the question is where do we draw the line? The quarter on the more

  • Stealing And Labor Series

    Contributed by Arthur Miller on Mar 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    We here the phrase I can't afford to work. The implication is that if I work I will earn less than not working. Eph. 4:28 says that is stealing! The reason I believe many hold this wrong concept and steal is they do not understand God's design for work.

    Passages from the NIV on Bible Gateway Introduction Have you ever wished that you had grown up in the first century; being a part of the church at the very beginning? Being in the crowd as the apostles are preaching on the day of Pentecost hearing them speak in our own language. After hearing more

  • Do Not Steal Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 19, 2017

    Preaching on the 8th Commandment as well as sharing common ways people break it

    Do NOT Steal CCCAG July 16th, 2017 Scripture-Exodus 20:15 When I graduated paramedic school, Tammie got me a professional level stethoscope as a graduation gift. You can buy a stethoscope at the local drug store for $10-15, but it’s not quality, and you can barely hear anything with it. If you more

  • Stealing A Cure

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Jul 8, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    The lady with chronic bleeding stole a cure from Jesus, who commends her great faith. We learn from her to come as you are to Jesus, believe the impossible, and receive Jesus' healing. True faith never limits God but is open to whatever God wants to do.

    Mark 5:25-34 Stealing a Cure I meet a lot of Veterans at the VA who are in chronic pain. Some of you are in chronic pain. You have hurt for so long you don’t remember what it is like NOT to hurt. Sometimes you allow that pain to drive you AWAY from God. “Why won’t you take this away? Why won’t you more

  • Possessions And Stealing

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Oct 27, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    The eighth commandment gives us a simple rule to keep us tuned in to God's authority over our possessions.

    (From: • More than $13 billion worth of goods are stolen from retailers each year. That's more than $35 million per day. • There are approximately 27 million shoplifters (or 1 in 11 people) in our nation today. More than 10 million people have been caught more

  • "Stealing A Miracle" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Apr 3, 2017

    Jesus never encountered a need that that overwhelmed him. He never met a problem he couldn’t solve and he never encountered a disease he couldn’t cure.

    “Stealing a Miracle” Mark 5:21-43 Some of you work in jobs where it is necessary to be able to multitask. To do several things at one time. We talk on the phone to deal with one client and another client on the computer. We walk and chew gum. We are in a meeting-we’re listening but we’re also more

  • Stealing? The Battle?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 18, 2022

    Consider stealing the 8th commandment? Have you ever stole something from God? The battle is not yours! Stand still and see... PRAISE AND WORSHIP WILL ALWAYS WIN... Don't steal.

    STEALING? THE BATTLE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I have a jar of peanut butter, a spoon and a few pieces of bread sitting on a table. *STEAL: TO TAKE SOMETHING THAT IS NOT YOURS WITHOUT PERMISSION OR A LEGAL RIGHT. One that steals has no intention of returning. To take more

  • Eigth Commandment Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Nov 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Do not steal others property. Work hard and earn your blessings.

    Eighth Commandment: Thou Shall not Steal-Ex 20:15 Introduction: take (another person's property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it. Robbery is the crime of taking or attempting to take something of value by force or threat of force or by putting the victim in more

  • Thou Shalt Not Steal

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Mar 8, 2018

    Thou shalt not steal

    THOU SHALT NOT STEAL By Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (March 7, 2018) “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10, King James Version [Christ is the door]). Greetings in the Holy Name of Jesus, My more

  • Thou Shall Not Steal Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Oct 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This 8th Commandment, is one that is violated more then we can imagine and is a eye opener to even Christians on how we often violate the love of God.

    Thou Shall Not Steal Exodus 20:15 Introduction Many lives have been touched by theft in our society today. Millions of dollars are lost every year in this country over the theft of goods and services. One estimate says that 1 out of every 52 shopper’s carries something out of the supermarket more

  • You Shall Not Steal Series

    Contributed by Errol Joseph on Jul 16, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    An Exposition of the Eight Commandment with Emphasis on its Current Application

    INTRODUCTION q This commandment continues to highlight our relationship and duties to our fellow human beings. The fifth protects proper authority, the sixth protects our neighbour’s life, the seventh protects the sanctity of the marriage, while the eight protects our neighbour’s more

  • It's A Steal, But Not A Bargain Series

    Contributed by Dan Jackson on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    The 8th commandment forces us to look at our attitude towards possessions and our accountabilty to God

    “IT’S A STEAL, BUT NOT A BARGAIN! “ (Exodus 20:15) We visited the Norman Rockwell Museum in Philadelphia and nostalgia gripped us as we remembered those great covers on The Saturday Evening Post. One of my favorites pictured an encounter in a butcher shop. A woman shopper and a butcher faced each more

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