Peter Parry
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Contributed on Jan 5, 2007
Epiphany reminds us to see the good grain instead of the weeds.
EPIPHANY (Mt.13:24-30;36-43) This Sunday on the church calendar is called: Epiphany. The word means “appearance” or “manifestation”. More specifically epiphany means “God-appearing” and is a reference to the birth of Jesus, as a “God-appearing” event. When the wise men came to see ...read more
Do Not Steal
Contributed on Apr 1, 2006
"Stealing means more than taking; it means primarily withholding something." (Two Tablets a Day by Wm. R. VanerZee,p.97)
DO NOT STEAL (Ex.20:1-15; Mt. 21:28-32) (“Stealing means more than taking; it means primarily withholding something” Two Tablets a Day by Wm. R. VanderZee, p.97) It’s obvious from all the security in our stores and the high rates we pay for car insurance ...read more
The Sacred Name
Contributed on Feb 25, 2006
The more we hallow (value)the name of God, the more love of God flows through us.
THE SACRED NAME (Exodus 20:1-7) If you have ever taken a “Dale Carnegie Course” on how to win friends and influence people, you know that one technique is to get the person’s name right: it’s pronounced Ione, not IonE or IonA; no Parry is spelled with ...read more
Infant Baptism
Contributed on Mar 12, 2005
Baptism,be it infant or adult,is giving back to God what He has given to us.
INFANT BAPTISM (I. Samuel 1:3-11) One thing I have learned in my ministry over the years is that there are many different reasons why people want to be baptized. Having just baptized young Javen, I thought it would be a good time to look ...read more
Beware The Philosophies Of Men
Contributed on Feb 12, 2005
The opinion of man is no substitute for the Word of God.
NonChristian Philosophies of Men: 1. I DID IT MY WAY Christian rebuttal: The Christian is a slave to Jesus Christ (I.Corinthians 7:22) called upon to follow the will of God whether he or she likes it or not. Mark 3:35 2. There is no such ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Ten Commandments
Contributed on Apr 1, 2006
10 Commandments
Contributed on Feb 25, 2006
Psalm 23
Contributed on Jun 4, 2004
Spiritual Gifts
Contributed on Dec 13, 2003
Contributed on Apr 18, 2003