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  • Hey Is This The Right Road

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Dec 5, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    Where are you ?

    HEY IS THIS THE RIGHT ROAD Psalms 107:30Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven. 1.THROUGH THE WATERS Isaiah 43:2When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: more

  • Staying The Right Course Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Nov 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus give us directions on how to choose the right path; He gives us a warning concerning who we follow and allow to influence our lives and decisions; and He gives the means by which we can evaluate the leadership of those whom we follow.

    Staying the Right Course Matthew 7:13-20 Intro: Last week we talked about the fact that every human has a free will and cannot be forced (nor can we force others) to accept God’s way of life that He offers freely. When someone tries to force someone to follow a certain path, through more

  • Be With The Right Person

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 19, 2019

    Someone said: “With the right set of mind, with the right people, with the right support, things happen.”

    Be with the right person 1 Samuel 9:22”Then Samuel took Saul and his servant and brought them into the hall and gave them a place at the head of those who were invited, who were about thirty men.” Someone said: “With the right set of mind, with the right people, with the right support, things more

  • How To Stay Right Side Up In An Upside Down World

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on May 16, 2014

    John tells us how to live our lives amid the call of the world

    Staying Right Side Up When The World Is Upside Down 1 John 2:24-29 (NLT) Intro: The synagogue was in conflict. A Rabbi was at odds with his congregation. Nothing was going right and there was chaos and turmoil every day. The president of the synagogue went to the rabbi and said that they had to more

  • Start Right #1 Series

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Nov 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Our overall theme is taken from 2 Corinthians 5:7, “Walk by faith, not by sight.” Abraham is rightly known as the father of all who believe (Rom 4:11).

    START RIGHT (GEN. 12:1-13:1) A wise Chinese proverb says it all: “A good beginning is half the job done.” We all want to start right -- a new job, a new family married, new year, new believers. About 1,800 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, after the chaos at Babel, and before there were more

  • The Importance Of Staying On The Right Track Series

    Contributed by T. Michael Crews on Dec 21, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Overview of Malachi

    The Importance of Staying on the Right Track An Introduction to Malachi Mal. 1:1 I did it again just the other night, without really meaning to, almost without really trying. I got off on the wrong track. My family and I were on the way home from an out of town basketball game in Wilson County, more

  • Staying Committed

    Contributed by Jack Pladdys on Mar 23, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Right commitment brings right choices which make right people who are blessed abundantly.

    I. Who is Committed? A. Show of hands… 1. How many of you like being friends with committed people? a. Giving your time and effort to a cause or person. 2. How many of you have people in your life that you wish would be more committed? 3. How many of you think you are a committed more

  • Staying On Course Series

    Contributed by Ronald Thorington on Jan 1, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    To achieve your goals you must foster the right attitudes, following right example,and focusing on the right prize.

    #25, 9-30-07 Staying on Course Introduction, Achieving your goals 1) Many set goals but never achieve them 2) Many get side-tracked on other things 3) To achieve goals you must stay on course God has an upward call for you! 1) God has created you for a higher purpose 2) God has called you to more

  • You Can't Park Here

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jun 19, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    If you have ever had a Mountain Top Experience – you have the tendency to want to stay right there. You want to park right there and stay on the Mountain Top.

    TITLE: YOU CAN’T PARK HERE SCRIPTURE: ST. MATTHEW 17:1-8 We attended the State Congress of Christian Education in Tulsa two weeks ago. The classes were very good and the Congress hotel was located downtown, which was very nice as well. As you find in most downtown City hotels the on-site more

  • "Stay In Right Lane: Consistency Counts" Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 11, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    Why Consistency in our Spiritual Walk is important.

    Iliff & Saltillo UM churches March 2, 2003 “Stay in Right Lane”: Consistency Counts II Kings 2:1-12 INTRODUCTION: We will soon begin the Lenten Season. I’d like you to look back over the past year and ask yourself the question, “Am I a more consistent or less consistent Christian than I was more

  • Staying In Love For All The Right Reasons

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jul 23, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Part two of a three part series on Marriage

    I am currently working with a group of middle and high school students through a community initiative called “Communities That Care.” CTC is seeking to develop a climate in our county that will reduce drug, alcohol, and tobacco use as well as create a more pro-active involvement among our youth more

  • Stay

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Sep 10, 2003
    based on 45 ratings

    You need to stay in the mess you are in just a little while longer until God makes you ruler over that mess.

    “STAY” John 20:19 Luke 24:46 – 49 Acts2: 2 I know someone might say STAY, that’s a command you give a dog. Understand it’s not so much the command that is important, but the obedience to that command, which bears the responsibility of the command. In other words, it’s not what you say, but more

  • Staying On Track Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Jul 14, 2001
    based on 44 ratings


    BIG IDEA: FOLLOWING THE RIGHT EXAMPLES (THE WAY OF THE CROSS RATHER THAN THE WAY OF INDULGENCE) WILL KEEP US ON TRACK IN THE RACE TO GLORY TO JOIN OUR SAVIOR, THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Gromacki: "In this section, the apostle challenged the believers to experience the joy of maturity." I. (:15-16) more

  • Staying On Track

    Contributed by Odon Bulamba on Nov 26, 2013

    Listen to the voice of God and He will guide you to the right destination. Don't go away from the track.

    “Staying on track”: Proverbs 3:6 I’m so happy every time to pick up my phone to read a verse in the morning, because it helps me to pray and start my day. The Bible can feel heavy but the phone is always there, so easy to program it with reminders to pray, or praise the more

  • Back On The Right Track

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jan 24, 2010

    A message about getting on and staying on the "Right track" (the straight and narrow way)

    “Back on the Right Track” 2 Chronicles 29:1-11 In January 2005, a freight train accident in Graniteville, South Carolina, caused a hazardous chemical spill that caused nine deaths, sent 550 people to hospitals and forced the evacuation of 5,400 people – the nation’s worst more

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