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  • Standing Firm In Faith Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 4, 2013

    The impact of standing firm in the faith in Christ!

    We continue our study of the First Letter to the Thessalonians. Please open your Bibles to 1 Thessalonians Chapter 3…. We noted that the Thessalonian church was a church to be imitated; it was a church truly in Christ! But because the church was faithful to Christ, it was persecuted! We are more

  • Stand Firm In The Faith Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 17, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    What are some reasons that many fail to stand firm?

    HoHum: Archibald Naismith says that at the Battle of Waterloo, when the fight became its worst, an officer galloped up to the Commander, the Duke of Wellington and said, "My Captain says we are being destroyed, we need reinforcements quickly." The Duke said simply, "Tell him to stand." The officer more

  • Stand Firm In The Faith

    Contributed by Joel Curry on Oct 14, 2001
    based on 180 ratings

    More than anything in these troubled times, Christians are called to be on guard spiritually, stand firm in the faith, allow themselves to be strengthened by the word & Spirit of God, act with courage, and to do everything in love.

    In chapter 16 of 1 Corinthians, we find a number of concluding instructions and greetings from Paul. These include instruction about regular and orderly collection of gifts for the poverty-stricken Christians in Jerusalem, notice of impending visits by Timothy and Apollos, encouragement for the more

  • Stand Firm In The Faith

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Dec 7, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Advent 1(C) - Believers stand firm in the faith whenever they are growing in joyful faith and whenever they are growing in Christ’s love.

    1 THESSALONIANS 3:8-13 - ADVENT 1 - November 27, 2005 (Outline) INTRO: A new church year begins this morning with the season of Advent. For Christians this is a very special time for us to prepare for the coming birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. We also prepare for the second coming of Jesus as the more

  • Standing Firm In The Faith

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Feb 27, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We can stand firm in the faith: Joyful and free from worry, with contentment in whatever state we are in, knowing our needs will be met, able to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

    Standing Firm in the Faith 03/09/08 Reading: Philippians 1:21-28 Introduction In his letter to the Philippians, Paul expresses his desire that they “stand firm” in working together for the faith. Philippians 1:27 “Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I more

  • Stand Firm In The Faith

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 17, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you firm in the faith? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show or prove that our faith is the overcomer in us. IV. TEXT: 1 Corinthians 16:13 (Amplified Bible) Be alert and on your guard; stand firm

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you firm in the faith? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show or prove that our faith is the overcomer in us. IV. TEXT: 1 Corinthians 16:13 (Amplified Bible) Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your faith (your conviction respecting man’s more

  • Stand Firm In The Faith Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 23, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    1 Peter concludes with three facts: Satan is always actively rebelling against the church; The life of a Christian will always be an intense spiritual battle, and; The grace of God provides ultimate restoration for all. Will we live for Him?

    Stand Firm in the Faith 1 Peter Sermon Series, Part 14 1 Peter 5:8-14 Sunday … important message on marriage and the church Calling all to be in attendance and to come ready to hear God’s word Introduction Last Sunday, Mike gave us some incredible insight into Peter’s more

  • Stand Firm In Faith Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 16, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    A 4 part series offering hope in crisis that we can stand firm in our faith.

    STAND FIRM - 1 May 19, 2019 I’m at a point in life where I really don’t like to go camping. No offense to you campers! I really prefer to be in a nice comfortable bed, with good showers, a breakfast buffet, a pool and a hot tub. I’m not asking for much, but that’s kind of my starting point. more

  • Stand Firm In The Faith Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 1, 2018

    Message 18 from Philippians exploring Paul's admonition to stand firm in the faith.

    “Stand Firm in the Faith” Paul’s letter to the Philippians offers some key elements to “Maintaining the Joy of the Lord No Matter What”. There were many “No matter whats” going on both in Paul life an in the group of believers meeting in that metropolitan Greek city. Paul was in prison unable to more

  • Stand Firm Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Aug 19, 2020

    Isaiah 7:9 If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all. Stand firm in faith.

    For more sermons visit our: Website: Podcast : Facebook: Instagram: more

  • Stnad Firm In The Faith Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 12, 2013

    Resist the devil and stand firm in the faith

    Through the Apostle Peter, God has been telling us Christians how to live while we wait for the return of Jesus Christ. Very soon, all of us who believe in Christ will be perfected and taken to heaven to live forever with God! Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your only God and Savior for your more

  • Stand Firm In The Lord

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jun 21, 2013

    To show that the secret to standing firm in the faith is - FELLOWSHIP WITH THE BELIEVERS.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you love the company of believers? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that the secret to standing firm in the faith is - FELLOWSHIP WITH THE BELIEVERS. IV. TEXT: Philippians 4:1 (Amplified Bible) THEREFORE, MY brethren, whom I love and yearn to see, my more

  • Stand Firm

    Contributed by Marvin Del Rios on Oct 20, 2015

    words of encouragement and prayer for the Thessalonians are still words of encouragement and comfort for us today.

    I. Introduction II. “Stand firm” 2nd Thessalonians 2:13-17 Paul’s words of encouragement and prayer for the Thessalonians are still words of encouragement and comfort for us today. III. First let us look at verses 13-14, there are some key words to look at and to observe more

  • Stand Firm In The Lord Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 30, 2018

    Message 12 from Philippians study focusing on Paul's exhortation to stand firm in the Lord.

    "Stand Firm in the Lord” Paul’s letter to the Philippians offers some key elements to “Maintaining the Joy of the Lord No Matter What”. The true secret is Deeping relationship with and commitment to Jesus Christ. Truly knowing Jesus bring true joy and enables us to experience inner joy even when more

  • Standing Firm

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jun 1, 2015

    Be willing to stand firm for the truth of what you believe in. Sermon preached before our church voted to leave the PCUSA for A Covenant Order Of Evangelical Presbyterians denomination.

    Standing Firm Daniel 3:1-15 Jude 1”1-7 May 31,2015 How many of you have ever been to a movie in which there is a scene in which an enemy is coming and everybody is getting tense, but the leader says “not yet, stand your ground”. Some people want to panic and the music is more

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