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  • Divine Transformation

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Mar 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Like turning water into wine, Jesus came to us to transform our hard, selfish hearts into something extraordinary, lives worthy of God’s power and glory, stamped with the likeness of his Son.

    Divine Transformation John 2: 1-11 The classic novel, “Gone With the Wind,” was based on real people who lived pretty much the lives described in the book--although Rhett Butler's actual surname was Turnipseed, and Scarlett O’Hara was really Emelyn Louise Hannon. But Rhett did, in fact, walk more

  • An Extreme Makeover

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Oct 19, 2003
    based on 66 ratings

    We must realize the truth that 1. We all begin as ugly people. 2. We have the beauty of God stamped on our souls. 3. God offers to make us new people.

    Her nose was pretty big, but I didn’t think it looked all that bad. However, Lori claimed she was so ugly that people called her names and teased her children at school about her looks. To me she was average and even pleasant in appearance, but she decided to have her nose diminished, her chin more

  • Ruth's Romance Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 4, 2021

    The entire book of Ruth revolves around the romance of ordinary people. That is one of its purposes for being a part of the Bible. It is God's stamp of approval on the ordinary person as an instrument of His plan of history.

    Nowhere does history repeat itself more often than in the realm of romance. James Madison was the forth president of the United States, and he was the chief framer of the Constitution. He was the greatest scholar among the Founding Fathers. But when it came to romance he was no big gun. In fact, more

  • Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jun 23, 2023

    The Apostle Paul penned these words that are considered the central thought of Christianity. At one time he dedicated his life to stamping out Christianity. On his way to Damascus the power of God changed his life forever.

    When I was a teenager, I was first an agnostic and then I became an atheist. Of all places I was in a church when I made the transition to an atheist. It was my conclusion that the worship around me was not real and all of life could be explained by natural science. I even felt sorry for people more

  • The Messiah's Return Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 17, 2011
    based on 21 ratings

    The Satan led forces siege & capture Jerusalem & plunder with the intent of once & for all stamping out Christianity on earth. In this hour of their sorest need when all seems lost, "the Messiah Returns" as the pivotal event causing the dramatic reversal

    ZECHARIAH 14: 1-7 THE MESSIAH'S RETURN [Rev. 16&19/ Ezekiel 38&39 / Daniel 11/ Psalm 2/ Joel 3] The ultimate goal of all history is the Lord's personal appearance and reign. But before the literal and full manifestation of His Kingdom, the earth must experience the throes of rebirth pangs called more

  • Walking In The Fog

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 17, 2021

    Some of us feel ‘tranquility’ is the sign of God’s stamp on a particular project or work, but I have found out that when you enter into the will of God great opposition, obstacles and demons come against you, that is a clear indication that you are in the center of God’s will.

    FOG Isaiah 43:2”When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” SO you're waiting for the heat, anxiety, angst and chaos to more

  • The Word Of Triumph Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 171 ratings

    “When He had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’” This cry from the Cross is a shout of victory! Jesus fully paid the price for our sins, stamping "paid in full" across the ledger sheet of our lives. Since Jesus paid it all, we don’t have to

    The Word of Triumph Do you ever feel like your life is littered with half-completed projects? Even though I value being able to complete what I start, my days are often filled with unfinished business. From my childhood tree fort that had only one wall, to receiving an “Incomplete” in my college more

  • Do Not Limit The Holy One Of Israel (Part 4): Fear Is A Spirit That Limits Our Dependence On God In Times Of Trouble (Teach)

    Contributed by Jeremiah Menyongai on Mar 10, 2020

    Biologists say fear is the first & only universal emotion expressed in man and animals. We come into this world stamped with fear and those fears are multiplied as we grow. 365 “Fears Nots” are mentioned in the Bible. So how do we overcome destructive fear & trust God for breakthroughs?

    DO NOT LIMIT THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL (PART 4): FEAR IS A SPIRIT THAT LIMITS OUR DEPENDENCE ON GOD IN TIMES OF TROUBLE (TEACH) 1. 1 Samuel 28: 3 Now Samuel had died, and all Israel had lamented for him and buried him in Ramah, in his own city. And Saul had put the mediums and the spiritists out of more

  • A Very Special "I Am” Of John’s Gospel – "Ego Eimi” – "I, I Am” – So Much Comfort In It – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 31, 2022

    We will look at the marvellous "I AMs" of John’s Gospel, which mean “I, I am.” It stamped the authority of Jesus as the Elohim of the Old Testament. It's used in John 6 where the disciples battled the storm and Jesus drew near with the assurance and authority of “I, I AM”.

    A VERY SPECIAL “I AM” OF JOHN’S GOSPEL – “EGO EIMI” – “I, I AM” – SO MUCH COMFORT IN IT – PART 1 SHORT INTRODUCTION In John’s Gospel there are found very crucial sayings of the Lord Jesus all containing “I AM”. These relate to His Person and work and ministry. They are essential for our faith. more

  • We've Got Mail

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Sep 21, 2007
    based on 56 ratings

    Hezekiah founded an early Bible Post Office, and now God sends us to ’deliver the mail’ and carry His message to the ends of the earth. Link included to formatted text, audio & video, and PowerPoint Presentation.

    We’ve Got Mail II Chronicles 30:1-6 When I was a little boy my dad was a mail carrier, before he entered the ministry. And from that day to now I have had much respect for those who go door to door and street to street, carrying the mail for us. They more

  • Reach Out Honestly Series

    Contributed by Todd Stiles on Nov 9, 2006

    Jesus wouldn’t be cornered through the tricky tax question; instead, his answers show us how to live in both worlds, not just one -- and which one matters most!

    ¡§Reach Out Honestly¡¨ (Luke 20:20-26) How many of you know what this is? (show picture of toll booth on screen) You guessed it ¡V a toll booth! Yes, these dot the interstate landscape of I-80 through IL, IN, MI, and PA! And it is at these kinds of places we pay a tax ¡V an extra tax to apparently more

  • Hopeless? Give Hope! Things Are Looking Up.

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jun 8, 2022

    Will we volunteer to be "HOPE GIVERS?" Hope can work even in the storm. Even after I told you so... God does his best work in terrible dark storms. Paul declares FEAR NOT WHEN ALL HOPE WAS GONE!

    HOPELESS? THINGS ARE LOOKING UP! GIVE HOPE! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Acts 27:22 And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship. Acts 27:22 (MSG) But there's no need to dwell on that now. From now on, more

  • Redeemed! Series

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Mar 12, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We are redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus, Being redeemed we share in the mysteries of God and will be co-inheritors with Jesus. We will look at the past, present, and future components of redemption.

    How many here today know what S&H Green Stamps are? If you are under 40 years old you might not remember saving up green stamps. Certain stores give you so many trading stamps for each dollar you spend at their store. You save up the stamps, paste them into a collection book. When you have enough, more

  • Pride And Prejudice Series

    Contributed by David Heflin on Jan 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon I used for Mother’s Day about the Syrian Phoencian woman and her incredible encounter with Jesus

    Pride and Prejudice Mark 7:24-30 5/11/08 (Mother’s Day) PSCOC Intro: 41/41 cent stamps. I went into the post office on Friday to mail off some fundraising letters. I needed 41 stamps. So, I asked the cashier for 41 stamps. She thought I had asked if they had 41 cent stamps, which of course, is more

  • The Price Of Admission

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Oct 8, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    This is a message that sets forth the basics dealing with redemption.

    Scripture: Luke 4:18 Title: “The Price of Admission” Subject: Redemption Introduction: I can remember a time when if you shopped at certain places they gave you trading stamps. They gave out books with empty pages where you could place those stamps and when you filled your books you could take more

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