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Sermons on st valentines day:

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  • What Makes A Marriage Work? Series

    Contributed by Eugene Pansler Jr on Feb 3, 2019

    what makes a marriage work

    What makes a marriage work, is it money, is it material thing's, or is it moments of pleasure? What makes a marriage work, (first, second, third), it's: 1. Putting Christ First. What makes a marriage work, it's letting Jesus be Lord in your heart, home, and habits. In more

  • A Valentine's Day Sermon

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 320 ratings

    Thesis: Love is both a commitment and a feeling.

    Thesis: Love is both a commitment and a feeling. Intro.: 1. Illust. According to legend, there was a third century Christian who lived in Rome named Valentine. He was imprisoned during one of the periodic persecutions against Christians and was sentenced to death. While in prison, Valentine was more

  • Valentine’s Day

    Contributed by O. K. Neal on Feb 10, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Does 1 Cor 13 speak of more than romance?

    Valentine’s Day 1 Cor 13:4-8 Next week we celebrate a day of love and romance St. Valentine’s Day We really do not know exactly from where the name and idea came There are three Catholic saints named Valentine or Valentinus One legend tells that Valentine was a priest in third century more

  • The Best Gifts On Valentine’s Day

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 13, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Instead of giving flowers, cards, jewelry, candy, perfume, or massages, why don't you give four things God would want you to --rekindle your passion, build up your spouse, improve your communication, and be more forgiving!

    THE BEST GIFTS ON VALENTINE’S DAY Eph. 5:25-28,33 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR It's interesting to find out what kids think about marriage. When asked, "How do you decide WHO to marry," 1. Kristin, age 10, answered; "No person really decides before they grow up who they're going more

  • Valentines Day Devotional

    Contributed by John Phillips Jr on Feb 13, 2007
    based on 67 ratings

    Thanks goodness for Hallmark at Valentines Day. But when it comes to Real Love I believe the bible does a better job than Hallmark can ever hope to do, because it tells us what real love is all about!

    Valentine’s Day Devotional ~ I Cor. 13 ~ Well, it’s Valentine’s Day and of course romantics all over the world will be finding clever ways to express their love to their Valentine with chocolates and hearts and roses! I am not a poet – the only poem I know is “Roses are red, violets are blue, more

  • Valentines Day -2007

    Contributed by George Crumbly on Nov 28, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    Nobody is the same after they have been filled with God’s love

    VALENTINES DAY-2007 by George Crumbly Humphrey UMC 02/11/2007 I CORINTIANS 13: 1-3 TURN TO I CORINTHIANS 13 Wednesday is Valentines Day. It is a day that symbolizes LOVE. Love is the foundation of the Christian. Love is the KEY to our Christianity. A good friend of mine I worked with years ago more

  • Valentines Day 2016

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Dec 18, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    The apostle Paul compares a husbands love for his wife to Christ's love for the church. How should men love their wives? He must have a sacrifical love, sanctifying love, and sensitive love for his bride.

    Valentine’s Day 2016 Scott Bayles, pastor Blooming Grove Christian Church: 2/14/16 Happy Valentine’s Day! Or, for those of you who don’t have a date, happy Singles Awareness Day. When Ashley and I first got married, I used to make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day, but things change a little when more

  • Valentine’s Day: A Love Worth Giving

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Feb 10, 2010
    based on 326 ratings

    This an alliterated expository message from John 15 that tells the story behind Valentine’s Day and urges people to receive, reciprocate and recycle the love of Jesus. PowerPoint available if you e-mail me.

    Valentine’s Day: A Love Worth Giving Scott Bayles, pastor First Christian Church Well, today is Saint Valentine’s Day! I hope none of you husbands or boyfriends forgot about it. I asked Ashley what she wanted for Valentine’s Day earlier this week. She said, “Nothing.” I guess I’ll find out later more

  • God's Valentine

    Contributed by Richard White on Feb 18, 2004
    based on 75 ratings

    This week we celebrated Valentine’s Day. It is a day of celebration of Love. God showed us His love that day on a hill called Calvary.

    God’s Valentine to Us 1JN 3:1 how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been more

  • More Than Just The Valentine’s Day Love

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Feb 13, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    To celebrate Valentine’s Day or not is not important. But as Christians, we should know the kinds of LOVE that God wants us to have, something that is more than just Valentine's Day kind of love:

    Today many people around the world celebrate Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. Here are three facts about Valentine's Day: • One hundred forty-four million greeting cards are sent every year. • Americans spent $20.7 billion in 2019 on Valentine's Day. • 7 in 10 people in more

  • God's Valentine

    Contributed by Alton Coleman on Nov 29, 2001
    based on 255 ratings

    A sermon for Valentine’s Day.

    God’s Valentine Scripture Reading: 1 John 4:7-11 1 John 4:7-11 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. [8] He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. [9] In this was manifested the love of God toward us, more

  • St Andrew's Day

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Nov 21, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    At the beginning of the Season of Advent we prepare to celebrate the First Coming of Jesus and remember the promise that He will return; meantime we are to be His witnesses, His disciples in the present age, bringing people to Him, just as Andrew brought

    Acts 1: 1-11 St Andrew’s Day Advent is all about preparing to celebrating the incarnation; the historical fact that God came to earth in the form of Jesus of Nazareth. The Word became flesh in order to teach and heal and come to the help of sinners by dying on the cross to take away the more

  • Valentine's Day, The Olympics And Religion

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Feb 7, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    About God’s incredible love for us inspite of our sin which gives us security to move into our world to bless others in Christ’s name

    Valentine’s Day, The Olympics and Religion Eph.3:14-4:16 a. One thing in common in all three: PRESSURE! In the Olympics – go for the gold! Try telling the Canadian men’s hockey team if they don’t feel it. Tell Elvis Stojko if he does not want to succeed badly and go out in a blaze of glory in more

  • Be Like Valentine

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Feb 9, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Billions of people around the world celebrate Valentine's Day. More than celebrating it, we should follow the good examples of Valentine.

    Opening: A husband always carries a photo of his wife in his wallet. Whenever he faced a difficult situation, he opened his wallet and saw the picture of his wife. When his friends saw what he did, they said, "You love your wife so much, don't you?" He replied, "When I saw my more

  • Valentine’s Day—it’s All About Love Series

    Contributed by Dr. Lewis W. Gregory on Feb 7, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Tradition has it that Valentine was a third century martyr who demonstrated his love through his life and sacrificial death. We all should aspire to this kind of love. When we love God with all our heart we can enjoy God's unconditional, sacrificial love.

    We all need love; we all want love. We crave it; we work hard for it, yet all too often we come up short. There is only one kind of love that truly satisfies the deepest needs of the human heart. There is only one kind of love that actually makes a difference. There is only one kind of love that more