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  • A Team Sport Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 13, 2020

    Holiness is often misunderstood. It has been abused to try to enforce rules. So, what is Holiness? Is it possible? Why is it so difficult? Why does it seem to be such a mess?

    Pt. 2 - A Team Sport I. Introduction Last week we talked about the Hall of Fames that over 200,000 people visit annually to catch a glimpse of a glove or a helmet. Have you ever watched one of the induction ceremonies? Individuals stand on a stage receiving the honor of a lifetime and they spend more

  • "Rules And Boundaries Give Meaning To Sports And Life"

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Oct 21, 2002
    based on 128 ratings

    Take away rules and you have no game in sports. Take away God’s commandments and Rules and you have chaos and life implodes.

    Rules and Boundaries Give Meaning to Sports and Life. -Practice setting Boundaries for Your Life- Matthew 7:21-27 It is the rules and boundaries that make sports an exciting game. Take away the rules and boundaries and you have no game. Even so in the Christian life God’s commandments are given more

  • Olympic Sport

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Sep 11, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    Paul often compared our living the Christian life to the athletes who participated in the ancient Olympic games. This lesson examines those similarities.

    Do you have the fever yet? No, not the flu! Do you have Olympic fever, yet? August 13th marks the beginning of Olympic competitions in Athens, Greece! 10,500 athletes from 202 nations will be gathering for the games. Upwards of a couple million will travel to watch the contests. Amazingly, more

  • The Spirit Of Sports

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 5, 2021

    The spirit of sports plays a greater role in the Bible than most of us see. We will study how Paul uses sport terms to teach Christian lessons.

    Back in the days of depression the mighty Babe Ruth was asked to take a salary cut for the first time in his career. He didn't go for it, but insisted on his customary $80,000 contract. "But Babe," protested an official of the Yankee Ball Club, "These are trying times. more

  • Sports Theology

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Sep 17, 2018

    Marx said religion was the opiate of the masses. He was wrong. Sports are not only the opiate, but the religion of the masses.

    The Theology of Sports God - Whoever is champ for the year. He changes from year to year, thus it is a polytheistic religion. Son of God - MVP Jesus Christ - Someone you cry out to when the plays don’t go your team’s way or they make a terrible blunder. Salvation - Reception of a Hail Mary in more

  • The Rules Of Rules Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Oct 27, 2003
    based on 27 ratings

    A look at the book of Levitiucs and the role rules play in our lives.

    Rules, anyone here into rules? You know laws, decrees, regulations, whatever it is that you want to call them. If you are here’s the good news the book of Leviticus is full of rules, aren’t you lucky? As a matter of fact rules is just about all Leviticus is about. There is really no story to it, more

  • Rules Are Rules Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 1, 2014
    based on 46 ratings

    The Pharisees of Jesus' day died long ago. But their spirit lives on in congregations across the land. How can we recognize if we have become like the Pharisees, and what did Jesus teach us about what we need to know to avoid becoming like those men?

    (Before reading the text I noted that the stories in this section of Mark detailed the conflict between Jesus and a religious group known as the Pharisees… and I emphasized the word "Pharisees" as I read through the text) OPEN: Back in the 1980’s, the Minnesota Twins had this more

  • Christianity Is Not A Spectator Sport

    Contributed by Jim Parisi on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 60 ratings

    America has become a land of professional Spectators We gain most of our daily pleasures from watching others live out their lives….. People don’t even know they are being watched Example web cams on the internet and satellite photos

    Christianity is not a Spectator Sport Pastor Jim Parisi HHM Oct 6, 2002 America has become a land of professional Spectators We gain most of our daily pleasures from watching others live out their lives….. people don’t even know they are being watched Example web cams on the internet more

  • Forget Something Sport?

    Contributed by John Perry on Jan 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    With everything that demands our attention, everything we have to remember to do & be as Christians be careful not to forget the one esstential thing of the Christian life - Jesus!

    Bunbury Wed pm 4/08/10 “Forget something sport?” Intro: *** A young naval officer was undergoing his first sea training on board a naval ship. His responsibility was to safely steer the ship away from the wharf & set it on course for a voyage out to sea. He carefully went through all more

  • Christianity Is Not A Spectator Sport Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Oct 6, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    30th in a series from Ephesians. Every believer is to be a minister.

    Last Saturday, Mary and I went to the U of A football game. And as we watched that game, it reminded me of how someone once described a football game: Eleven men down on the field, desperately in need of rest, and fifty thousand people in the stands desperately in need of exercise. Unfortunately, more

  • Church - A Team Sport

    Contributed by Rick Finitzer on Feb 25, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Church is not an individual sport like Golf, Tennis or Skiing. Church is a Team Sport! This message looks at Ephesians 4:7-16 focusing on God's distribution of Spiritual Gifts in the Body of Christ.

    Cornerstone Church February 20 / 21 2010 Church – A Team Sport Ephesians 4:7-16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living more

  • Coulda Hada Pear: Rules, Rules, Rules Series

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on May 4, 2020

    Rules, Guidelines, Boundaries… they all help convey limitations… something of a “you can go to this point (here) , but not that far (there)” premise. When God plunked Man into the Garden, there is only one rule…

    Common thought today; ° Rules are meant to be broken ° Boundaries are meant to be challenged ° Guidelines are merely suggestions, recommendations, and preferred expectations Almost no one likes rules. Almost no one wants to be ‘governed’, controlled, directed, and worse… more

  • Our Favorite Indoor Sport Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 30, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    The things that divide the body: are they worth it?

    THE THINGS THAT DIVIDE US Rom 14:1-12  The favorite indoor sport of most Christians is sizing up each other, identifying the differences, and slicing up the body of Christ. 1) In case you have not looked around lately we are very different. We look different, we act different, we talk more

  • The Gospel In A Game Of Hockey

    Contributed by John Foster on Apr 15, 2001
    based on 51 ratings

    Takes three aspects of the game of ice-hockey and finds bible messages in them. This sermon was given to a mainly unbelieving group of ice-hockey supporters of The Sheffield Steelers Ice Hockey Club, United Kingdom.

    This sermon was given to a mainly non-Christian group of ice hockey fans in 25th January 2001. It was very different to the sermons given in Church to seekers or believers. I found this sermon difficult to write and indeed the delivery went slightly away from this script as the Spirit lead more

  • Super Bowl Zero

    Contributed by James May on Feb 4, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    This message was preached on Super Bowl Sunday and emphasizes the fact that there is a much greater contest going on in the realm of the Spirit.

    Super Bowl Zero By Pastor Jim This evening there are over 70,000 fanatics sitting in the seats of the arena where a contest is underway to determine the annual Super Bowl Champion. As of this morning, the only tickets that could be found were in the end zone and most were in the upper level more

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