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  • A Spiritual Armoury

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 25, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Making our stand on the word, and prayerfully advancing in evangelism.

    A SPIRITUAL ARMOURY. Ephesians 6:10-20. “Go on being made strong,” begins the final exhortation of this Epistle. Having been made strong in the past by relying on the Lord, so make your stand now “in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10). Do not yield one inch: do not ‘give place to the more

  • Spiritual Networth

    Contributed by John Roy on Oct 26, 2016

    Are we material people trapped in spiritual bodies, or spiritual people trapped in material bodies? This sermon asserts that we need to be concerned about our spiritual net worth, because we are spiritual people.

    From time to time I suspect people review their finances. In those reviews, they may take a moment to calculate their net worth. Our financial net worth is the value of all assets, minus the total of all liabilities. Put another way, net worth is what is owned minus what is owed. The value of more

  • Spiritual Body

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Mar 26, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When Christ returns the dead in Christ and those alive will have their physical bodies transformed into spiritual ones.

    OUR RESURRECTION BODY Online Sermon: 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Ever since God spoke the words “dust you are, dust you will return” (Genesis 3:19) humanity has been waiting to see how the soul is to be clothed upon Christ’s return. While the physical body is more

  • Spiritual Famine

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Aug 23, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    When we neglect God and His word, when we turn to God-substitutes, the result is spiritual dryness. When we want God to leave us alone, He just might. Amos tells what it will be like to live without a prophetic voice.

    “Spiritual Famine” Amos 8:9-14 Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts (23 Aug 2015) In 1968, the USS Pueblo, a Navy intelligence ship, was captured by North Korea, a week before the start of the “Tet Offensive” in Vietnam. The more

  • Spiritual Growth Series

    Contributed by Michael Ghaly on Aug 26, 2015

    Requirements of spiritual growth and fruitfulness

    Spiritual growth, requirements of fruit-bearing(Luke 13:6-9): 1- Death of the old life John 12:24 2- Good soil Matt 13:23, 3-Opression Exodus 1:12, psalm 105:24 And as they afflicted them, so they multiplied and so they grew That is, in proportion to their afflictions was their more

  • A Spiritual Obituary Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Sep 29, 2015


    A Spiritual Obituary Esther 4:13-17 1. The moment of desperation - my resistance - vs. 11 2. The moment of decision - my resolve - vs. 16 3. The moment of death - my resurrection - vs. 16 more

  • Spiritual Hunger

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Feb 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    We must ask ourselves, “What are my hungers? Where have I gone to satisfy them and where have those choices led me? " Thank goodness Jesus provides an alternative that is healthy for us both physically and spiritually.

    A burglar was arrested and appeared before a judge. The judge found him guilty and before he sentenced the burglar, the judge asked him if he had anything to say in his defense. The burglar said, “Well, Your Honour, you know how it is. The more a man has, the more he wants”. The judge more

  • Spiritual Blessings Series

    Contributed by Richard Vartenisian on Feb 21, 2015

    What Paul found important

    Spiritual Blessings Ephesians 1:1-4 Our Veterans fought for something that we can still lose- our freedom. The reason is because this is political freedom. The word politics come from a Greek word for “citizen of the city.” As Christians we are citizens of heaven, that is more

  • Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Ken Ritz on Mar 1, 2016

    Part 1 of a series on the supernatural aspects of our Christian walk.

    WINNING THE SPIRITUAL WAR Supernatural, Part 1 This is the first week of our series “Supernatural”. Some of you are saying, “Are we going to become weird, now?” Okay, ushers, if you would bring forward the poisonous snakes up front…. joking… I promise more

  • A Spiritual Workout Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 3, 2016

    If you want to shine as lights in a dark world, work out your salvation with fear, light and joy. Out of respect for Christ, choose to praise Him rather than protest your situation.

    In January 2010, Jeff Miller, 26, set the Guinness’ world record for the most hours of non-stop TV viewing in one sitting. He did it while participating in ESPN’s Ultimate Couch Potato competition at Chicago’s ESPN Zone. It was actually his third consecutive Ultimate Couch Potato more

  • Spiritual Power

    Contributed by David Radcliff on Mar 25, 2016

    When we come to Acts 3 we see the church rejoicing in Christ, they are witnessing to everyone they touch, and winning many souls to Christ. As we go through this passage we want to notice the way the spiritual power is manifested in God’s people.

    SPIRITUAL POWER Acts 3:1 19 When we come to Acts 3 we see the church rejoicing in Christ, they are witnessing to everyone they touch, and winning many souls to Christ. As we go through this passage we want to notice the way the spiritual power is manifested in God’s people. I FIRST, THE more

  • Spiritual Parenting

    Contributed by Timothy Enns on Apr 12, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Looking at Paul's role as a spiritual parent of the Thessalonians

    The senior pastor of a church was doing the children’s sermon one day at the service. He had decided to talk to the kids about how to write a good sermon, in hopes of inspiring some to grow up and go into the ministry. So he asked the children, "What makes a good sermon?" Of course all the more

  • Spiritual Resources Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Oct 1, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    This is the fourth message in a series over Romans 6-11. The series examine how we now life under God's grace. This message looks at the resources God has made available to help us in this new life.

    When we last left off in Romans, Paul had painted a dismal picture of the reality we all face. Although we want so badly to do the right thing, each time we try we fail miserably. At the end of verse 24, Paul desperately cries out for freedom. The question is, “What is freedom and how do we more

  • Spiritual Eclipses

    Contributed by David Simpson on Aug 23, 2017

    Comparing the solar eclipse to spiritual eclipses such as denial and delay and distractions. Also an emphasis on the return of the SON as compared to the eclipse of the sun.

    Sermon Lanier Christian Church August 20, 2017 David Simpson Spiritual Eclipses Revelation 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:2 1 Thessalonians 5:2 – “…for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” Monday is the day! Rain or shine, the total solar eclipse more

  • Spiritual Indifference Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 20, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Jehoash showed little interest in what he was told to do. He was going through the motions but with little faith. He did not take God seriously or the Word of God seriously. Elisha was the one who showed faith in God.

    We saw the reign of Jehoahaz last week; we move on to the reign of his son Jehoash today, Jehu’s 2nd generation. • God promised Jehu 4 generations on the throne of Israel. • Let’s read again 2 Kings 13:10-13. --------------------------------------- Like his father, Jehoash “did evil in the more

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