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  • Unconventional Wisdom

    Contributed by Bobby Brewer on Jul 5, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    Have you ever felt led of God to do something that other trusted friends and advisors were counseling you against? Such is the case with Paul in Acts 21.

    Series: Acts: We’re on a Mission from God Message: Unconventional Wisdom Text: Acts 21:1-16 Date: July 4, 2021 Big Idea: Have you ever felt led of God to do something that other trusted friends and advisors are counseling you against? Such is the case with Paul in Acts 21. He’s feeling led to go to more

  • Proverbial Wisdom

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on May 15, 2004
    based on 75 ratings

    More proverbial wisdom. 1- laziness 2- memories 3- hatred

    INTRO.- A few quips and quotes - Where you live makes a difference. The fellow known in the city as a dashing playboy is known in a small town as the town drunk. Could be! - One possible reason why things aren’t going to plan is that there never was a plan. - The best way to enjoy a beautiful, more

  • Proverbial Wisdom

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Oct 18, 2004
    based on 268 ratings

    1- Discerning and wandering 2- Knowledge and understanding

    INTRO.- Quips and quotes. - A man in Missouri was told that most accidents happen within twenty miles of home so he moved to another town fifty miles away. - The most talked about people at a family reunion are those who didn’t show up. - A friend is one who strengthens you with his prayers, more

  • The Power Of Wisdom

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jan 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Wisdom is the key, this is a verse upon verse study from the book of Proverbs. Enjoy- it’s the word of life.

    The Power of Wisdom Proverbs 15:1-33 1 A soft answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. 2 The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness. 3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good. 4 more

  • The Two Wisdoms Series

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Sep 5, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Will you be one remembered as a part time who worked for the Lord only when it was convenient? Many take the summer off to serve their own desires and leave the work of the Lord to a remaining few. Is that how you will be remembered?

    THE TWO WISDOMS (Memorial Day) JAMES 3:13 4:10 Memorial Day is a day of remembrance...remembering those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. But for most, it's nothing more than the official start of the summer season, when the picnics and all the outdoor activities begin. For others more

  • An Introduction To Wisdom. Series

    Contributed by Tim White on Mar 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The book of Proverbs begins with the purpose of a Proverbs and the definition of true wisdom.

    An Introduction to Wisdom Proverbs 1:1-7 Illus. A Baptist pastor was praying with his staff and deacons one Sunday morning before services when a cloud filled the room. A deep voice spoke out to the pastor. "Which every you wish, it will be given to you: wisdom, wealth or great looks." The more

  • The Wisdom Of Silence

    Contributed by James Dina on Aug 15, 2020

    It is a great part of prudence to know when to be silent and when to speak. If you have nothing good, true or useful to say, it is better to be silent and say nothing. You have two ears and one mouth—use them proportionately.”

    THE WISDOM OF SILENCE Oh, that you would be silent, and it would be your wisdom! (Job 13:5) “A fool utters all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in till afterwards.”—Proverbs 29:11 The tongue is a deadliest weapon. It’s quick, sharp more

  • Wisdoms Bypaths Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 7, 2016

    As we confront evil, foolishness, and moral chaos, we need wisdom and some guidance to help us confront battle fatigue or the temptation to sin in less obvious ways because of wrongdoing.

    Wisdom’s Bypaths (Proverbs 24:13-18) 1. A not-so-bright road worker was hired to paint the line down the center of street. The first day he managed to paint 2 miles, and his boss was very pleased. The next day he only painted 2 blocks, but his boss thought that he'd probably started off too hard more

  • Earthly Wisdom Vs. Godly Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 26, 2011

    We have to decide whose wisdom we are going to follow. James gives us a great breakdown of what the world has to offer verses what God has to offer.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Wisdom is defined as prudence, discretion, the capacity to understand. It is what leads us to act wisely in life. Wisdom being able to apply knowledge in a way that pleases God. • Now, when you think about life from the Christian perspective there are more

  • The Wisdom Of God Vs The Wisdom Of This World

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 3, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    When Jesus is telling us that following Him means hating everything and everyone else, He uses strong language.

    Twenty-third Sunday in Course Today’s Gospel is so unnerving, even shocking, that we might in our meditation forget about the other readings. The lessons we can learn from the wisdom books of Scripture are good foundations for our appreciation of the teachings of Jesus. I like to think of our more

  • Godly Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 22, 2025

    There is only two kinds of wisdom...Godly and manly. They are not the same.

    Opportunities Series Godly Wisdom Good Morning everyone…glad that you have joined us. Proverbs 1:1-7 Read from Bible We continue our series Opportunities- You and I taking advantage of the opportunities that come our way. Many people say they need a break in life to go to the next level in life. more

  • Seek Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Sep 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The wisdom of the world is fleeting; seek godly wisdom!

    Seek Wisdom, James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Introduction Those who study bees tell us when a honeybee drives its barbed stinger into flesh, it becomes so firmly imbedded that the only way the bee can escape is to leave the stinger behind. This, however, is sure to cause the death of the bee. It receives more

  • Wisdom Of Character

    Contributed by Leslie Tarlton on Jan 19, 2014

    An Expositional Series on the Book of James

    James 3_13-18 Wisdom of Character Last week we spoke of the evil that the tongue can get us into and how the tongue, and how people use it, can be a good sign of where people are in their Christian life. And the totality of the first part of James 3 is summed up in verse 9. “Therewith more

  • Walking In Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Mar 1, 2020

    A powerful "Jesus Only" lifestyle is characterized by our behavior, our prayer and our speech. Paul concludes Colossians with this emphatic reminder.

    Walk In Wisdom  To hear the sermon, please go to my podcast at: Intro: • Holiday stress. • Good timing as we finish Colossians today. • Paul’s practical advice on a “Jesus-only” lifestyle in terms of how we deal with the world around us. Pray more

  • The Walk Of Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Jun 10, 2019

    Paul exhorts us to live wisely.

    The Walk Of Wisdom Ephesians 5:15-21 Introduction: Paul exhorts us to live wisely. Note the word “careful” (NIV) in v.15. It suggests looking around and giving attention to circumstances and consequences as one might do when passing through a dangerous place. It expresses the idea of living in more

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