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  • Spiritual Perspective Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Aug 3, 2003
    based on 30 ratings

    A heart in tune with the heart of God opens up our eyes to heavenly views and our ears to holy harmony in the Word of God. There’s a sure calling from the throne for you... are you listening?

    2 Pet 1:1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; 3 seeing that His divine more

  • Diet & Exercise: A Spiritual Perspective ~ Part Ii Series

    Contributed by Johann Neethling on Oct 22, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    A sermon in 2 parts - how to keep the Body of Christ fit and healthy - applying spiritual lessons from our need for diet and exercise.

    DIET & EXERCISE: A Spiritual Perspective ~ Part II 1. Someone once said: “I don’t exercise at all. If God had wanted me to touch my toes He would have put them up higher on my body.” • My gym teacher told me to touch my toes. I said, "I don’t have that kind of relationship with my feet. Can I more

  • Diet And Exercise: A Spiritual Perspective – Part I

    Contributed by Johann Neethling on Oct 10, 2005
    based on 25 ratings

    A sermon in 2 parts - how to keep the Body of Christ fit and healthy - applying spiritual lessons from our need for diet and exercise.

    DIET AND EXERCISE: A Spiritual Perspective – Part I Daniel 1: 3-16; John 4: 4-14; 7:37-39 1. We have just completed a 4 week study entitled Christian A&P 101 where we reflected on the Apostle Paul’s favorite description of the Church as the Body of Christ. We examined 4 main aspects of our more

  • We Are Looking At Our Life’s Situations From A Spiritual Perspective If… Series

    Contributed by Dr. Dave Hartson on Aug 15, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Age changed my perspective; financial responsibility changed my perspective and another thing that changed my perspective is coming to know Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life.

    Introduction I remember as a young boy watching my daddy cut the yard with his gas pushed mower longing for the day that I could do that. Today, at 67 years old, I got to tell you that I dread cutting grass; I hate how long it takes to cut two acres. Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that I got a more

  • "Gain The Proper Perspective On Spirituality” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Mar 25, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    What characterizes the life of the truly spiritual Christian?

    As we have considered the beatitudes thus far, we have talked about how Jesus says that happiness is found in brokenness, happiness is found in mourning, happiness is found in meekness, and now, we will look at what Jesus had to say about how happiness is found in hungering and thirsting after more

  • Christians, Countries, And Kingdom

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 4, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    With the election coming up, we need a spiritual perspective about these things.

    A. The story is told of a boy, who wanted $100 very badly, so he prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. 1. Then he decided to write GOD a letter requesting $100. 2. When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to GOD, U.S.A., they decided to send it to the President. 3. The more

  • Perspectives On Possessions

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Oct 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Our attitude toward possessions and money reflects the spiritual state of our heart.

    Perspectives on Possessions Matthew 6:19-24 INTRODUCTION A. Kung San are a foraging people of the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. 1. They were isolated from outside forces for thousands of years. 2. They were a hunting and gathering people who fit into their environment and had plenty of more

  • A New Perspective

    Contributed by Kevin Higgins on Jan 27, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Three reasons we can have a better perspective when in difficult times.

    2 Corinthians 4:17 A New Perspective Woodlawn Baptist Church July 2002 Introduction A. During the course of the last several weeks, many of our messages have dealt with life’s problems and trials, the giants we face and how we are to deal with them. There has never been a time in history when more

  • The Twelve Phases Of The Spiritual Heroes Journey

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 2, 2021

    I felt inspired by several factors to engage in writing what the heroes journey might look like from a spiritual perspective. The heroes journey is a fascinating explanation of the journey a person takes through life.

    I felt inspired by several factors to engage in writing what the heroes journey might look like from a spiritual perspective. The heroes journey is a fascinating explanation of the journey a person takes through life. Though some view it as merely a narrative tool or a template for fictional more

  • Perspective Of Our Enemy

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jul 6, 2015

    We are living in a war zone! We are being attacked from within and from without!

    2 Kings 6:8-17- Now the king of Syria was making war against Israel; and he consulted with his servants, saying, "My camp will be in such and such a place." 9 And the man of God sent to the king of Israel, saying, "Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Syrians are coming down there." more

  • Perspective Of Our Warfare

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jul 21, 2015

    There is a battle going on right now in your head, right now in your heart!

    2 Kings 6:14-17-Therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. 15 And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out, there was an army, surrounding the city with horses and chariots. And his servant said to him, "Alas, more

  • Everything Looks So Good Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Nov 1, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    As Christians, we are invited to have a spiritual perspective on life. Gluttony demonstrates our focus on the physical.

    Philippians 3:7-21 “Everything Looks So Good” (Gluttony) INTRODUCTION This is an uncomfortable topic for a sermon. Not only for me, but for many people who are listening to this sermon. Food is a touchy subject. I have struggled with weight and with unhealthy eating practices for years. Many more

  • Perspective Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Apr 7, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Paul concludes his letter to Titus by reminding Titus of Titus’s former life without God, and of God’s saving grace. These are the things that keep the Christian life in perspective as we strive to "do what is good."

    Perspective The Productive Life, part 5 Titus chapter 3 Wildwind Community Church April 9, 2006 David Flowers Today we put the wrap on our series on the book of Titus. I hope you’ve learned something. I’ve learned a lot. Most important, I hope you have realized the importance of right more

  • Perspective

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Sep 28, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    We must learn to see things as God sees them.

    Intro: How we see things in our lives and in our worlds is a lot more powerful and has a lot more impact on us than we might imagine. For example, if we see the world as existing to bring us pleasure and happiness, then when it doesn’t we get angry or frustrated or confused: “why is more

  • #3perspective:personalities Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 8, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Today the perspective of great personalities as spiritual stars could be dangerous.

    #3 Perspective: Personalities. By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Part#3 of 4. TEXT: Philippians 3:3 ... and have no confidence in the flesh." Matthew 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; AND THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST. We are pondering perspectives or view points and how these more

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