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  • The Need For Spiritual Transformation Series

    Contributed by Terry Blankenship on Feb 27, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Mark begins his book by revealing the start of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is about the transforming power of Jesus!

    The Need for Spiritual Transformation THE beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. As it is written in the Prophets: "Behold, I send My messenger before Your face, Who will prepare Your way before You." "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ’Prepare the way of the more

  • Bearing Spiritual Fruit

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus said - "every bracnh in ME (this means Christians) that does not bear fruit He [the Father] takes away, and every branch that bears fruit He [the Father] prunes, today lets look more closely at this.

    BEARING GOOD FRUIT (John 15:1-10) INTRODUCTION Each fall I take my children to the apple orchard just down the road from my house. Last year as we were walking through the orchard, I noticed my youngest son (Ben) picking up an apple off the ground to eat. The apple was rotten and I told him not more

  • Spiritual Identity Theft Series

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on Mar 3, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    Are you the victim of Spiritual Identity Theft? Once we have been robbed of our ID, we fall prey to losing who we are in Christ! here’s ho to protect yourself!

    Identity Theft Galatians 2:20 A heavily booked commercial flight out of Denver was canceled, and a single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers. Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the front and slapped his ticket down on the counter. "I have to be on this flight more

  • Spiritual Highs And Lows Series

    Contributed by John Harvey on Mar 10, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The baptism and temptaions of Jesus give us principles for living the Chrisitna life.

    “Breathless” A Study of the gospel of Mark “Spiritual Highs and Lows” March 9, 2008 Me: Last week was an awesome week here at LifeQuest. We had a great service and the baptism celebration. But on Monday, I was back into the routine of life. It is always hard to sustain a really spiritual high more

  • Overcoming A Spiritual Deficit

    Contributed by Scott Carroll on Mar 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings


    OVERCOMING A SPIRITUAL DEFICIT 8/23/07 2 Cor 4:15-18 15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. 16 For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by more

  • Spirituality For The Rest Of Us

    Contributed by Paul Newell on Mar 18, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We seem to make the whole "knowing God" thing much harder than God ever did? Life is hard, knowing God is what makes sense out of life.

    Spirituality For the Rest of Us 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Intro: Why should following Jesus Christ be so “hard”? If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone tell me: “Oh, Pastor Paul, it’s so haaarrrrdddd…” “Pastor, you more

  • Defining Spiritual Success Series

    Contributed by Aarron Ellerman on Mar 19, 2008

    Paul ends Galatians with a warning and two keys to spiritual success.

    Series: Study of Galatians Text: Galatians 6:11-18 Title: “Defining Spiritual Success” • Paul starts with a warning: Beware of Bragging (11-13) Vv. 11-12 • Beware of those people who like to boast of their successes; even their own spiritual growth and accomplishments. o That is not a mark of more

  • Being Smart Spiritually Series

    Contributed by Brian Atwood on Mar 22, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Tests of authenticity that prove the validity of Christianity and the failure of other forms of spirituality.

    A Muslim heard the good news about Jesus and decided to become a Christian. His Islamic friends asked him, “Why on earth have you done such a thing? What could possibly cause you to leave the religion you grew up with, the faith of your fathers, and turn to following Jesus?” “Well,” he replied, more

  • Spiritual Body Building

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Apr 25, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me! Oh, really? How did you get there? God shows us how in Philippians.

    Building Strength in Christ This past Thursday I fulfilled an assignment for a graduate class called Spiritual Formation. Each student was required to take a personal retreat and document it in a reflection paper. The assignment was this: we were to spend an entire day (eight hours minimum) more

  • Our Spiritual Health Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the 17th sermon in the series Moving With God.

    Sunday Morning April 26, 2009 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: “Moving With God (Exodus)” [#17] OUR SPIRITUAL HEALTH Exodus 16:1-17:7 Introduction: We learned last week that The United States is considered the 2nd busiest place in the world, 2nd only to Japan. With more

  • Spiritual Optical Illusions

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on May 16, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We may not see things in our own lives the way they really are.

    May 17, 2009 Morning Worship Text: Galatians 5:16-26 Subject: Living By The Spirit Title: Spiritual Optical Illusions How perceptive are you? Do you always see things the way they really are, or can you, like most people, be fooled by appearances? Some of you will relate to the story I will more

  • The Way Of Spiritual Immunity

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 24, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    Immunity is a state whereby certain things cannot harm you. It is having an internal defense. Sometimes, people wonder why they are always attacked and the attacks prosper, while some other people do not even see any attack and it seems as if nothing touc

    THE WAY OF SPIRITUAL IMMUNITY Dr. D. K. Olukoya Immunity is a state whereby certain things cannot harm you. It is having an internal defense. Sometimes, people wonder why they are always attacked and the attacks prosper, while some other people do not even see any attack and it seems as if more

  • The Characteristics Of A Spiritual Church

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Jun 25, 2009

    A Wednesday evening devotion which teaches us from the 1st Century church in Jerusalem, we can discern some of what it means to be a Spiritual Congregation.

    The Characteristics of a Spiritual Church Acts 5:12-16 * One of the most sobering passages in all of New Testament scripture (at least for me) is found in Acts 5:1-11. To remind you, this is the story of Ananias and Sapphira. When they lied about their gifts to the church, they were struck down more

  • Armor And Spiritual Warfare Series

    Contributed by Eric Hanson on Dec 9, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Paul saved the heat of battle for the end of the masterpiece known as the Book of Ephesians. This message can help any serious believer to be more effective in God’s Army.

    Truths from Ephesians Part 8 Armor and Spiritual Warfare Pastor Eric J. Hanson (Ephesians 6:10-24) Read verse 10. “Finally” This word rings out with authority. It carries within itself the weight of finality. As Paul wrote the last section of Ephesians, which starts with this weighty word, more

  • Preparing For Spiritual Success

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Dec 31, 2008
    based on 30 ratings

    Through prayer and fasting, we demonstrate that our relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in our lives.

    Preparing For Spiritual Success Text: Isaiah 58:1-8 Introduction 1. As we begin a new year, we set goals for ourselves; things we wish to accomplish in the coming year. As a church, our goal for every coming year is to grow into a deeper relationship with our Lord. 2. One of the chief ways that more

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