  • Brad King

    Contributing sermons since Feb 15, 2008
Brad's church

Calvary Hill
Stanford, Kentucky 40484

About Brad
  • Education: A.A., Saint Catharine College B.S., Campbellsville University M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Enrolled in Lexington Theological Seminary
  • Experience: Double Spring Baptist, 1999-2003 Willow Grove Baptist, 2003-2007 Bethel Baptist, 2007-Present
  • Family: Brad is married to his wonderful wife Nicky. They have two children, Jenna and Jackson.
  • Hobbies: exercise and basketball
  • What I want on my tombstone: Follower Of The Lord Jesus Christ
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Newest Sermons

  • "Building Spiritual Muscle"

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    We can gain strength and build spiritual muscle through study and application of God’s Word. Peter exhorts us to grow by the Word of God, but how does this happen?

    Peter exhorts the people that God’s Word is edifying for life and learning. He encourages his readers to build their spiritual muscle through study and application of biblical truth. We can build strength through the Bible. When can we build strength by the Word? 1 Peter 1:24-2:3 4 more