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  • Uncommon Authority And Unusual Security (Part 1)

    Contributed by Pastor Emmanuel Sule on Sep 27, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This messages reveals practical insights why every believer must grow in spiritual authority and maturity.

    I believe the subject of this article is the craving of every person; the need for authority and security is the reason why many people involve themselves in all kinds of things. Authority and security are the two major promises the devil flaunts at people to destroy their destinies. The quest for more

  • Authority Of The Believer #2

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    the authority Christ has given to the church to overcome all forces of Satan

    Intro: every summer we visited Friendship Alabama from Maine where my Dad’s family lived. My grandfather owned a country store and he told us to get anything we wanted at anytime. I still remember the ice cold cokes in the box that burned your throat. As the owner, he gave us unlimited more

  • A Defense Of God Given Authority Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 13, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Those called of God are to use their spiritual authority to build people up & not to tear down. Those who have been granted authority in Christ have within them the ability to call forth the true exercise of authority.

    2 CORINTHIANS 10: 7-11 [GAINING PERSPECTIVE Series] A DEFENSE OF GOD GIVEN AUTHORITY As I read these words, I am appalled at the attacks that were leveled at Paul and the pain he must have felt. What spiritual battles he must have fought yet he still maintained the meekness and gentleness of more

  • What Does Authority Look Like?

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 4, 2016

    Go back in time with me for a minute, the day you were Born-Again into the Family of God you received spiritual authority. On that day, you were made new a creation in Jesus Christ; Moreover, you inherited the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    What Does Authority Look Like? Luke 10:16-20NASB In Moody Monthly, the author recounted his experience of watching a wildcat in a zoo. "As I stood there," he said, "an attendant entered the cage through a door on the opposite side. He had nothing in his hands but a broom. Carefully closing the more

  • Authority Of The Believer#1

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 5, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    the authority the Christian has through Christ

    Intro: God gave man authority in the garden. Satan through deception robbed man of his authority on earth. Man lived in bondage to sin. When Jesus said, it is finished, He completed the work of regaining the authority that man had lost. He took the keys from Satan, and gave all authority back to more

  • A Properly Aligned Life

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jan 9, 2019

    God has a plan for every life. Many times we miss that plan by aspiring to be something different than what we were created for. This message encourages us to "Stay In Our Lane."

    Luke 7:1-23 I. HUMILITY A. Others may try to boost you. - Luke 7:4-5 1. Be Thankful, Be a Reflector B. Don’t believe your own press - Luke 7:6-7 1. In fact… Don’t even read your own press 2. Stay focused on pleasing God and ministering to others II. UNDERSTANDING AUTHORITY A. The centurion more

  • Authority: Who’s In Charge Around Here Anyway?

    Contributed by C. Scott Ghan on Apr 5, 2014

    Two major themes of Jesus mission were authority and freeing those oppressed by the devil. We now have the authority to use His name to continue His mission to free the oppressed.

    AUTHORITY: Who’s In Charge Around Here Anyway? 03-31-2013 TEXT: Luke 12:5-9 I. SLAVERY ISN’T PRETTY A. Jesus continues on His way to Jerusalem to fulfill His purpose on this Earth. 1. The word says Luke 12:5-6 The apostles said to the Lord, “Show us how to increase our more

  • Loose The Strongman: Protect This House

    Contributed by Charles Wallis on Dec 8, 2008
    based on 12 ratings

    How we can take spiritual authority over the enemy in our lives, homes, and families.

    Loose the Strong Man: Protect This House December 7, 2008 Behold, I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19 God has given us spiritual authority in our lives, homes, and families, but we must more

  • Point Man

    Contributed by Billy Noel on Jul 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A challenge to men for them to walk in the spiritual authority given them

    The Point Man Joshua 24:14-15 The sermon title is from the book by the same name, by Steve Farrar We have become a fatherless nation. 33% of the 72 million children in America will go to bed tonight without their biological father in the home. Fatherless children are 5 times as likely to live in more

  • Authority Of The Believer ( See The Spiritual)

    Contributed by Larry Elder on Jul 12, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    We often see the world only through the eyes of the physical and miss all that God is doing through the spiritual

    Authority of the Believer (See the Spiritual) The only authority Jesus had was through the Father instructions and the Holy Spirits Power: Text: John 5:19-20…Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, more

  • Unbelief, Authority: Spiritual Congestion Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 38 ratings

    Could it be that we are living just like the people in Jesus day, could it be that we are so familiar with Jesus that we dismiss his authority and perpetuate the dominance of evil in our lives?

    Billy lived in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma. She was born in a sod shack to pioneer parents, had less than a high school education and spent her entire life in the local area, she hated to travel – yet at least twice every year, a team from Gourmet magazine and Bon Appetit magazine would arrive more

  • A Noise In My Belly

    Contributed by Bishop Malcolm Coby, Ph. D. on Aug 20, 2016

    There is a weapon in you that you must neither take for granted nor neglect. It is positioned to be released on the enemy of your soul. That weapon is a Noise in your Belly that will silence the devil and give God the glory. It is your praise to God.

    I. Introduction 1. The Text: John 7:37-38 2. The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated with certain festival rituals. 3. One was a solemn procession each day from the temple to the Gihon Spring. 4. A priest filled a gold pitcher with water while the choir sang Isaiah 12:3. –Therefore with more

  • Spiritual Empowerment PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 25, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores our divine authority, assignments, and investments as Christians, urging us to be true missionaries of Christ's love and salvation. Key

    Good morning, dear family of faith. It's another beautiful day that the Lord has made, a day of grace, a day of blessings, a day of divine encounters. We gather here not by chance, but by divine appointment, to share in the bread of life, to drink from the well of wisdom, to be nourished by the more

  • Authority That Overcomes - Spiritual Warfare Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 8, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    (PowerPoint Slides freely available by emailing We have been at war but not in a war. Understanding the critical fight we are engaged in, and the stakes we are fighting for.

    Spiritual Warfare (SW-02) Authority that Overcomes Matthew 28:18-19 We are standing in the face of the greatest confrontation mankind has ever known. I am further persuaded, that other than Calvary, we have entered the most intense concentration of that battle humanity has ever gone through. I do more

  • By What Authority . . . - Spiritual Warfare Part 16 Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on May 8, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    (PowerPoint Slides and Cell Study Notes freely available by emailing

    Spiritual Warfare (SW-16) By What Authority? Matthew 21:23 In Old Testament times a trumpet was used to summons God’s people to battle. Today, a spiritual summons is sounding throughout the nations of the world. It is a summons to the invisible war. It is a call to arms. You and I are engaged in more

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