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  • Understanding Our Spiritual Family Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    A message from an expository series from the book of Galatians.

    In reality there are only two ways to win a race. You can win by running faster than anyone else or by having everyone else quit before reaching the finish line. As we have traveled through the book of Galatians we have encountered a group of legalists known as the Judaizers. The legalists have a more

  • Unbelief, Authority: Spiritual Congestion Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 38 ratings

    Could it be that we are living just like the people in Jesus day, could it be that we are so familiar with Jesus that we dismiss his authority and perpetuate the dominance of evil in our lives?

    Billy lived in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma. She was born in a sod shack to pioneer parents, had less than a high school education and spent her entire life in the local area, she hated to travel – yet at least twice every year, a team from Gourmet magazine and Bon Appetit magazine would arrive more

  • Spiritual Corrections For The Modern Church

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Dec 10, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Paul’s corrections of the church in Corinth

    Intro: an amazing fact about the letters of Paul to the churches that most people want to over-look, is the fact that a lot of what he said was corrective in nature. I know he had mushy intro’s and long gooshy good-byes, but the meat of the letter was instruction, and reproof and correction. Since more

  • Spiritual Fullness Or The Overflowing Cup Series

    Contributed by Andy Almendarez on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Scripture points to various passages reminding us of God’s desire to satisfy our deepest needs and fulfill the desires of our heart. He promises to fill our ‘Spiritual Cups’ to overflowing when we hunger and thirst after righteousness.

    Spiritual Fullness or The Overflowing Cup Matthew 5:6 Scripture points to various passages reminding us of God’s desire to satisfy our deepest needs and fulfill the desires of our heart. He promises to fill our ‘Spiritual Cups’ to overflowing when we hunger and thirst after righteousness. I. more

  • God's Desire For Spiritual Growth

    Contributed by Bill Burnett on Dec 15, 2006
    based on 18 ratings

    This sermon describes the stages of spiritual growth in Christians

    God’s Desire For Spiritual Growth STAGES OF SPIRITUAL MATURITY FOR CHRISTIANS (This is not a gender issue but spiritual) I Jn 2:12-14 12 I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake. 13 I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him who is from more

  • How Spiritual Power Is Lost Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Oct 15, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    50 DAYS TO PENTECOST - part 6

    ✎ Thomas Edison and the lightbulb¨CEdison¡¯s invention continues to brighten our world. However, the lightbulb is useless unless it is connected to a power or energy source. The lightbulb is designed for a specific purpose, but it does not have the capacity to light up by itself. The more

  • The Basic Concepts Of Spiritual Intimacy Series

    Contributed by Michael Catt on Nov 5, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    This series will assist you in developing and deepening your relationship with God.

    THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF SPIRITUAL INTIMACY Selected Scriptures If we are going to develop an intimate relationship with Christ - we need to define what it looks like. ¡°IT IS THE LIFE OF CHRIST, REPRODUCED IN THE BELIEVER, BY THE HOLY SPIRIT THROUGH ABIDING IN THE WORD.¡± Much of what is called more

  • Holy Spirit And Spiritual Gifts Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 16, 2012

    A sermon on spiritual gifts, serving and meeting needs (Material adapted from Dr. Jack Cottrell's book, "The Holy Spirit: A Biblical Study", chapter 7)

    HoHum: The former editor of Christianity Today, Kenneth Kantzer, commented once that he never knew what his gift was. He just served where he saw the need. If a man of this experience and caliber never knew what his gift was but just served where he saw a need, then this should serve as a good more

  • The Six Stages Of Spiritual Sight

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 18, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The blind man had been delivered from darkness and given sight by the compassion of Jesus. This formerly blind man is confronted by his neighbors, he’s confronted by the Pharisees, and by Jesus as well. We are going to concentrate on Jesus as seen by thi

    The last time we were in our study in John, we looked at 9:1-7 and saw Jesus give sight to the blind man. This blind man had been delivered from darkness and given sight by the compassion of Jesus. In tonight’s study, this formerly blind man is confronted by his neighbors, he’s more

  • A Warning To Spiritual Free-Loaders Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Apr 28, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The unsaved receive temporal blessings on account of the righteous, but God will not grant these blessings indefinitely.

    If you’ve ever watched “Shark Week” or know much about sharks, you may have heard about a unique fish called Remora. They are sometimes called “suckerfish” or “shark-suckers.” These fish have a unique suction design and attache themselves to sharks, more

  • Spiritual Battle In The Life Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 11, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Turn the hindrances and obstacles that come your way in life into ‘valuable-crisis-lessons’ rather than be stumped by it!

    Abraham – Part 1 - Hindrances Genesis 12:6” Abram traveled through the land as far as Shechem. There he set up camp beside the oak of Moreh. At that time, the area was inhabited by Canaanites.” Friend, today I share an extract of the message that I preached in our recent more

  • Spiritual Battle In The Life Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on May 12, 2012

    We need strong faith to combat severe famine! Friend, I’m not going to tell you that you would never face problems and things will always be cozy and rosy all the time, but instead I say today, even in the midst of calamity, we need to collect ourselves

    Fear not! Abraham – Part 2 Genesis 12:10”And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.” We need strong faith to combat severe famine! Friend, I’m not going to tell you that you would never more

  • Building Hedges Of Spiritual Protection

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 28, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Hedges in biblical times were special barriers/fences placed around grape vineyards.They served many purposes (Keep out insects, bugs, rodents, birds, or thieves from coming in and stealing the harvest).Spiritually, a hedge is God’s wall of protection pro

    Building Hedges of Spiritual Protection A Hedges in biblical times were special barriers/fences placed around grape vineyards. 1 They served many purposes (Keep out insects, bugs, rodents, birds, or thieves from coming in and stealing the harvest). a Ezekiel 13.5 “ You have not gone up more

  • What's In Your "Spiritual" Wallet Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jun 2, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    What's in your wallet can reflect your relationship with Jesus.

    There is a commercial that asks the question “What’s in your wallet?” I think a lot can be discovered about an individual based on that question. As I thought about the answer to this question concerning my own wallet, I pondered what items found there reflected on my relationship more

  • Break The Cycle Of Spiritual Osmosis

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Feb 16, 2012

    The fact is that is possible to purify water using a reverse osmosis system (RO) has very little or no minerals present in the water, thus the water will not conduct electricity and the precipitation will not result. So normal tap water with minerals in i

    Show slides about Osmosis - Egg Osmosis Osmosis is the process by which water enters our tissues. All of our cells are surrounded by a membrane that selectively allows in anything the cell needs but prevents unwanted molecules from entering. Weigh the uncooked eggs and carefully place them into a more

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