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Sermons on speaking the truth:

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  • Speaking Good Things

    Contributed by Stephen Fournier on Oct 30, 2000
    based on 84 ratings

    Sermon on Titus 2:15 about "Speaking Good Things".

    SPEAKING GOOD THINGS TITUS 2:15 As some of you know hunting season began last Sunday, that is turkey season. You may have notice a little more shotgun blasts in the woods this past week. This morning I want to share a little hunting story with you. These two guys Joe and Frank decide to more

  • Speaking Life To A Dying World

    Contributed by Bishop Talbert Swan on May 9, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The church must stand and be the prophetic voice of God in the land today.

    SPEAKING LIFE TO A DYING WORLD Pastor Talbert W. Swan, II, M.Div. Text: Isaiah 6:1-8, Genesis 3:1-10, Proverbs 18:6-18, 21, Luke 19:40 SCRIPTURE Genesis 3:1-10 1Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God say, more

  • Mentoring Men Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 2, 2004
    based on 92 ratings

    Teaching does not have to be in a formal setting; in fact, the best kind of learning takes place in every day life, when we simply speak spiritual truth.

    As we turn today to Titus 2, the focus, as John MacArthur states, “changes from the pastors to the people, from the elders to everybody, and from the leadership to the laity.” Specifically, Paul’s passion is for people to live out the transforming power of the gospel and not to look like the “same more

  • Spread The Word Despite The Odds Sermon Iv: Let Courage Rise With Danger Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jan 14, 2020

    Despite multiple attacks against Christianity today, mature Christians maintain spiritual courage to speak the truth in love and to intervention desperate situations to overcome evil with good.

    LET COURAGE RISE WITH DANGER AND STRENGTH TO STRENGTH OPPOSE “No good deed goes unpunished.” Although I do not totally subscribe to the cynicism of that expression, because it is my naïve nature to believe that nobody would be opposed to acts of kindness and deeds more

  • Defend The Faith

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Oct 12, 2020

    Every genuine believe is a steward of the christian faith. When men of dubious character rise to teach false doctrines, you must speak the truth and defend the faith.

    TEXT: Jude 1:3 - 4 (NLT) "Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people. I say this because some more

  • A Lying Tongue

    Contributed by James Dina on Jul 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A lie is something false said with the intention to deceive. When we lie, we are speaking Satan’s native language. It’s music to his ears. Speak the truth in Love. Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.

    A LYING TONGUE “The truthful lip shall be established forever, but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” (Proverbs 12:19) The tongue is one of the smallest organs of the body; a world of evil among the parts of the body, more

  • Wise Speaking Series

    Contributed by Bruce Goettsche on Aug 11, 2014

    Words matter. Proverbs gives us some advice on how to speak well.

    One of the most difficult things to do in life is to control what you say. We do a good job for a while but then in one weak moment and we can do irreparable damage. Words hurt and heal, they go deep into our hearts and minds. The old saying is not true that “sticks and stones can break our more

  • God Speaks Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on May 25, 2007
    based on 25 ratings

    Despite the fact that mankind continually rebels against God, He consistently displays His love and desire for personal relationship by speaking.

    1. The first truth about the way God speaks concerns the man God speaks through 2. The second truth about the way God speaks concerns the days God speaks in 3. The third truth about the way God speaks concerns the Word God speaks AMOS 1:1-2 There was a middle aged woman who had a heart attack and more

  • Faith Speaks

    Contributed by Mark Baker on May 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    I would like to ask a question. What good is faith if not acted upon?

    Romans 10:6 But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, "Do not say in your heart, `Who will ascend into heaven?’ ’’ (that is, to bring Christ down from above) 7. or, " `Who will descend into the abyss?’ ’’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8. But what does it say? "The word more

  • Abiding In The Truth Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Dec 9, 2012
    based on 17 ratings

    Our passage speak about abiding in Christ. To abide in Christ is to abide in His Word & way. As we abide in His Word & way the Holy Spirit teaches us & molds us into the image of God’s Son. Abiding in Christ is the practice of righteous, which is the w

    1 JOHN 2: 24-29 ABIDING IN THE TRUTH [John 15: 1-11] We reveal our value of Jesus Christ by the degree to which we allow the life of Christ to be reproduced in our lives. To know that Jesus Christ was characterized by love & yet not demonstrate His love proves that we think little of more

  • The Dangers Of Negative Speaking. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 2, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    Words have power, and the Bible warns us about the dangers of negative speaking.

    Our words can either build up or tear down, and it's crucial to understand the impact of our speech on ourselves and others. Let us explore the biblical perspective on negative speaking and its consequences. The Power of Words Proverbs 18:21 states, "The tongue has the power of life and more

  • Christian Challenge Sermon V: Make Or Break Situations Demand Integrity Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Dec 12, 2019

    In times like these, Christians are challenged to speak the truth in love and to act with integrity even though to do so may be costly in terms of likeability, yet rewarding in terms of glorifying God.

    CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE SERMON V: MAKE OR BREAK SITUATIONS DEMAND INTEGRITY “Cross my heart and hope to die!” Did any of you ever use that phrase to swear to a friend that you would keep a promise? As kids, we engaged in such promise making, except that we might have done so with more

  • Speak Clearly Series

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Dec 3, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    This sermon deals with two of the spiritual gifts and contrasts their usefulness within the context of the worship service

    November 24, 2002 1 Corinthians 14:1-5 “Speak clearly” INTRODUCTION Getting the right message to the right person is necessary in order for the right communication to happen. There was a man who lived in upstate New York and he was getting tired of the cold weather, so he decided to go more

  • Genealogy Speak!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jun 21, 2012

    To motivate the Church to learn priceless lessons from Genealogies instead of ignoring them as boring!!!

    GENEALOGY SPEAK!!! “All Scripture is God-breathed and He doesn’t waste His breath.” noted a noted Christian leader reflecting on 2 Tim 3:16-17. How true it is we say subjoining! Yet do all our actions convey the fact that we believe in this more

  • Speak The Word

    Contributed by Charles Scott on Dec 16, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Words are the tools we use to bring the healing Living Word, the Christ, to those in grief.

    SPEAK THE WORD JOHN 4__16—26 What did he say? Did he say anything; anything that made sense? Such questions arise after the usual Sunday morning sermon. Words, words, words. In this time and place, do the words uttered in church mean anything? One doesn’t have to search very far in our world more

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