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  • Those Dry Bones

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Dec 12, 2000
    based on 78 ratings

    What man cannot do, God can. He is the ultimate Sovereign.

    Those Dry Bones (Ezekiel 36-37) Intro 1. Being human is a privilege, but sometimes its limitations get to us... 2. Sam: lost control in Ohio, I lectured him; next week, me at Purdue... 3. In reality, no one can handle things like God.... 4. The Old Covenant w/Israel---problem not the Covenant, more

  • Who Calls?

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Oct 6, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Have YOU heard the Sovereign call? Could you resist it?

    Isaiah 42:5-42:9 “This is what God the LORD says -- he who created the heavens and stretched them out, who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it: ‘I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your more

  • What A Mighty God We Serve! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 27, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Our God is unlike the imaginary gods of the nations; He is Almighty and Sovereign.

    What A Mighty God We Serve! (Psalm 76) 1. Last week Sam brought me a package that had been mailed to my name at Ahavat Yeshua Messianic Congregation, where I sometimes speak. 2. It was a free book on an item from the high priest’s clothing. I gave it to Sam to read first, because that is more

  • God Can If God Will

    Contributed by Kraig Pullam on Feb 18, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    God's ability is limitless; and power is only limited to His sovereign prerogative.

    Boldness in the Lord Introduction We are going to begin a new series this morning. I have noticed that the world has become more bold in promoting values and ideas that are opposed to christian beliefs. I have also noticed that very few Christians are willing to say or do anything about it. more

  • A Time For Everything Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 12, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    In today's lesson we learn that the sovereign God set the times forever so that people will stand in awe before him.

    Scripture The writer of Ecclesiastes, also known as “Qoheleth” and “the Preacher,” wanted to know how to live a meaningful life. He tried all kinds of ways to live a meaningful life. In today’s text he talks about how there is a time for everything. Listen to how more

  • The Sovereignty Of God - Palm Sunday

    Contributed by Tim Melton on Mar 15, 2021

    He is our Sovereign God. His praises will continue for eternity and His children will experience His faithfulness forever. Today submit yourself to our Sovereign God and walk securely in His eternal embrace.

    At times in scripture we see that God instructed his prophets to speak his instructions to God’s people. At other times God instructed his prophet to present to his people an object lesson or living example of the idea that God was trying to communicate. We find an example of this in Luke more

  • #2 When It Boils Down? Trusting A Sovereign God! Part #2

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Oct 18, 2019

    Please study this lesson part two, a sovereign God demands of us a complete trust. We will walk in fear or faith? We must make the choice! Look at Peter, Silas, Paul, Joseph and John the Baptist in prison? Trust God! God can handle your situation.

    #2 WHEN IT BOILS DOWN? TRUSTING A SOVEREIGN GOD! PART #2 By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I know procrastination is a prison that brings me much trouble, a lot of fear and many tears. I absolutely know I should free myself from procrastination, it fact I believe I will do that more

  • God's Sovereignty & Christian Suffering

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Jan 18, 2010
    based on 10 ratings

    A sermon examining the fact that even in the midst of the troubles of this life our God is sovereign.

    God’s Sovereignty & Christian Suffering Acts 4:23-28 For the weak believer or perhaps a new Christian, it may be disconcerting to hear that God not only allows His children to suffer, in many cases He causes suffering. But as you grow in wisdom and knowledge and as your faith in Him more

  • Jesus: The Living One

    Contributed by Shawn Miller on Apr 18, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    An easter sermon that can be modified to make the point that God is sovereign, loving, and holy.

    Jesus: The Living One Introduction: Cemeteries can be spooky places. I heard a funny story about a guy in Scotland we'll call Ian McGregor. After a long evening in the pub, Ian took a shortcut to his house that took him through a dark cemetery. He accidentally fell into a freshly dug grave. Ian more

  • How Have We Despised Your Name? Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Apr 16, 2015

    Since Jesus is the Lord of Hosts, sovereign; you ought to honor and respect Him.

    Introduction: Absalom the son of King David — Israel’s greatest king began to despise (look down on with contempt/scorn) his father and made plans to become king in his father’s place. He secretly sowed seeds of division and rebellion in his father’s kingdom. He won over the more

  • God Knows Our Appointment Time, Not Man. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 13, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible teaches us that God is sovereign and has a plan for each of our lives.

    The Bible teaches us that God is sovereign and has a plan for each of our lives. One aspect of this plan is the timing of our birth and death. While humans may try to predict or control these events, ultimately, it is God who knows our appointment time. We'll explore what the Bible says about more

  • The Enduring Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Sep 29, 2020

    God is sovereign. His rule is never restricted and His Word is never bound.

    Hello everyone! Good morning. I hope everyone is doing fine and keeping well, not just physically but spiritually, in our walk with the Lord. • Let’s listen to Him again, from Acts 12 today. Let us pray. Dear Lord, we are here to honour You and to give thanks, for WHO you are and for all that more

  • Conversion Of A Sinner Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Mar 7, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Acts 16:11-15 teaches us that God is sovereign in the conversion of sinners.

    Introduction William Ashley Sunday (1862 - 1935) was a professional baseball player who played in the National League for eight seasons. On a Sunday afternoon in Chicago, during either the 1886 or 1887 baseball season, Billy Sunday and several of his teammates were out on the town on their day more

  • Of "Control" At The Cross!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Apr 25, 2012

    To understand and appreciate the magnitude of God’s sovereign control over the sequence of events leading upto the Cross.

    Of “Control” at the Cross Who has not come across this old saying …Rule 1.Your boss is always right. Rule 2. If you think the boss is wrong refer to rule 1. TAKE HEART THERE IS A BIG BOSS OVER ALL THE BOSSES. Of several Hebrew names for God, the word more

  • Seek God's Supreme Pleasure

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on May 19, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you have any idea how the Sovereign God finds pleasure? Is His Supreme Delight exclusively His and only His Sovereign prerogative that we would be unable to partake during this present time?

    “He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him’” (Matthew 17:5, ESV). We find pleasure in our hobbies, in our job, in our friends, in our family, or in whatever that we more

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