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  • Envious Christians Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 1, 2021

    This sin of envy is capable of any evil, even to the point of killing the Son of God to eliminate Him from the competition. We live in a dangerous world because of the potential of this sin. Paul lists it with the worst sins of depravity

    We seldom get the whole story on anything. No doubt, most of us are aware of how the rocks brought back from the moon were kept in isolation for some time less the contain some organism that could spread disease for which we have no defense. That made a lot of sense, and made everyone feel more more

  • Jews And Christians Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 3, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The Savior of all men was a Jew, and this alone exalts the name of Jew to the highest degree. No other race can boast of a greater honor. In the flesh Jesus was a Jew, but in contrast Paul says that in the Spirit Jesus was God, who is over all blessed forever.

    David Lefkowitz in explaining why he is a Jew tells the story of Nathan the Wise. A Sulton had just heard a Christian and a Mohammedan give their testimony as to the excellencies of their respected beliefs. It was Nathan's turn to tell why he was a Jew. Instead, he asked the more

  • The Christian Mind Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 3, 2021

    We need to be constantly asking ourselves how our thinking on any issue is uniquely Christian. We need to ask, can a good pagan without Christ, and without revelation think the same as I do? If so, what does Christianity have to say on the issue that is of any unique value?

    The first fly said to the second fly, "Human beings are funny aren't they?" "Why do you say that," responded the second fly?" "Well," said the first, "they spend a pile of money building a beautiful ceiling, and then always walk on the floor." From more

  • Christians In Conflict Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 3, 2021

    Paul knew that strive and quarreling was one of Satan's effective weapons against the church, and, therefore, he did all he could to prevent it. In his letters he is constantly urging Christians to avoid strife. He is seeking always to help them settle their disputes.

    Dr. Biederwolf tells a true story about two Christian women that illustrates how Christians can be foolishly divided through controversy. These two women were both active in the church. They planned socials together, and shopped together. Finally, they even planned a trip to Europe together. When more

  • Christian Excellence Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 5, 2021

    What we see in this letter of Titus is that Paul was committed to excellence. The goal of God is not just to get His Son a bride, but to get Him a bride who is without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing. In other words, the goal of God is always perfection.

    For some unknown reason a sculptor hacked an 18 foot high piece of marble into an awkward shape, and then left it unfinished to lay in a Cathedral courtyard in Florence, Italy. For about a hundred years it laid there until Sept. of 1501. The damaged block had been offered to other sculptors, but more

  • Christian Education Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 5, 2021

    Severe suffering will cause most Christians to go through some sort of conflict like this, and that is why Christians need to be taught to have sound endurance. This is the ability to not give up, but to hang in there and do the will of God even when it does not seem to pay off.

    One of the most remarkable stories in the history of horse training is that of the horse named Snow Man. There is an old verse that jockeys supposedly whisper into the horses ear before a race: Roses are red, Violets are blue. Horses that lose Are made into glue. Snow Man apparently heard this more

  • The Law And The Christian Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    Christians have recognized what observant men of all ages have noticed, and that is, that law that is a respecter of persons is an instrument of evil, whereas, law that treats all men equally is an instrument for justice.

    An angry group of citizens shouted at their small town mayor-"Every city car that passes through here breaks the law by breaking the speed limit. You've got to do something about it, and do it fast." "Don't you worry," said the mayor with confidence. "I'll more

  • The Christian Walk

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jan 2, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Do people really watch how Christians live? Does our walk really matter? These are some questions that each one of us has faced at one point or have faced over and over. Let's take a look at our Christians walk and see if it really matters.

    The word “walk” makes up the entire Christian life of the believer. The word “worthy” means “blessing”. 1 Thessalonians 2:12; because our God has called us into His family. Certain family members behave in certain fashions. We are to behave in a way which honors God, and makes others want to know more

  • What Is A Christian? Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jan 5, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Introduction to the book of Jude. Jude verses 1-2 - What Is a Christian? – sermon by Gordon Curley. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). Why Study Jude? (2). Who Was Jude? (3). Who Did Jude Write To? (4). What is Jude About? (5). What is a Christian? SERMON BODY: Ill: • A small boy was asked by his teacher to define the word appetite. • He speedily and enthusiastically replied: "When you're more

  • The Contented Christian Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 10, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Philippians 4:10-23 teaches us how to be content.

    Scripture We come now to the final section in Paul’s letter to the Philippians. It seems to me that this final section is a wonderful summary of the topic of contentment. So, let’s read about the contented Christian in Philippians 4:10-23: 10 I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you more

  • What Is A Christian?

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Feb 2, 2020

    I remember hearing a story of a young boy asking his father what is a Christian? After the father explained, the young boy asked, “Dad have I ever seen a Christian?”

    The word Christian is a very loose term; at least we use it very loosely, and it has become, in America, a meaningless term. To some, it means anybody living in the United States, and is not Jewish. The term Christian has been so abused and diluted that it has very little meaning to most of us more

  • The Christian And Government Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    As Paul discusses the transformed life Christians are called to, he addresses the need for Christians to submit to the governing authorities and to pay their obligations of taxes and respect.

    A. A young boy, who wanted $100.00 very badly, prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. 1. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting $100.00. 2. When the postal authorities received the boy’s letter to God, they decided to send it to the President of the United States. 3. The President more

  • Christian Togetherness

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Feb 14, 2020

    We must learn to worship together here if we are going to Heaven so we can be together there.

    Christian togetherness Acts 2: 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; Acts 3: 1 Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. There is a Christian togetherness in more

  • Christian Love

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Feb 15, 2020

    How is a church a family? How do we practically show love to one another? Jesus gave us an example and Paul challenges us to live it.

    Christian Love (Rom. 12:9-13) Intro: A. There is a verse that many Christians know, have heard or been preached from the pulpit so frequently, it the meaning has lost its wonder and awe. To put the verse in the context I take you to the night commonly called the Last Supper. But instead of more

  • The Confident Christian

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    4 ways that we can gain confidence from 2 Corinthians 3:1-6 (adapted from Bob Russell's book, Take Comfort, the chapter entitled The Confident Christian)

    HoHum: Confident, confident, dry and secure; raise your hand, raise your hand if your Sure- if only when I used that deodorant I felt confident and secure WBTU: The Christian should be a humble person. The Christian should be a confident person. How do we reconcile these two things? What does more

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