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  • Caught Between A Laugh And A Cry

    Contributed by Wilson Murphy on May 1, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    We need to have a hunger for more of God, while being thankful for what God has already done.

    Caught between a Laugh and a Cry Ezra 3:10-13 10And when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, they set the priests in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites the sons of Asaph with cymbals, to praise the LORD, after the ordinance of David king of Israel. 11And they sang more

  • Spiritual People

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Feb 17, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    Paul wrote in his letter that he wanted to speak to the SPIRITUAL PEOPLE, but was not able to.

    SPIRITUAL PEOPLE Text: I Corinthians 2:14 thru 3:1 This morning I want to look at three types of Christians the Bible teaches. They are all very different from one another. I have never met anyone who was not one of these three. You cannot be kind of like one and kind of like another. As more

  • Engagement Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Feb 18, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    This is the 3rd study in the study "Intimacy". This study looks at being engaged and the pressures and stresses that go with engagement.

    ENGAGEMENT Song of Solomon 2:8-3:5 As we continue in our study we will watch the courtship process taking place. Realizing that courtship and dating differ in some ways, we will see this couple enter into what our culture would consider engagement. The Proposal Song of Solomon more

  • Start Of The Journey Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Jack Martin on Mar 8, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    Changeing our soul mate

    Book of Esther Series - Part II. ( Re-read chapter 1 & pray ) Picking up where we left off: Kingdom = The range of influence our life holds over other people & other things Palace/Capital City= Our physical bodies King = Out soul, the part of us that makes the choices. Queen Vasti = more

  • The Church As An Oasis

    Contributed by Antonio Torrence on Jul 6, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    This sermon is about the church being a place of refreshment, revival, and renewal for the wanderers of life.

    "The Church As An Oasis"-Rev.A.LaMar Torrence Exodus 15:26-27 I. Introduction A. Sister Maya Angelou’s poem “On the Pulse of Morning”: A Rock, A River, A Tree Hosts to species long since departed, Marked the mastodon. The dinosaur, who left dry tokens of their sojourn here on our planet floor, any more

  • Temptation Management-101—3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on May 9, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    Part 3 of a 4 part sermon dealing with the importance of managing temptation effectively so that it will not become sin, thus freeing God to work in our lives.

    Temptation Management-III—Luke 4:1-13 Johnny’s first day of school./Class was to put their right hands over their hearts & repeat the Pledge of Alliegence. The teacher watched the children as he started the pledge, "I pledge allegiance to the flag..." She stopped when she noticed Johnny’s right more

  • What Do You Smell Like?

    Contributed by Dean Meadows on Nov 5, 2002
    based on 95 ratings

    This sermon deals with the bad fragrance of the lack of commitment in the church.

    What Do You Smell Like 10/27/02 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 There are good smells like fresh bread out of the oven or the smell of a little baby or a new car. Those are good smells. Then you have bad smells like sulfur or spoiled milk or other things that I’m not privileged to speak about. Walk in more

  • Joy In The Shadowlands

    Contributed by Kathy Findley on Oct 25, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    The premise of this sermon is that even in the midst of life’s sorrow, there is a depth of joy that abides within us.

    Advent III – Joy Luke 2:26-55 In the wonderfully reflective book entitled, The Prophet, one can contemplate these words: The woman questioned the one she called Prophet of God, saying: “Speak to us now of Joy and Sorrow”. And he answered: The same well from which you laughter rises was more

  • I Gotta Tell Somebody

    Contributed by Luther Monroe on Nov 9, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    Jesus healing a leper and his response

    Intro: Mark gospel has the Lord Jesus on the move. It is reportedly written to the Romans because they were supposedly those that wanted detail instead of point by point and precept upon precept. This account of the Lord Jesus is also recorded in Matt.8:2-4 and Luke 5:12-14. In the gospel of more

  • Thankful People Don't . . .

    Contributed by John Roy on Jan 29, 2001
    based on 216 ratings

    Thankful people are grateful, generous, and remember the gracious hand of God.

    “Thankful People Don’t . . .” Luke 17:11-17 Earlier in this century thank-you notes were an art form, consider the following, “In regard to thank-you notes, it is best to recognize a gift with an immediate note of thanks. Unlike arriving at a party, there is no such thing as being more

  • Reasons To Shout

    Contributed by Roger Griffith on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    There are some things a Christian ought to be willing to shout about.

    REASONS TO SHOUT TEXT: Numbers 10:5 INTRODUCTION: A. A TRUMPET IS A BOLD INSTRUMENT WHICH MAKES A BOLD SOUND 1. A trumpet is not what we would call a "mellow" instrument. 2. A trumpet is an instrument which is blown for bold actions. 3. A trumpet is not sounded for timid, wimpy Mr. Milktoast more

  • Hear The Voice Of The True God

    Contributed by Jason Zahn on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    God speaks to us loud and clear through the two main teachings of his Word - the law and the gospel.

    This past Wednesday evening actress Anne Heche stunned the American public with her shocking revelations in an interview with Barbara Walters on ABC’s 20/20. In that interview Heche explained that for a time in her life she believed that she was actually two people. Heche claimed that Celestia – more

  • The Fire Alarm

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Oct 29, 2002
    based on 52 ratings

    Are you on fire for God or just something like it?

    07, January 2002 Dakota Community Church The Fire Alarm Introduction: 2Corinthians 13:5 5Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you--unless, of course, you fail the test? Five Quick Self-Exam Questions: 1. Did I gain more

  • Godly Leadership Series

    Contributed by James Chandler on Dec 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    As we look at chapters 3-4 in First Timothy, we will see the importance of godly Leadership.

    1 Timothy: From the Preacher to the Christian. . Godly Leadership requires: A. Godly Elders. (Slide #2, Click 1) Being an overseer: A noble task, it’s not for everyone. Deserves respect (verse 1) Demands desire. “Sets his heart on” (verse 2) The only reason to want to be an more

  • I Love The Commercialism Of Christmas--No Joke!

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Dec 9, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    I don’t think any of us are really ready to give up the traditions of this holiday season. So why not think about what we love about this time of the year? (Based on an article by Rev. Thomas Shepherd) ________________________________________

    How do you like this time of the year? Shopping center parking lots clogged with car headlights like a starry night sky in the country. Mindless, but welcoming music drifting over hordes of harried, hopeful, hesitantly happy holiday hunters. Shop ’til you’re top-heavy, arms full of packages, more

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