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  • A Snake Is A Snake Series

    Contributed by John Petty on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    God is calling us to come out of the fox holes and go on the offensive. But before you can attack the enemy you must be able to recognize th enemy. And when you do remember... a snake is a snake.

    Genesis 3:1-7 (NKJV) 1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, ’You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; more

  • Snakes

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Jun 11, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Snakes, a study in symbolism in scripture.

    Snakes of the Bible If I had to guess which animal on this earth that would put more fear into a man that any other, it would have to be a serpent {Snake}. As a child, I always worried that one of these crawly things would sneak upon me and bite. I’ve more

  • Snakes!

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Jul 21, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    We must learn to shake off those snakes!

    ACTS 28:1Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. 2The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold. 3Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and, as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened more

  • Snake

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 21, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    This is a sermon for Family Night of Vacation Bible School. The theme of Vacation Bible School is "Amazon Outfitters". This is an evangelistic message.

    Wednesday Evening June 19, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: Vacation Bible School Parent’s Night 2002 SNAKE! Genesis 3:1-13 Introduction: 1. Who in here likes snakes? Not me. I am afraid of all snakes. We have been studying “Amazon Outfitters” this week and in the Amazon there more

  • Snake Bit Series

    Contributed by Richard White on May 15, 2009
    based on 124 ratings

    Just because we have been bit by a snake we do not have to lie down and die, difference makers shake off the snake and stay the course

    Snake Bit Acts 28:1-10 Snakes are horrible creatures. They are sneaky; they lie dormant in the cold they are hardly noticeable, they come out in the heat and some strike and bite for no reason. Now you know why I do not like snakes. Snakes are cunning. 1. In the Garden it was a snake/serpent more

  • Bitten By A Snake

    Contributed by James Childers on Nov 15, 2000
    based on 146 ratings

    Spiritual snakes that take the joy and happiness of serving the Lord away from us when we are bitten by them

    BITTEN BY A SNAKE--NUMBERE 21:1-9 Introduction: Snakes or Serpents are mentioned at least 53 times in the scriptures. Bitten by a snake-what a horrible way to die. It is uncertain as to why these snakes was called "firey." Perhaps it was because of their colors or perhaps it was because of more

  • Of Snakes And Doves Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Oct 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the second sermon in a series of texts unique to Matthew’s gospel and taken from Chapters 9 and 10. Jesus shows his compassion for outcasts, his caution among unbelievers, and his consideration for believers.

    Matthew’s Unique Message #2 Of Snakes and Doves Matthew 9:27-36; Matthew 10: 16, 34-37; 40-41 CHCC: June 10, 2007 INTRODUCTION: This summer I’m going to be preaching from the Gospel of Matthew. We’re going to look at the things Matthew tells about Jesus that none of the other Gospels more

  • Snake Bit

    Contributed by David Dailey on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 41 ratings

    Learning to shake off the enemy.

    Ac 28:1 And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. 2 And the barbarous people showed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold. 3 And when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, more

  • Snake In The Grass Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Mar 23, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    a look at the Fall and the ongoing efforts of Satan to delude the world

    Beginnings # 2 I invite you back to the Book of Beginnings this morning! I’ll be speaking to you from Genesis 3 today. The Snake in the Grass - Speaking the Lies We Want to Believe A friend picked up his 3 yr. old son from Christian Preschool. As they rode in the car, the Dad was talking about more

  • Handling Snakes

    Contributed by Donnie De Loney on Dec 12, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Being led by the Lord in doing the right thing.

    Handling Snakes Text: Acts 28: 1 - 6 Introduction: Mark chapter sixteen verse eighteen is a scripture that has been grossly misinterpreted by a group of sincere people, however they are sincerely wrong. The theme at the close of Mark sixteen is for believers to go into the world preaching the more

  • Of Snakes And Crosses

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Apr 2, 2003
    based on 284 ratings

    Lent 4: The Lord has prescribed the method whereby we must be saved. It might seem odd - maybe crazy - like gazing at a snake on a pole... or a Savior on a Cross.

    Folks were fussing and griping. They were angry and upset and - as is almost always the case under these circumstances - they began to criticize. Soon the words became heated. The harshness of the comments spoken was only thinly veiled. The angry words spoken were like painful, barbed darts – more

  • The Snake On The Pole

    Contributed by Richard Futrell on Oct 8, 2010
    based on 9 ratings

    Let nothing--nothing!--turn your attention from your snake on the pole--let nothing distract you from your Savior on the cross. Through such seemingly silly ways, God gives to you--not a snake on the pole--but His Son on the cross.

    Introduction That whole snake-on-a-pole thing must have sounded insane to some of the Israelites. Stare at a bronze serpent and you’ll be healed? That sounds ridiculous. It must’ve sounded just silly enough that some Israelites started looking for more reasonable solutions to the more

  • Camping With The Snakes Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Jul 27, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    (PowerPoint slides are freely available by emailing Discovering God’s provision to overcome the snakes.

    Journeying with John - It’s a Blast (JWJ-14) Camping with the Snakes John 3:9-21 The people of Israel are on the brink of victory. They are about to start defeating the nation of Canaan after spending 40 years wandering around the wilderness. They are about to enter the Promised Land that God more

  • Send In The Snakes

    Contributed by Rodelio Mallari on Dec 31, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    The story of God’s dealings with the children of Israel is one of a sad repetition of events. Israelites were constant rebels and complainers. Whenever they fall into the sin of unfaithfulness and idolatry, God first warns and pleads with them through His

    Intro: The story of God’s dealings with the children of Israel is one of a sad repetition of events. Israelites were constant rebels and complainers. Whenever they fall into the sin of unfaithfulness and idolatry, God first warns and pleads with them through His prophet; then they disregard the more

  • Snake Conversations

    Contributed by David Ward on Aug 4, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A look at the tempter’s tactics from Genesis 3:1-6

    Snake Conversations Genesis 3:1-6 [READ] Introduction: Iron Eyes Cody was the Native American who appeared in the old “Keep America Beautiful” TV commercials. He told an Indian legend from many years ago. Indian youths would go away in solitude to prepare for manhood. One such youth hiked more