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  • A Mother's Burden

    Contributed by David Flowers on Jun 4, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A Mother’s Burden. Mother’s Day, 2007. Looks at Mary the Mother of Jesus for how moms can carry the burdens that go with motherhood.

    A Mother’s Burden Mother’s Day, 2007 Luke 2:25-35 Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers May 13 Good morning. I want to begin today with a Mother’s Day wish for my own mother, who isn’t even here today! Week after week I stand up here and do my thing, with my parents sitting out there, more

  • When Nagging Is Necessary Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on May 9, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    She was a mom with a huge problem that being ignored, brushed off, or insulted would not cause her to cease from getting her answered prayer.

    Three children had become very prosperous and had accumulated vast amounts of money. They discussed what gifts they were going to give their elderly mother for Mother‘s Day. The first built a big house for his mother. The second had sent her a Mercedes with a driver. The third felt he out did the more

  • A New Heaven And A New Earth Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Nov 12, 2020

    Have you ever waited a long time for something special? Story of seeing pictures of moms holding their newborns for the first time. It was worth it!

    The Last Word – Revelation 21 A New Heaven and a New Earth November 15, 2020 Show this photo - Have you ever waited a long time for something special? Story of seeing pictures of moms holding their newborns for the first time. It was worth more

  • You And Your House Will Be Saved

    Contributed by Eddie Sheehan on Dec 25, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is a Testimony of how my mom was saved while in hospice care 2 days before she died in November of 2019 at 84 years old.

    Nothing is impossible to God! My mom's dad was a violent alcoholic. He was known to be involved in many bar fights and ended up in jail from time to time. He also threatened his own child at gun point. My mom's mom died when she was twelve. So, mom did not have a loving, nurturing more

  • Come And Go!

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Sep 6, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    This is a message on bringing all your hurt and pain to Jesus; it was originally preached in preparation for Holy Communion.

    COME AND GO!--MARK 7:24-30 --by R. David Reynolds I do not know for certain who this Syrophoenician woman was, but somehow I picture her as a single parent with a real problem. Her encounter with Jesus is told here by Mark and by Matthew in Chapter fifteen of his Gospel. The fact that the more

  • Its Good To Be In...

    Contributed by Michael Arens on Nov 26, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Christmas Eve Sermon

    Merry Christmas! It’s great to be here in Milton on this night. Christmas Eve is always special. I’m not sure about you, but on Christmas Eve a wonderful calm seems to come over me and everything around me. I remember that this is the night that our Savior was born. I think of a beautiful, more

  • Headline News

    Contributed by Joe Burke on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Repent before it is too late.

    HEADLINE NEWS! "Whatever the LORD wishes he does in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the deeps. He raises storm clouds from the end of the earth, makes lightning and rain, brings forth wind from the storehouse" Ps 135: 6-7 God alone controls the weather and He speaks through natural more

  • Life Starts When We Live Together

    Contributed by Juan Lane on Jul 19, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    Behold how good and pleasant it is to live together

    Life Starts When We Live Together Scripture Reference: Psalms 133:1 (KJV) Psalms 133:1 A Song of degrees of David. Behold how good and pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity! I would like to take a brief moment to thank each and every person who receives my bible studies under more

  • Faithfully Forward Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Apr 2, 2018

    Exploring the paradox of planning for tomorrow while living for today.

    Do you know what a paradox is? A paradox is defined as “a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.” Our faith as Christians is rife with paradoxes. Let me name a few: Christians conquer through more

  • Jesus The Teacher Series

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Nov 9, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Many people who heard Jesus teach were said to be, "astonished," at His teaching. A brief look at Jesus as teacher.

    Jesus the Teacher PPT 1 Series Title PPT 2 Message Title The series that's not about you. But there is something about lifting Him up that lifts us up also. Today I want to talk about Jesus the teacher, and I think that doing so will cause you to marvel at Him, and make you want to dig into His more

  • Funeral For A Baby Who Died Shortly After Birth

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Sep 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is a funeral message for a precious girl who had serious issues in the womb, but her mom choose life. She died 1 hour and 1 minute after birth.

    Lorelai Faith Welcome On behalf of Kyle and Kelly and the family - I would like to both welcome you and thank you for being here to honor the life of LORELAI FAITH. And let me say, that you have no idea how much your presence today, means to them. UNDERSTAND - the family will never forget more

  • "The Key To Everything"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Apr 21, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    A sermon for Easter.

    John 20:1-18 “The Key to Everything” By: Ken Sauer, Pastor of East Ridge United Methodist Church, Chattanooga, TN Is there any hope? This is a question that many of us face at some point in our lives. Is there any hope...for the married couple who seem more

  • Rich & Poor Series

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Sep 21, 2024

    Continues series in James. Deals with finances. Why there in equities in our incomes, and how the Lord uses finances to test us.

    James 1:9-12 Rich & Poor For the past several weeks we have been looking at trials, difficulties in life and how Christians are to respond to the difficulties that come in life. This morning I would like us to look at a trial that we are all familiar with. A trial that demonstrates what we more

  • A Godly Mother’s Dream

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 14, 2014

    What would be a Godly mother’s dream for her family / kids? 1. God’s will. 2. Know and love the Lord. 3. Be people of integrity. 4. Learn from their failures. 5. Live beyond themselves. 6. Pass their faith on.

    A Godly Mother’s Dream There are some great portraits of motherhood in Scripture. I love the picture of the mother of Moses who cared so much for her son that she broke the law in order to teach him the faith of his people. We see the sacrificial love of the mother who appeared before more

  • Where Is God When The Well Runs Dry

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Apr 18, 2001
    based on 89 ratings

    In the race of life, when the well runs dry, God is our Strength.

    WHERE IS GOD WHEN THE WELL RUNS DRY ISAIAH 40: 21-31 FEBRUARY 25, 2001 INTRODUCTION: In 1968, the country of Tanzania selected John Stephen Akhwari to represent it in the Mexico City Olympics. Along the racecourse for the marathon, Akhwari stumbled and fell, severely injuring both his knee and more

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