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  • Give Unto Caesar PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Explore the concept of God's use of earthly rulers to fulfill His divine purposes, our responsibility as Christians to respect and fulfill our civic duties, and the paramount allegiance we owe to God.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters. We are here today to dive into a deep and thought-provoking topic that hits the intersection of faith and politics: God's use of earthly rulers to accomplish His divine purposes, our duty to respect and fulfill our civic responsibilities, and the ultimate more

  • The Promise Is Unto You

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 1, 2002
    based on 117 ratings

    Warning: This message is only for those with Pentecostal tendencies.’

    For Many years the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and the ministration thereof has been going through a process of disintegration, Certainly not from Gods perspective, but from mans perspective. In particular (Full Gospel churches). Disintegrate =break apart, dissolve, powderize, break up, crumble. We more

  • Pressing On Unto Perfection

    Contributed by David Cambridge on Sep 9, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    We have been born again but we are not perfect. We know we must strive for perfection but in what areas? This lesson also shows what aids are available in our striving for perfection.

    Pressing On Unto Perfection Conforming To Christ’s Image Introduction 1. Consider what it means to be ‘in Christ’: a. Those baptized into Christ have put on Christ: "For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ." (Galatians 3:27) b. Those in Christ have no more

  • Committed Unto Death Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 24, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    In our text we have the last act of the Savior before He died. It is an act of commitment, faith, confidence & love. While Jesus hung upon the cross seven times His lips moved in speech. This is His final word, His seventh word from the cross.

    LUKE 23: 44-49 [JESUS’ LAST DAY SERIES] COMMITTED UNTO DEATH [Psalm 31:5; John 10:17-18; Hebrews 10:19-22] In our text today we have the last act of the Savior before He died. It is an act of commitment, faith, confidence and love. While Jesus hung upon the cross seven times His lips moved more

  • Holding Unto Christmas Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 17, 2012

    Looking at Christmas and making it truely a time to remmebr Jesus and not just presents and family moments. Experiencing Christmas.

    Holding unto Christmas Luke 2:1-7 Introduction- We are going to begin a series today called Holding unto Christmas. It will run through the Advent season. Preparing for Christmas is a time consuming process. You have to make time to buy presents, attend dinners, work parties. Like I said after more

  • Rendering Unto Caesar

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is showing how citizens have both civic and moral obligations; we obey secular law yet we owe everything to God, Who deserves our primary allegiance.

    An IRS agent contacted a taxpayer to conduct an audit. He noted, “Our records show that you still have some money left over after paying your taxes. How do you account for that?” Another taxpayer told his attorney that when he dies, to place his ashes in an envelope and mail it to more

  • Render Unto Caesar

    Contributed by Pr. Lynell Aljoe-Thurman on Oct 19, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Good stewardships will help others become Good Steardships.

    Prayer: Lord God, you are merciful and your reign is everlasting. Help us to be good stewardships so that more will know of Christ mercy and grace. We all have sinned against you by not being good stewards with our time,talents and gifts. Times are hard, but we know that you will make a way when more

  • Faithful Unto Death Series

    Contributed by Allen James on Sep 29, 2011

    Part 2 of 7 in our summer series exploring the letters to the 7 churches in Revelation 2-3. Today's message takes a deeper look at the testimony of the church at Smyrna.

    INTRODUCTION: The majority of Americans know very little about SUFFERING for the FAITH. The letter to the church at Smyrna is a reminder that God does not simply offer His ADVICE. God offers His COMPANIONSHIP. about Smyrna... Only one of the seven cities still in existence (modern Izmir, more

  • Obedient Unto Death

    Contributed by David Brockhouse on Apr 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    The Lenten season bares the skeletons of our disobedience in more ways than one; it Illuminates the one who was “obedient, even unto death on a cross” for our salvation. It also illuminates the less than stellar attitudes and behaviors we are prone to dis

    “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very more

  • White Unto Harvest Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Do you have an eternal perspective like Jesus does? Or are you focused solely on temporal needs like health, prosperity, healing, personal comfort and relationships? That’s where the disciples’ perspective was in our passage. That When you deal with people, it doesn’t take very long to realize something. People are different. And because people are different, they can see the same thing in different ways. Police know this. As a matter of fact, they expect it. One of the ways that more

  • Call Unto Me

    Contributed by Larry Brincefield on May 22, 2003
    based on 98 ratings

    Sermon on prayer. 1. Call Upon Me 2. I WILL answer. 3. and I will show you great and unsearchable things.

    (I was inspired to write this sermon after reading Lou Bartet’s sermon of the same title and text--most of this sermon is different, although you might pick up on a similar thought or two, I also used the same opening illustration that Lou credited to May 25, 2003 more

  • Render Unto Caesar

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Oct 8, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    We often forget the second half of Jesus' statement which is "Render unto God." Sermon for Proper 24 After Pentecost year A

    Render unto Caesar Matthew 22:15-22 “Render unto Caesar or as other’s put it “Give Caesar his due” is fairly well known. Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees and Herodians does not stop there, of course. But people in this world are more generally concerned about this world’s matters than the next. They more

  • Come Unto Me Series

    Contributed by John Raulerson on Nov 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus calls us to come to Him that He may deliver us from the yoke of the world.

    Series: Demands of Christ COME UNTO ME Matthew 11:28-30 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden more

  • Growth Unto Harvest Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    We can’t be satisfied with being saved and not see any fruit from God’s work in our lives.

    February 13, 2004 Morning Worship Text: Mark 4:21-29 Subject: Part 2 in the Harvest series. Title: Growth Unto Harvest I believe that we are quickly coming to the end of the age. The Bible clearly states things that will accompany that end. One of the things that I personally believe about the more

  • Looking Unto Jesus

    Contributed by Maxwell Cunningham on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 161 ratings

    Verse 2 of Hebrews 12 gives a complete outline of the Gospel.

    Verse 2 of Hebrews 12 gives a complete outline of the Gospel. In this verse we see the "Who, What, Why, and Where" concerning Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. The text points to Jesus, explains who he is, tells what he did, why he did it, and where he is now. "Looking unto Jesus the author and more

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