
Summary: Good stewardships will help others become Good Steardships.

Prayer: Lord God, you are merciful and your reign is everlasting. Help us to be good stewardships so that more will know of Christ mercy and grace. We all have sinned against you by not being good stewards with our time,talents and gifts. Times are hard, but we know that you will make a way when we see no visible way out. And we will praise your name of high. Amen.


* We have come to the part of Matthew where there is a lot of Q&A. Jesus has begun teaching in the temple, religious leaders try to find any loopholes within his teaching.

*Although they find none they keep trying and so after the wedding feast that great morning meal of last week we have the Pharisees plotting to entrap our Lord. They sent their disciples, their follows for a little friendly Q & A. Questions and Answers.

*Jesus knew what was coming and so in the truth by which he taught he rebuked, called them hypocrites and illustrated using a coin, a denarius and simply asked, “Whose head is on this coin?” and they answered “The Emperor’s.” And we have that quote we so often hear, “ Render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar and unto God’s the things that are God’s. (“Ἀðüäïôå ïὖí ôὰ Êáßóáñïò Êáßóáñé êáὶ ôὰ ôïῦ Èåïῦ ôῷ Èåῷ”) (Matthew 22:21).

*Within this phrase we have a widely quoted summary of the relationship between Christianity and government authority with regards to taxation and in particular the poll tax instituted perhaps around Jesus’ birth or early childhood that the zealots were so enraged about. They were enraged because it was illegal. Jesus was indeed stating that heavenly authority and earthly authority were two different things. Sounds like a separation of Church and State.

*As most of you know, I have been following, like most of you, our countries financial turmoil. As a pastor, I am very concern with stewardship on all levels and I understand those facing financial difficulties, especially those that live in and around our communities and I wondered what would Jesus do? What would he promote? The answer to this question is justice, for the poor, the orphan the widow for those seeking refuge.

* point fingers at this person or institution and saying that they are why we are in financial crises is not helping those that suffer. Fingers are also being pointed at average Americans. We are living beyond our means.

*Bishop Hanson writes in his monthly email to pastor’s the following, “ With the current financial crisis sweeping the United States and the world, it is too easy to forget those who are most vulnerable, people who live in poverty here at home and abroad. They deserve our attention too” He goes on to say that he would wish that we, “bear in mind and recall for all of us the situations of our sisters and brothers who will suffer the most from our current economic turmoil.”

*Even in times like these the church must be a beacon of Hope and lead the way. We must show people that God has never abandon us it us who abandons God. Yes times are hard, keep believing that God will help us out of this per.. and keep giving individuals answers of hope so that souls will not be lost.

* invite them to come to Jesus where there is life everlasting for all who believe.

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