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  • The Perfect Storm Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Dec 29, 2014

    Over the last four weeks we have become reacquainted (or acquainted) with what redemption means.We’ve come to know . . . .The original version of God’s Song of Redemption.We can’t make words up, change the lyrics or tempo.

    Recovering Redemption Series (5 of 5) The Perfect Storm Oct. 19, 2014 CFBC Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Over the last four weeks we have become reacquainted (or acquainted) with what redemption means. 1 We’ve come to know . . . . a The original version of more

  • Freedom's Fruit Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 8, 2017

    Defeat the flesh by depending on the Spirit: live by the Spirit and so conquer the desires of the flesh; be led by the Spirit and so conquer the deeds of the flesh; and walk with the Spirit and so enjoy the death of the flesh.

    Jo Guerrero’s five-year-old daughter, Barbara, had disobeyed her mother and had been sent to her room. After a few minutes, Jo (the mom) went in to talk with her about what she had done. Teary-eyed, the little girl asked, “Why do we do wrong things, Mommy?” Jo replied, “Sometimes the devil tells more

  • The Constant Conflict Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Dec 5, 2011

    A sermon on Romans 7:7-25 talking about the battle within (Outline and seed thoughts came from Charles Spurgeon "The Fainting Warrior" and notes from Dr. Jack

    HoHum: Joni Ericson Toda describes her first realization of the grim reality of her paralysis. Joni was only 15 when she was permanently paralyzed from the neck down as the result of a diving accident. She was rushed to the hospital for tests and x-rays to determine the extent of her injury. As she more

  • Sin Legends Series

    Contributed by Craig Groeschel on May 30, 2008
    based on 60 ratings

    If we don’t talk about sin, the reality of our sin nature, and it’s destructive power and it’s eternal consequences, then we, as the church, are doing perhaps the most incredible disservice to people that we could ever do with our entire lives. We water

    Urban Legends #4 Well, next weekend, it all starts, the series that everybody’s been talking about. It is called “Satan’s Sex Ed,” and I am very excited. I’ve got some fresh perspective. I’ve been studying hard for that. It starts next week. Welcome today to all of our campuses and those more

  • Grace And Sin's Judgment Part I Series

    Contributed by Martin Wiles on Mar 15, 2011

    While God’s judgment is on specific sins, these sins result from our sinful nature which must be changed to find acceptance by God.

    Grace and Sin’s Judgment Part I Romans 2:1-6 I. God’s Judgment On Sin A. There is a psychological defense mechanism called projection. 1. Defined, it refers to our tendency to project or attribute to others unpleasant or sinful issues we deal with. 2. For example, someone may have the more

  • The Nature Of Man

    Contributed by Tim Huie on May 6, 2009

    What is the nature of man? 1) He is a marred being. 2) He is a dying being. 3) He is an eternal being.

    THE NATURE OF MAN GENESIS 1: 26-27, 2: 7 1. Illus. of teenager • Went into room and slammed door, saying under breath, “people, people, PEOPLE!” • Mom went to door and said, “what’s wrong?” Girl replied, “people, that’s what’s wrong!” • “Let me in, and we’ll talk about it.” “No, you’re a people more

  • Sin Vs. Signs Of Love

    Contributed by Jerry Mckee on Mar 18, 2009

    I’m so glad that Christ loves us even with our sin nature. This is a short study showing the love Christ and how we can avoid sin because of that love.

    SIN vs. SIGNS OF LOVE Colossians 3:15-17 I. Sins of sexual attitude and behavior a. The sins i. Evil desires ii. Sexual sins iii. Impurity iv. Lust v. Shameful desires b. Consider ourselves dead to these sins – vs. 3:15 II. Sins of speech a. The sins i. Anger expressed ii. Cursing iii. Dirty more

  • The Natural Result Of The Unnatural Mind Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Dec 9, 2019

    In our arrogance we have traded the natural truth of God for an unnatural lie of Satan.

    The Natural Result Of The Unnatural Mind Text: Rom. 1:24-32 Introduction 1. Illustration: C. S. Lewis ended an essay saying this: "These, then, are the two points I wanted to make. First, that human beings, all over the earth, have this curious idea that they ought to behave in a certain more

  • Dagon Must Fall!

    Contributed by John Gaston on Nov 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This message will preach! Our sinful nature must not be allowed to have any dominance in our lives. God alone must rule our hearts: sin must go! And God doesn't need any help being God and He doesn't need to be propped up by anyone!

    DAGON MUST FALL! 1 Sam. 4:2-5:12 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: HOMELAND SECURITY OVERLOAD 1. Homeland Security has gotten especially concerned about terrorism since we pulled our military out of Afghanistan. They’ve tightened security at airports and on planes. 2. Just the other day I heard they more

  • Self-Esteem Or God Esteem?" - Lesson 3 - How To Focus On God's Image – Not Yours Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 10, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    IV. A. Self-detachment B. Death C. Understanding The Cross D. Application E. The Dealing Of God F. The Real Enemy G. Ascension Of Jesus H. Human Weakness / Divine Strength I. Right With God

    QUESTION: If I am the problem, what is the solution? __________________________________________________________________ IV. FOCUSING ON GOD'S IMAGE – NOT YOURS A. Self-Detachment. 1. Matt 16:24 "deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. i. Such self-denial is not the giving up more

  • Self-Esteem Or God Esteem - Lesson 5 / Conclusion - Your New Identity Found In Jesus Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Dec 10, 2020
    based on 4 ratings


    When we teach the subject of the Christian life, we offer the content of the life of Christ dwelling within us by the Holy Spirit. Any of the principles that I have been sharing with you regarding setting your mind on the things of Jesus, confessing His Word, and stirring up praise and more

  • Man Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Mar 10, 2010

    The 4th instillation in our series on the Baptist Faith and Message

    MAN (BFM pt.4) Text: Genesis 1:27 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Well so far we’ve looked at the first two points of the BFM, The Scriptures and God, today we’re going to be looking at article #3 – Man. The doctrine (or teaching) of man is called anthropology, and there is a whole secular field more

  • Mirrors

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jun 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Just as a mirror reflects our appearance, our lives are a reflection of who and what we are.

    20100627 Title: Mirrors Text: Galatians 5:13-25 Thesis: Just as a mirror reflects our appearance, our lives are a reflection of who we are. Introduction Every morning I roll out of bed and pitter-patter into the bathroom where I look into the mirror over the lavatory and I say to myself, more

  • Forgiven Sinners In The Hands Of A Gracious God Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 21, 2019

    As followers of Jesus Christ, we can never be completely pure in this life as He was pure. Just as we need showers, baths, or washings, so we need to address the stain of sin on an ongoing basis!

    Forgiven Sinners in the Hands of A Gracious God (I John 1:5-10) 1. President Harry Truman snuck into church one Sunday, and a reporter met him after church. The reporter asked Truman what the sermon was about. 2. “Sin,” the President answered succinctly. 3. “And what did the pastor say about more

  • The Eyes Of Yahweh Are Upon You

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Jan 28, 2015

    We were wandering in the wilderness of sin, but God led us into the promised land of salvation. There is an enemy to drive out before we can take possession The enemy is indwelling sin or the old nature

    The Eyes of Yahweh Are Upon You Deuteronomy 11:1-28 Key Verse “The eyes of the Lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year unto the end of the year.” Verse 12 This verse is referring to Canaan... the promised land... “ a land that God careth for.” For more

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