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  • Freedom From Sin

    Contributed by Kenneth Hampton on Jul 6, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    A July 4th message, the aim of this sermon is to show lost and saved alike that if you are saved you are no longer the person you used to be and that Christ doesn’t want us to live in our past.

    Nota Bene: The main passage of the message omits verses 5-11 (This sermon was one in which I did not have a solid outline written out and basically took Scripture verses that I knew would work under each heading and let the Spirit lead me in the sermon’s direction in the midst of the more

  • Public And Private Sin

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on Jul 16, 2005
    based on 54 ratings

    A look at what the incident of the woman caught in adultery teaches us about public and hidden sin.

    They were absolutely right. According to Deut 22:22 she deserved to be sentenced to death and executed for what she had done. We normally comment on the absence of the man in this case – according to the law he was just as guilty and deserving of death as she was – but the fact that he was not more

  • Free From Sin

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Aug 11, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Christ has set us free. Not free to sin, FREE FROM SIN.

    MATTHEW 5:17-18 When God gave the Law- there was no freedom- there was LAW The law told you how to act, walk, bathe, dress, eat, speak, pray, … THERE WAS NO FREEDOM- Now comes Jesus saying He’s fulfilling the LAW He didn’t abolish it- HE FULFILLED IT- He did everything it said to more

  • The Crucifixion: The Seperation Of Sin

    Contributed by Joe Harding on Mar 29, 2004
    based on 27 ratings


    THE CRUCIFIXION: THE SEPERATION OF SIN MATTHEW 27: 45-56 MARCH 28, 2004 INTRODUCTION: If you were to look at Rembrandt’s painting of The Three Crosses, your attention would be drawn first to the center cross on which Jesus died. Then as you would look at the crowd gathered around the foot of that more

  • The Downward Spiral Of Sin

    Contributed by Jeffrey Kellum on Feb 25, 2004
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon encourages people not to be desensitized to even the smallest deviant steps.

    INTRODUCTION: It is rare that bad times fall on us without some indication they are approaching. The medical profession uses the term ‘acute’ to describe an illness that attacks suddenly and without apparent warning. Acute situations are rare, but because they come while we are not prepared the more

  • The Sins Of Our Children

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Mar 6, 2004
    based on 7 ratings

    Are we held accountiable for the sins of our children?Designed for ages 19-49.

    The Sins of Our Children. Many say that we are held accountable for the sins of our children. But is that so? The Bible teaches that we will be held accountable for every idle word that we speak. That we must seek out our own salvation, with fear and trembling. There is no verse in scripture more

  • When Sin Is In The Camp

    Contributed by Jimmy Giffin on Mar 14, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    The nation of Israel is stopped on their march into the Promise land. The reason why and the solution are here in this message.

    WHEN THERE IS SIN IN THE CAMP Text: II Corinthians 10:4; Joshua 7 The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. (worldly) They are mighty through God to pull down strongholds. Whether we want to admit to it or not the Church is involved in a spiritual war. The enemy we more

  • Sin And Self-Deception Series

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Man’s way of dealing with sin vs. God’s way.

    Sin and Self Deception I John 1:7-10 INTRO.: New York City’s Jesuit University, Fordham, has for many years had a ram as mascot for its football team. The ram is selected by an audition and is cared for by the students. In 1974, a newspaper article appeared announcing that the then Ram mascot, one more

  • Truths About Sin

    Contributed by Charles Wall, Jr. on Aug 26, 2003
    based on 245 ratings

    Sin will take you further than you want to go; keep you longer than you want to stay; and cost you more than you want to pay.

    Michael Kalman, a dermatologist issues a word of warning to those in our country who constantly strive for that golden brown suntan, "Today’s deeply tanned beauties are tomorrow’s wrinkled prunes." In thinking about sin, sin is kind of like getting a suntan. It may look great today, it may be more

  • The Snare Of Sexual Sins

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Jan 11, 2005
    based on 40 ratings

    How sexual sins will trap you

    Intro: I think I have mentioned before, I have a chipmunk living in my house. He’s a very sly little animal. He’s very cute to look at, and no one would ever want to hurt such a little animal. Yet, he’s also very destructive. He’s made a home up under my vinyl siding and is chewing away at more

  • Jesus And The Sinful Woman

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Jan 22, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Jesus is anointed by the sinful woman.

    MUB 1-23-05 LUKE 7;36-39 36One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to come to his home for lunch and Jesus accepted the invitation. As they sat down to eat, 37a woman of the streets—a prostitute—heard he was there and brought an exquisite flask filled with expensive perfume. 38Going in, she knelt behind more

  • Sin In Relation To God Series

    Contributed by Aaron Householder on Sep 30, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    First in a series of five from Amos; God loves us and desires a relationship with us and that is why sin is so important to him.

    Sin in Relation to God Amos 1 & 2 I. Revelation of God’s Standard and Humanity’s Sin (1:1-2:8) 1. Uncaring Inhumanity (1:3-5) 2. Unjust Treatment (1:6-8) 3. Unbound Relationships (1:9-10) 4. Unforgiving Grudges (1:11-12) 5. Unbelievable Cruelty (1:13-15) 6. Unneeded Disrespect more

  • Go, Sin No More!

    Contributed by Mario Incerti on Nov 13, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Nicky Cruz turns with almost spitting anger, twisted and bitter from the abuse of cigarette burns on his body and scarred physical beatings he had from his childhood’ Get out of my face or I will cut you up’ Nicky was never loved by his parents, a voodoo

    Go, sin no more! John 8:1-11 As pastor Wilkinson confronted Nicky, (a known criminal, drug lord and gang leader) he tries to reach out to him, Wilkinson, a skinny preacher man who has real guts finds himself in a tense and dangerous situation, but he was determined to reach him with the love that more

  • Deliverance From Sin

    Contributed by Peter Balogun on Nov 23, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Many people struggle to live holy lives. God has made provision for your deliverance from the power of sin. this message exposes God’s mind on the subject.

    DELIVERANCE FROM SIN What is sin? Sin is a transgression of the law. When a man breaks the law, that man is said to have committed a sin. There are several factors that could be responsible for this but more prominent amongst these reasons is ignorance. Incidentally, ignorance is never accepted more

  • The Snowball Effects Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 1, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    Sins are not single isolated wrong, but are clustered into families.

    The Snowball Effects of Sin (Matt. 5:27-37) Here is my bulletin insert first: Divorce and Remarriage The subjects of divorce and remarriage are complicated and have always been matters of controversy among Bible-oriented Christians. When addressing this matter, I recognize that many top-notch more

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