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  • Unknown People Of Significance

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jun 2, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Unknown people of significance are the real heroes of today and they deserve to be honored and remembered for their sacrifice. Their sacrifice of their lives, their precious time, their loyal hearts, have bestowed on us our personal freedoms today.

    “The unknown names of significance” “A band of brothers” Thesis: Unknown people of significance are the real heroes of today and they deserve to be honored and remembered for their sacrifice. Their sacrifice of their lives, their precious time, their loyal hearts, have bestowed on us our personal more

  • The Significant Man Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Feb 28, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    We think of Jesus being on trial before Pilate, when really it was Pilate who was being challenged by Jesus. What did Jesus say to Pilate that shook this governor and challenged his entire view of life?

    Eight years ago (2013) Time magazine featured a study that proposed to name the 100 most significant people in history. This study's authors filtered through over 9000 names and came up with this list, and these are the TOP 10 of that list: 1 Jesus (it’s intriguing that Time magazine would more

  • The Search For Significance

    Contributed by Curtis Kittrell on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Wherever groups of people are gathered you can observe behaviors revealing a universal "search for significance." The group may be political, commercial, social or even religious, but the signs will be there. The drive for significance seems to be a part

    THE SEARCH FOR SIGNIFICANCE SCRIPTURE: Matthew 20:20-28 INTRODUCTION Wherever groups of people are gathered you can observe behaviors revealing a universal "search for significance." The group may be political, commercial, social or even religious, but the signs will be there. The drive for more

  • The Gift Of Significance Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Dec 10, 2001
    based on 53 ratings

    In this message we will look at some people & places in the Christmas story and unwrap the gift of significance (Gifts of Christmas - part two)

    “The Gift Of Significance” The Gifts Of Christmas – part two TODAY is our second week in a series of messages that I’m calling The Gifts Of Christmas. OUR goal in this series is to keep the real meaning of Christmas at the forefront of our minds AND at the center of our hearts. Last week - more

  • Significance Of His Kingship Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on May 20, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    Psalm 2 holds a proclamation of celebration of the Lord’s eternal authority over all kings and every nation in the midst of their boasting and planning to ignore His universal Kingship.

    Significance of His Kingship The Lord Has Final Authority Psalm 2 holds a truth which overrules all nations regardless of their present world-wide influence. The Bible says, “Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together more

  • Significance Series

    Contributed by David Beirne on May 17, 2005
    based on 38 ratings

    To be Spirit-led is to realize how God values you.

    The SPIRIT-led Lifestyle Part 2: Significance For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God. Romans 8:14 The purpose of this series is to help you understand the values that drive me as your pastor. Today we tackle the first letter in the more

  • Great Memorials Of The New Testament

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on May 29, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Just as our society has memorials to remember significant people and events, so does the New Testament offer us memorials to remember significant people and events.

    Great Memorials of the New Testament Text: Matthew 26:6-13 Introduction: Memorial Day, also called Decoration Day, honors U. S. citizens who have died in war. It originally commemorated soldiers killed in the Civil War. Following WWI it was extended to all United States war dead. National more

  • The Small Is Significant Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 31, 2021

    The two great commandments of Christ are to love God with all our being and our neighbor as ourselves. Keeping the second commandment is a matter of good relationships with other people, and this is a matter where the tongue is the key factor.

    The story is told of a man who had lived all his life on one of the small islands of the South Pacific until he came to visit America. He crossed the continent by train, and spent days watching the landscape. When the train crossed the Mississippi River, and he was told how much further he still more

  • The Significance Of The Church

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jan 13, 2008

    Paul talks about a mystery, the creation of a new man, people from all tribes and nations, including Jews and Gentiles...the Church of Jesus Church. There is something very significant about the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Introduction Last week- talked about Jesus being out front in 2008. Referring to a song called Breathe Today by Flyleaf- You can only move as fast as Who’s in front of you We can … follow the wisdom of men, live in the shadow of how life has always been never believing it can be different, more

  • The Significance Of Indiscretion-2

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 14, 2012

    2 of 2. Genesis records the significance of the indiscretion of Noah’s younger son, Ham. Understanding the significance of indiscretion imparts wisdom/ is instructive to God’s people. Indiscretion holds significance for...

    The SIGNIFICANCE OF INDISCRETION-II—Genesis 9:18-29 Attention: Discreet— ‘Careful & circumspect in one's speech or actions, esp. in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an advantage.’ M-W—1) Having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct & especially more

  • The Significance Of Indiscretion-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 24, 2012

    1 of 2. Genesis records the significance of the indiscretion of Noah’s younger son, Ham. Understanding the significance of indiscretion imparts wisdom/ is instructive to God’s people. Indiscretion holds significance for...

    The SIGNIFICANCE OF INDISCRETION-I—Genesis 9:18-29 Attention: Our American society seems to be drifting farther & farther from under the umbrella of discretion. Discreet— ‘Careful & circumspect in one's speech or actions, esp. in order to avoid causing offense or to gain an more

  • Love's Significance Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 8, 2022

    Love people and be effective, excellent, and eternal.

    A little girl stayed for dinner at the home of her first-grade friend. Her friend’s mother brought a bowl of buttered broccoli to the table and asked the little girl if she liked it. The little girl replied very politely, “Oh yes, I love it!” But when her friend’s family passed the bowl around more

  • Everyone Is Significant

    Contributed by Greg Johnson on Jan 29, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    God’s Word tells us that everyone is significant to Jesus. Even a wretch such as I. Jesus said “(Luke 19:10 NIV) "the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."

    Everyone is Significant By Greg Johnson January 28, 2007 Luke 19:1-10 Many today are being treated unfairly by others. They are looked at through judgmental and condemning eyes. It ought not to be so. There is the mother of four children under the age of more

  • Significant Insignificance

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 21, 2000
    based on 84 ratings

    Human significance comes only from God

    Significant Insignificance Psalm 8. 3-5 October 28, 1997 Meigs Area Holiness Rally I. The Canadian Star scape A. The rugged beauty of the Canadian landscape: Annual fishing trip, little piece of heaven, cabin view of Candy Cane Ridge, Canadian National post card B. The majestic beauty of the more

  • The Significance Of The Resurrection

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Apr 18, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    What is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus to our lives? What would it mean for us if He never did rise?

    The Significance of The Resurrection Introduction: Sadly, as people think about the season the world calls “Easter”, the thoughts of people are going to be more upon an Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs, and an Easter Basket than upon the resurrected Lord that we set this day apart to more