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  • Bread Of Life

    Contributed by Paul Zwarich on Jul 30, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus came back from His retreat after John’s death focused on the only power that could defeat evil.

    Lectionary 18 A Matthew 14:13-21 In the past I have no doubt that most of you have heard the account of the “Feeding of the Five Thousand” and that you know that the story informs us of the miracle of how Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed five thousand men more

  • Giver Of Life

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Aug 5, 2008

    There are at least four basic essentials for human life. Light, Air, Water, and Food

    Giver of Life John 1:2-4 Monte T. Brown August 3, 2008 Sunday Morning Heart O’ the Hills Prelude Life is a key theme in John’s gospel; it is used thirty-six times. The word Life brings up many questions, but I would like to focus on one question and that is this: What are more

  • Discover Life

    Contributed by Johnny Chase on Aug 27, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    I preached this message at the launch of our new church name Discover Life Church.

    Discover Life! Intro. - How the name change came about When I was praying about a new name for our church I wanted to find a name that connected to the community so I went to the Chamber of Commerce website. Here is what I found. Chamber of Commerce website There’s something inside you that begs more

  • Blessed Life Series

    Contributed by Jeremias Fababier on Sep 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    As God’s people we are not expected not just to know what we should believe but we need also to know how to behave

    TOPIC: BLESSED LIFE (A Life that Honors God – Sermon on the Mount Series) Text: Matthew 5:3-12 INTRODUCTION: In1Timothy 4:16 Paul declares clearly: “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” NOTICE THAT PAUL more

  • The Abundant Life

    Contributed by Geoff Hamrick on Apr 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This message deals with people giving up on life.

    The Abundant Life Recently a neighbor of ours decided to end his life. It is not known the reason why, and that is not the important thing here. What is important is that his quality of life was not good enough that he decided to go ahead and end it. There are people who would say, “I would never more

  • The Game Of Life

    Contributed by Todd Bishop on Apr 18, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    A discovery of the 4 life strategies towards a whole, complete life with Christ.

    Has anyone ever heard of “The Game of Life” by Milton Bradley? The Game of Life is a board game that takes you on the journey of life - you can be the rich man, the poor man, or even the beggar. In this game you learn that life is full of surprises. You can risk everything for BIG gains or you more

  • Choose Life!

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Apr 21, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    In response to Virginia Tech: we have choices -- to choose to live in the here and now; to choose to give life to our children by contradicting this violent culture; and to choose life eternal for ourselves.

    “I had no choice.” Of all the things we heard this past week from the deeply disturbed mind of Cho Seung Hui, that stands out for me as key: “I had no choice.” Cho Seung Hui felt trapped and cornered. He felt driven to do this terrible thing. In his mind, every victim was to blame – they were more

  • Life In The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jul 9, 2007
    based on 90 ratings

    This message is part of a series Entitled "Walking in the Spirit." Though Christians believe in the Holy Spirit, many do not understand how to walk daily in the Spirit nor the blessings God grants to those who do.

    ROMANS 8:5-11 LIFE IN THE SPIRIT Our text reveals that there are only two ways to live life. Paul draws several contrasts between existence ruled by the flesh and the new life of the Spirit. To walk in the Spirit is to be "in step" with the Spirit. Life in the Spirit more

  • Life's A Mystery Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    19th in a series from Epehsians. Our life is more fulfilling when we realize it is a mystery that god reveals day by day.

    A mystery-lover took his place in the theater for opening night, but his seat was way back in the theater, far from the stage. So the man called an usher over and whispered, ’’I just love a good mystery, and I have been anxiously anticipating the opening of this play. However, in order to carefully more

  • The Good Life Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jul 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    A good life involves having 1) the right attitude, 2) have the right response, 3) have the right standard, and 4) have the right incentive.

    VBS this week: joy of children celebrating realities of God, it becomes obvious how we often learn ways of casting off Joy and losing focus. This morning, given our locale of worship, I want to change our usual format to focus on the nature of a good life in 1 Pt 3:8-12 in having 1) the right more

  • The Abundant Life

    Contributed by Scott Jordan on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    The Abundant Life

    The Abundant Life "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10, I. Facts about the Abundant Life: A. The "abundant" life should be the normal life of God’s more

  • Choose Life

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Aug 3, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Evangelistic sermon including proof of resurrection.

    The Easter service at a church in Mississippi was interrupted a few years ago by an unexpected guest. In the middle of the service a man entered the church with a gun in one hand and the leash attached to a German Shepherd dog in the other hand. He ran to the front of the auditorium, shot his more

  • Life As It Really Is

    Contributed by John Wright on Aug 10, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Truths about Satan’s efforts to control men and Jesus’ power to free them.

    LIFE AS IT REALLY IS Introduction: Tell the story: 2 men – possessed by devils, cry out to Jesus for ‘mercy’ – Jesus casts them out of the 2 men, allow them to go into a herd of swine (Mark 5:13 – 2000 swine), the pigs immediately rush into the sea and are destroyed – dead. The keepers of the more

  • Victorious Life, The

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Aug 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We are living in a season of great spiritual opportunities. How do we take advantage of those opportunities and live a life of spiritual victory.

    Introduction Completed a series about- Kingdom of God- being … kingdom minded people, and kingdom builders. There are seasons of life we go through as Christians. There are also seasons in the eternal plan of God. Mtt 16:1-3 Important to understand the season we are in so we know how to live more

  • The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Mike Parry on Aug 15, 2007
    based on 41 ratings

    The key question for this sermon is: "What are you hungry for?" and answers with Jesus statement: "I AM the Bread of Life."

    “The Bread of Life” The I AM statement of Jesus August 5, 2007 Text: John 6 Introduction: This morning we are beginning a new sermon series, The I AM statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John. Jesus made an incredible statement to the Jews in response to a discussion about the greatness of more

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